
On The Path Of Cultivation To Become God

The Chaos War, a time when even the gods fought for survival, was an unexpected and cataclysmic event. The reasons for its occurrence remain shrouded in mystery, and in the new era, all traces of the world before the war have been erased from existence. The universe, the immortal realm, and even the domain of the gods were all affected, and no one was spared from the aftermath of the conflict. The beings who lived before the war are now known as ancient gods, and their legends continue to captivate and inspire the people of the new era. Chen Tian, who was killed due to a treasure from the ancient era, finds himself reincarnated in a strange and unfamiliar place known as Earth. Unlike his previous life, the people here are only mortal and rely heavily on technology for their daily lives, and the concept of cultivation is unknown to them. Thinking that he would have an easy life in this new world, Chen Tian quickly realizes this world is far from simple. Join Chen Tian on his journey in discovering mysteries that will leave even gods shocked, and witness how he becomes a powerful cultivator, fighting against immortals and gods. PS: I don't own the cover. I got it from pinterest.

Lord_Olethros · Kỳ huyễn
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356 Chs

Jade Bone Heavenly Body, I promise to give you a great opportunity!

The golden sunlight streamed through the opening in the roof, casting a warm, shimmering glow across the tranquil surface of the lake, making the water sparkle like liquid crystals.

Four statues of small tigers stood at each side of the lake, pouring water from their mouths.

The water cascaded into the lake, creating a soothing sound that echoed through the surrounding area. The gentle splashing harmonized with the stillness, making the room feel like a sanctuary.

The moment Chen Tian stepped inside the room, his body trembled…

No, it wasn't his body, but his dantian that seemed to shake with excitement.

Chen Tian's eyes landed on the lake, and he felt a strange pull towards it.

'Is the new elemental crystal inside the lake?' Chen Tian wondered, his heartbeat quickening.

Chen Tian immediately thought that the new elemental crystal was in the lake, his heart racing with anticipation.