
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Training 1

" Alright.. now that you kids have felt that the road to becoming stronger would make you feel pain and hardships. "

"Do you??"

"Have the willpower to carry out your wishes against this tremendous barrier to becoming stronger than you are now."

" Whatever your answer to that is. Do not tell me your answer. I would rather you keep it to yourself after we are finished with today's training. You should ask yourselves that question once again and compare your current answer."

" Let us continue your training now, and I will demonstrate the most basic principle of casting, and do follow the actions that I do and carefully" Teacher Richmond then controls the element near him, which is most abundant, and that is the earth element. He uses his element in that which he has converted using the magic circle in his heart where the elemental pool lies. As Teacher Richmond guides the surrounding earth element to do his bidding, he explains his actions to the kids.

" We as humans are just a simple vessel of these elements, so these elements are free unless

naturally, we convert these or not really convert these elements more like imprint ourselves unto these elements. So that we will have a greater command of these elements" Moving on, Sir Richmond cast the guided spell using a tier 1 circle which resulted in the earthen floor rumbling so suddenly. -boom-. A sharp spike made out of compacted dirt appeared. The sharp earth spike seems harder and better than a piece of metal instantly appearing on the ground.

" For now, as if there is some greater power out there who put a limit to what we can cast for earth magic within the limit of a tier 1 circle, there is the simple earth spike, fire with Firebolts depending on the quality of your element energy or mana, can bring out strong firepower. Water bolts with the same principle along a wind cutter for the wind element. Of course, it would be different for other rare elements that you have. It differs but still, the same rule applies you can only cast one spell that uses guided elements with your imprinted elements as the leader. "As you progress to in your levels, tiers, and the quality of your energy or mana, you will have more freedom in using your elements. You will also lose the restriction of just casting a simple spell. Since our field is wide enough to accommodate us all, distance yourself from the others. And we have more time left before going our separate ways, do practice your magic spells." The students proceeded to distance themselves to have more room, just in case they make mistakes and accidentally hurt someone, which is not allowed on campus. "whoo finally my very first spell, I have to prepare for that early pain and continue to finish my spell. ahhh!! geez, that hurt still" Jandyne gritted his teeth and continued to channel his spell through the circle. Somehow he could perceive the earth elements near him, using his imprinted elements he moved these other elements to follow what his imprinted elements are going to and -pop-. "Ehhh.. What the heck all that effort and all just to receive an earth spike less than my waist being made??" 'anyways I am happy that's my first spell let's take a look around shall we.' As he looked around it seems that he is above average for the others only had an average of earthspikes less than the knee or at the knee level. But for some, the firebolts had around four finger sizes and the water element about the same but for the wind element some had big and wide ones, and some had small ones that were thin. They all threw them up to avoid injuries while others went near the training dummies at the end line of the training ground. Everybody was doing their own thing.