
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Awakening 3

Ceazar felt like taking his hands off the ball but his intuitions were telling him not to do it. He did not even hear his teacher as he was focused on getting this done. Soon he felt the pressure lessen as to what felt like a lifetime of time passed. He then proceeded to open his eyes and say "Finally done ayayaya I can go home now". But then as he looked at his teacher and those around him, it seems as if someone put an air shaped like an egg in their mouth since some of them had it open like shocked. Some even had made their eyes go big which made him giggle at little and ask. " I know I am handsome but come on guys chill". "

"Handsome my ass" as teacher Jane pulls his sideburns once again.

"Hey yow chill.. ahhh that hurts." Ceazar rubs his sideburns and looks at Teacher with a look asking what he has done wrong.

"You don't really know or feel at least or even understand your awakened element"

" Well yeah I just awakened the one I felt like I was close to so I could be done with it, well at least that is what this orb made me feel to do"

"hmm that is odd, Do you not really know?" as Jane looks at the orb to see if something went wrong.

" That am done with the awakening right?" Ceazar scratches his hair

"Haist you really are dense you know that... ANYWAYS!! you lazy bum awakened one of the mandatory element that the government will sponsor and make sure that will be used properly." Jane rubs her forehead and once again explains to this dense Ceazar " You punk awakened the Chaos element so you should understand what that means"

"Ehhhh???? can I unawaken it though like you know get water or lightning or something" Ceazar Grabs his head as speaks to teacher Jane.

"Nope awakening is a one time only thing, serves you right you lazy bum now you can't make excuses hehe" Jane smiles as if she just ate something delicious.

'No no no no my Easy life is gone right before my eyes' Ceazar looks down and become gloomy The reason why Chaos is a blessing and a curse is that it is disgustingly strong if cultivated properly. Therefore, the government and the Magic Association has decided that such magic will not be wasted since if used properly can do lots of things but then used improperly then such magic must be eliminated. Not necessarily by death but by removing of the magic circle(the tiers) in the heart which will make the person weak or maybe even bedridden for the rest of their life. ' Oh wait there is something else my affinity I might still have a chance' Ceazar proceeds to ask Teacher Jance

"But what about my affinity it is low right?"

"Nope the requirement for a Chaos element to be awakened is that the person must have an above average affinity to the basic 4 elements namely 1. Fire 2. Earth 3. Wind. 4. Water and some normal affinities to some other elements" Teacher Jane says ' hmppp serves you right you have the talent but no motivation to use it and now you cannot '

Ceazar's last hope was dashed all he could do was accept reality and be done with it. 'Like that famous saying " It is what it is" '. Ceazar moves down the podium with his schoolmates giving him different looks from pity to envy and maybe even jealousness. But to his friends it was as if it was a blessing since now they are not the only one pressured to do good. Even this lucky punk will be forced to do stuff now and take responsibility.