
The queens party <3

Everything was ready and yet there seemed to be some uneasiness in the air. No one but one person knew why. They all decided to temporarily ignore it and instead tried to focus on the Queen.

Soon enough the guests arrived and prepared themselves to surprise the Queen. The moment a guard came running in announcing the Queen's arrival. Everyone remained silent as they heard footsteps echoing in the hall. They hoped Queen Hermione and King Darryl had remembered the last part of the plan. Convincing the Queen to go change into a different outfit and had covered her eyes. They knew everything went to plan when the two guards near the door opened it slowly and there was Queen Amidalya in her stunning dress, a gift from the King. King Edward calmly walked towards his wife 'Hello Luv, did you have a good time?'' he inquired in a gentle sweet voice. She smiled instantly when she heard him speak "Yes the place was stunning!'' she paused, "May I ask why i have to wear a blindfold?" her voice is as soft as ever. Reminded most of the guests of honey. Yes honey, many people described her voice as soft and sweet as honey, as calming as a soothing mother. And her children agreed with both statements they cared for her as deeply as she cared for them. The king smiled and walked behind her "You'll see why luv" he reached for the blindfold and softly undid it as he took it off he couldn't help but caress her hair softly. He smiled as he moved to see her reaction. She slowly got accustomed to the light. He watched as she slowly eyed the room in confusion until she realized. Somehow when she smiled the room got brighter "oh dear.. How sweet of all of you!" She turned to her husband, thanking him with a gentle kiss, leaving him craving more. Yet he refrained . She smiled as her children walked towards her enveloping her into a warm embrace. She paused not seeing her youngest son. She looked at her husband with a confused expression. He paused searching the room. Until his eyes landed on his son trying to make his way through the crowd holding a box? He eyed the guards and signaled them to help the boys. They rushed over to clear the way for the boy, as the Queen stopped her embrace with her other 3 children she looked for her youngest. She smiled warmly once her eyes laid on him. She eyed the box with curiosity. He walked over to her and a guard offered to hold it so he handed it and instantly embraced his mother. It was a beautiful and heartwarming sight. Causing everyone in the room to smile.Once they separated the guard passed him the box. No-one aside from the king knew what was inside it. He bowed to her before kneeling on one knee. He tried not to smile at her confused gaze. He quietly held the box up and she gently opened it gasping softly at what was inside. Everyone was curious, they watched intently as she reached inside pulling out a stunning crown made of diamonds with gold engraved into it. It had all types of jewels on it. As the boy stood up his mother softly felt the crown "My dear Karl this is too much.. It's stunning. Would you help me put it on?" He smiled as she gently handed it to her, softly taking off her current crown and putting it in the box now being held by her husband. She slightly curtsied so the short boy could place it on her head. He made sure to attach it correctly so it wouldn't fall off.

Everyone was impressed by the young boy including a specific pair of boys who had been invited simply because of their parents. The two boys eyed Karl with surprise both at the crown and at his appearance. They watched as the royal family stood behind her watching how his older siblings gave him looks of surprise and gently nudged him joking around. He smiled at them and, feeling eyes on him he looked around. Pausing as his eyes met dark blue and ones that looked so dark he mistaken them for the color black.

His heart skipped a beat it felt like they were staring for hours. He felt a new feeling sprout in his heart. He knew what it was , it was all he ever heard about from his brother George specifically when talking about Prince Dream. He knew who the boys were they were Prince Sapnap and Prince Quackity. He had heard of them through his mother seeing as their parents were her best friends. He felt his heart flutter. None of the boys dared look away. He noticed a slight blush on both the boys faces. He could've, correction he wanted to continue looking at them. Until he felt a hand on his wrist pulling him out of his thoughts. He instantly looked to see it was his sister Hannah she was smiling at him while raising an eyebrow. She knew didn't she? Yet she didn't bring it up "come on Karl! Go find a partner! The dance is about to begin!" You could feel the pure excitement radiating from her. He paused smiled nodding as she saw her best friend Wilbur walk towards her smiling once he arrived he gave a nod to Karl curtsied ,which Karl returned, then he turned to Hannah extending his hand bowing slightly "May I have this dance my lady?" Hannah held back a snicker and pit her hand in his "Why yes good sir" they paused looking at each other before bursting into laughter earning a few confused stares and a few knowing smiles.

Karl, now alone, awkwardly stood there looking for an exit, escape or even possibly a partner. Just as he was about to leave to find a book or partner a hand stopped him.

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with you, your majesty?" He turned around to see ….

To be continued :)