
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Fight or Run

-rustle rustle- the rustling of leaves startled Ceazar and he immediately hides to see what is coming. "What could that be?" Ceazar prepares his earthspike since it could be cast almost instantly because of the abundance of earth elements around the place. Although the height is around the chest only with a tensile strength like iron.

-rustle rustle-

-chuff chuff- a catlike feline with stripes walks slowly as if it seems to be happy.

Ceazar's eyes dilate. He felt fear grip his heart, his beating heart screams to fight but the mind says 'Freaking Idiot run'.

The monster in front of him is a Tiger.

'How the fuck does a tiger get here this is not even a rainforest. Unless of course, it is a part of the training.'

Ceazar slowly moves away for he remembers the lesson yesterday, He wasn't prepared against a beast, but now that an evolved monster of an animal is right in front of him.

'Nah forget that I am not taking that animal on'

As he slowly inches away from the monster

-crack crack crack-

One pinecone that has dried up has been stepped upon by Ceazar.

'The f******k!!! a cliche thing indeed!'

The tiger immediately moves his head to where the sound came from. With the tiger being an evolved monster it immediately spots dinner for today. It smiles knowing that he will soon have fresh human blood on his paws. These despicable humans have taken him captive and suddenly freed him in this unknown forest. The tiger was king of its territory with no challengers to fight for the throne. Therefore, the tiger had a mountain to itself, a very rich in food type of mountain. But these despicable humans one day came and attacked him, the king, out of the blue. Now he will slowly make them pay, starting with this human in front of him.

'Should I gamble and make a run for it or fight???? Nope, no, and heck no.'

Ceazar immediately starts running through the forest as if his life depended on it, ' ahhhh, brain think, think, think, what to do?'

Ceazar does not even look back to check if the tiger is running after him or not.

' How the heck do I outrun a quadrupedal monster that is evolved from its basic version? Whoever did this is crazy enough to be murdered'

-Huff huff-

Ceazar is a little out of breath but suddenly he hears a roar so loud it almost deafened his ears. He looks back a little, just to see the tiger finally starting to run after him. He immediately looks around for a way out and he sees a cliff. 'That's it, the cliff I will use the earthspikes to climb the cliff, and hopefully, the tiger is not able to fly or some shit'

Ceazar guns for it and even use earthspikes as big as he can to try and hinder the tiger from catching up to him. The tiger was slowly catching up to him, and luckily the earthspikes were hindering the tiger a little bit and it may be enough. So that he can reach the cliff and get a headstart in climbing it because obviously, a tiger can climb. ' I have seen documentaries that their tiger cubs climb trees as if they were walking on flat ground and with their sharp claws.' As soon as he reaches the foot of the cliff he starts channeling and proceeds to cast them as he grabs one and moves up the cliff. The tiger sees this and immediately runs faster and with more strength. Ceazar climbs and also jumps now and then because his element pool is slowly getting smaller and smaller. The tiger then claws his way up and halfway to where Ceazar is at. The tiger is unable to move up more for it is fatigued and feels that he is too heavy to continue. The tiger moves back down and Ceazar sees this which makes him smile in relief. But -whooosh- the tiger is gathering the water element as soon as it touches the ground and the temperature beside it is getting colder and colder. ' whooo finally, hah take that dang Tiger hehe. Wait don't tell me it is about to cast a spell'

Ceazar wanted to cry but no tears were coming out.

'What do I do look and think Ceazar look and think'

Ceazar looks up the cliff and sees a hang that he could climb into and hide from the spell the tiger is casting.

The tiger smirks and thinks that this secret spell of his which has killed his competitors before will be enough to send that brat falling from the cliff.