
Cadence, Sword, knife and gun.

"Okay, so, forget all this royalty queen crap. You're a fighter now, show it." Scarlett said.

Cadence held her sword between her hands and tried striking at Scarlett. Scarlett just lifted her sword and blocked her attack.

"Really? Is that all? Come on mum, please." Scarlett chuckled.

"I don't want to hurt you," Cadence said gently.

"Hurt me? Please, pretend you're fighting to save your life, you wouldn't walk up to your enemy and say, I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you. Would you? No. So less soft stuff and more hardcore." Scarlett yelled as she was a drill Sargent in the military.

Ash took a seat at the nearby bench along with Jacklyn.

"This could get interesting," Jacklyn said to Ash.

Ash nodded and returned his attention to Cadence and Scarlett.

Cadence attacked Scarlett but Scarlett stepped to the side causing Cadence to run into the fence.

"See, always be prepared when your enemy blocks your attacks. You could turn around now and attack me from the back. Otherwise, your enemy will." Scarlett said demonstrating.

"I get you. So when they have their back turned, attack? Or I'll get attacked. If they block my move, try attacking again?" Cadence nodded.

Scarlett nodded and waited for Cadence to get back into position. They continued to talk about fighting, blocking, attacking and sneak attacks.

"So when you've finished your attack, what I like to do is either jump over them and attack from the behind or, I would attack then, go to my knees and try that way. The possibilities are endless, just, whatever works for you. Ash, could you come here for a second?" Scarlett explained, followed by her question.

Ash got to his feet and joined Scarlett and Cadence.

"So watch and learn," Scarlett said.

Cadence backed up and lowered her sword. Scarlett nodded at Ash, who stood there. Scarlett ran up to Ash and pretended to slash him then, jump over him and picked a knife from her boots and pretend to stab him in the back. Scarlett got up and demonstrated the second way. She jumped over Ash and pretended to attack him followed by, her sliding on her knees then, attacking him from under. Ash helped Scarlett back to her feet.

"Thank you. You see Cadence, just like that. You could go from front to back or, over the top to back to under. The choice is yours, all ways are really effective. Now, you try." Scarlett said out of breath.

Cadence smiled nervously. She ran up to Scarlett and pretended to hit her followed by, running behind her and attacking.

"No, don't run around. That leaves your guard open for a side attack, if you run around at least attack from the side. Either, jump over the top or if you prefer running around then, attack the side." Scarlett barked.

"I see, I think I got it down now. Attack from behind if I jump over top and attack from the front is attacked from behind." Cadence said.

Ash smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. So, that's pretty much all the basics you need to learn. Attacking from the front and behind. Attacking, blocking and counteracting. Are you ready to move onto step two of your training?" Ash questioned.

"Whats part two?" Cadence asked.

"Guns, This time I will teach you about them and how to use them. It's pretty straight forward, load, cock it, aim and then, pull the trigger, Easy." Ash said.

"Alright, yeah I think I'm ready. That sounds like it could be easy enough. What do I do with my sword?" Cadence asked.

"Keep it, it's yours now. Youll need it." Scarlett said, putting her sword away.

Scarlett joined Jacklyn back at the bench and smiled at her.

"Do you think she will be able to hold up a good fight? I mean, she's a queen, never held a weapon in her life, What do you think?" Jacklyn asked.

"If we train her enough, she may just be able to hold up a good fight with someone else there," Scarlett replied.

Ash threw Cadence a gun, She held the pistol in her hand looking at it carefully, examining the details. The gun Ash threw to her was in a gunmetal grey colour with a solid silver handle decorated with diamonds on the end. The gun had a floral design lasered into it, kind of like Ash's pistol. Along the side in cursive writing spelt the name 'Deadly rose.'

"This gun is beautiful. I love the diamonds at the end of the handle. Did this belong to Scarlett?" Cadence questioned.

"It did. She never uses it anymore, She has a new one. That one is yours now." Ash smiled.

Ash walked up to Cadence and handed her a little carriage full of shells or bullets if you like.

"So, what you do is press that little button on the handle and the previous shell box will drop out of it. Then, you just slide the new one in." Ash explained,

Cadence followed his instructions to the exact point. She pressed the button, the shells fells out. She then reloaded the new ones.

