
Once again live

Never trust everyone ,even if it's your beloved

Gel_Navaja_Bendong · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

chapter one:The betrayal

He always thought he could face anything and anyone in the world until the day he was betrayed by his own flesh and blood. He had never thought in his wildest dreams that his beloved sister, whom he had always protected and loved, would turn on him one day. But she did, and that act shattered his entire world.

He was the best assassin in the world, feared by many and respected by even more. But when his sister, the one person he couldn't fight back against, handed him over to his enemies, he became vulnerable. He couldn't fight, couldn't protect himself, and most of all, he couldn't trust anyone ever again.

He remembered that fateful night when she had invited him to her house, under the pretext of reconciliation. He should have known better, but he was too blinded by his love for her. And then, he found himself surrounded by masked men, ready to end his life.

He had fought

with all his might, but he knew he was outmatched. He tried to reason with his sister, but she wouldn't listen. In that moment, he realized that he had truly lost everything. He had lost his sister, his trust, his honor, and his life.

As the darkness crept in and everything turned to black, he could feel himself slipping away. But before he completely succumbed to death, he heard a voice whispering to him. It promised him a second chance, a new life, and a chance for new living