
The day of Zhang Huobai

A few years ago,

"He is so cool, isn't he?" Su Ranran whispered into Wei Xiang's ear, looking at the tall boy on the basketball court, who just dunked the ball and scored another point.

The stands were full, and almost every member of the audience was a woman. That was the power of Zhang Huobai. He just came and everyone was swooning over him.

His dark black hair framing his delicate face with prominent cheekbones. His eyes were black deep and his gaze would seduce everyone if he wanted.

His mouth, below the straight, slightly at the end rounded nose, was thin, pink and had a characteristic v-shaped upper lip. He rarely showed a smile. But when he did smile, his entire face lit up.

"Huobai, you are on a roll today!" Xu Kai high-fived the boy and smiled at him. They won, so they were thrilled to get into the semifinals with the basketball team.

"Thanks, bro." Huobai high-fived him back and drank the water he had on the bench and wiped out the sweat that formed while he was crushing those noobs.

"Let's go boys, I need to do something later," Huobai said and stood up from the bench he was sitting on and walked across the court. As he was just about to enter the boy changing room, a group of girls crossed his path.

"Zhang Huobai, can we talk to you?" one of them shouted, her pitchy voice cracking at how shy she was. He would be embarrassed if he was her, so he gave her some face and nodded.

They all screamed, hurting his sensitive ears, and Huobai flinched. They swarmed around him, as if they wanted to swallow him alive. But he appreciated they gave him some distance, not pressing their bodies into him.

"Well, you know, you.. I… Ranran wants to tell you something." The girl that shouted had blushed and pushed another girl in front of her.

She obviously didn't expect such a betrayal. Her footing became unstable, and she smashed right onto Huobai, who caught her in his arms. They didn't fall down, because he was strong enough to hold them up.

She looked up at his face, and her eyes fluttered together with her heart. It would be the perfect romantic novel moment. If there wasn't one problem.

Huobai was pretty disgusted that she touched him. He wasn't clean; it was hot outside, so she was sweaty too, and it made his mood even worse because he was angry at himself.

She was a beautiful girl. Why didn't he feel anything but disgust? She was touching his body. But he wasn't okay with it. He hated this invasion of private space.

So, as soon as she gained her stability, he let her go and took a step back to gain some distance again. She was pink all over and looking down on the ground.

"I-I-I'm sorry," she whispered and didn't look up at all. Huobai suppressed the desire to grimace and nodded.

"No problem, what's the thing you wanted?" he asked, his voice already low. He was just starting his senior year, of course. He was still growing, but Huobai was already manly, gaining the attention of all girls in the school. So he had an idea what this was about.

"Bai… will you just stand there getting adored by those girls or will you go in and let us shower too?" Kai yelled over the girls, because they were stuck behind the group and the girl group blocked the entrance.

Huobai smiled because he finally got an excuse to get out. But those girls were smart… too smart. They made a way for his teammates to get inside, while still holding him hostage.

He wanted to groan. Huobai didn't want to be rude or something like that, but he smelled himself and really hated to be this sweaty a minute more.

"I'm sorry, can I take a shower? You can wait for me to put my clothes on and I will talk to you then," he finally said, thinking of escape.

"We will wait for you," they all said collectively, and let him through. He finally could shower and change from the sweaty uniform. When he was done Ye Jingyi was already waiting for him, together with Xu Kai.

"So, I heard you cause a traffic jam again," Jingyi asked and chuckled. Huobai shot a death glare at Kai, who was definitely the one who told him.

"Don't remind me again. I feel bad for him every time. But I adore the bravery they show while trying to talk to him." Kai laughed and patted Huobai's shoulder.

"Are they still outside?" he asked Jingyi, suppressing the desire to growl again. When Jingyi nodded, he wanted to cry even more.

"Backdoor?" Huobai asked with hope in his voice, but it was soon crushed by Jingyi's smirk.

"They are staying by all doors. Don't even think about sneaking out. I feel that they have established a perfect way to trap you in. You have no other choice than to surrender." Huobai now really groaned with frustration.

He looked at the watch he put on. He was in a hurry, his father was coming back from Macau, so he had to be home sooner than usual.

Huobai massaged the knee that was hurting him since the morning. But it didn't get worse during the game, so he thought it was nothing.

"Let's go. I want to get over with it. If it's another confession, I think I will just cry," Huobai said, totally defeated. He did not know what happened, but this past week it would be like the eighth confession he would get. Honestly, it was a bit annoying because he didn't know any of those girls.

"Don't be so surprised, you got really handsome over the summer. If I were a girl, I would fall in love with your face too," Kai laughed while grabbing Huobai's chin and closely inspecting his face.

"You take after your mother more now. Will you be a model like her?" Jingyi jokingly asked and Huobai frowned.

"Get your dirty thoughts of my mother, you freaks." The two of them laughed and dragged Huobai to the exit, where he was greeted by loud screams from the girls waiting there.