"Ash, it's called a magazine not a box of shells. This isn't an Ak-47." Jacklyn laughed.

"Now, pull the top part, then slide back towards you. Remember, grip it and pull it back sharply, until it stops then release." Ash said.

"Got it." Cadence replied, following his instructions.

Ash walked into the nearby garden shed and rummaged around for a while before, returning outside with two targets. He set them up across the garden from them and walked back to where Cadence was stood.

"Okay, let's get some practice with these targets," Ash said, loading his gun up.

Cadence aimed, cocked the gun and fired.

"Dammit, blue ring. I need to be consistent with my shots and in the yellow area," She said to herself.

Ash fired, one, two, three, all in the yellow area. Again, one, two, three, yellow area. Cadence sighed to herself and tried to relax She fired the gun again, one, two, red area.

"You're getting better, focus. Focus on the yellow area. Pretend it is someone you really don't like and shoot it." Ash said, trying to calm Cadence down.

Cadence shot her gun once more, one, two, yellow area.

"Yes! Yellow. Thankfully. Now what?" she asked.

"Well, reload and now we can try cans. Jacklyn, would you be a dear and collect some cans from inside, thank you." Ash said.

Cadence and Ash reloaded their guns while, Scarlett removed the targets and placed them back into the shed, locking it behind her. Jacklyn placed five cans along the top of the bench about 10cm apart. Cadence shot the cans, three out of five. Jacklyn reloaded the cans back up on the bench and Ash shot all five before pulling the magazine out of his gun and placing it with an empty one.

"Breath, you got this. Just focus on the cans and shoot" Ash said.

The cans were reloaded back up and Cadence shot the gun. All five this time went down. She jumped in the air with joy.

"yay! All five, gosh, I'm so good." Cadence exclaimed.

"Okay, now, empty the magazine and place an empty one in it. Then, flick that little switch above your handle, it turns on your safety mode, so you don't shoot yourself while running or walking." Ash said, clicking his safety on.

"Okay, enough chatting, my turn. We don't have much daylight left so, let's get this over with. S,o knives and daggers, pretty much the same as swords but, we use them usually as little add on attacks. Like Scarlett was explaining, we use them to add attacks onto our main attacks." Jacklyn explained.

Jacklyn handed Cadence a rose gold blade karambit the handle was made of black silk.

"Where do you all get these weapons from, they're beautiful! I thought I had loads of money, but this? This is amazing" Cadence exclaimed, admiring the beauty of the blade.

"It's yours now. Keep it, Were just trying to help you. So, there are many ways you can use that knife, as Scarlett said, front, side or back attacks. You can use it to harm your enemies, I like stabbing their leg, it prevents them from moving. On their own they don't do much damage, but, with a sword or gun, they're pretty good. Let me show you." Jacklyn explained, taking out her knife.

She pulled a black blade karambit with a green woven handle out of her boots and demonstrated the different attacks you can use with a knife, underarm, overarm, side, back and front.

"See, With a knife by its self, it's pretty useless, Unless you know the right place to attack with. Mixing knife attacks with sword attacks are pretty good. Keep that in mind." Jacklyn explained.

"Great, yeah, I think I got it now. Thank you, guys." Cadence thanked.

"Well, I think that's all, isn't it? Ash asked.

"Yeah, Aren't you guys taking off now? Jacklyn, you said you wanted to return home for a little while andAash was going to go with you? I think now would be the best time to go. I wish you both the best, I'm sure we will cross paths again soon." Scarlett said.

Scarlett walked over to Jacklyn and hugged her tightly. They didn't let each other go. Scarlett began crying, tearing rolling down her face, soaking into Jacklyn's shirt. Jacklyn pulled away, put a hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Ill miss you, Good luck." Jacklyn smiled.

Scarlett smiled and couldn't speak any words. Ash walked over to her and pulled her close before, kissing her. They embraced for a while, hugging and kissing. Ash pulled away before whispering something in her ear.

"I love you, good luck princess. Go get your home back." He whispered.

"I love you too, Keep Jacklyn safe." Scarlett cried.

Jacklyn and Ash both began walking to the gate before leaving. They turned around to wave goodbye.

"Goodbye." Scarlett and Cadence yelled back to them.

"Let's get this show rolling. We need our house back." CAdence said.