
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Tranh châm biếm
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24 Chs

Chapter 17 - Karma

Peter stared straight at Flash grinning like a fool thinking he was praying but things had changed. He thought how he never experienced bullying due to being hospitalized and only learned through online and homeschooled. His feeling towards flash never went to hate and mere annoyance considering he is simply an immature egocentric and self centered fool who hasn't faced reality. Peter recalled how he would be a soldier and lose his legs before becoming an Agent Venom.

He thinking what he should do considering he doesn't even care about his resentment towards those that bullied and the people who knew him was worried even Felicia who started to like Peter because she get along with him and the others but more importantly is that they are genuine unlike the group of Flash who only get along because they have background and she doesn't like that.

Peter has never been the one who likes to show off and always has an honest heart who helps because he truly wants to help without any hidden agenda. This is what she likes about him and when time comes to shove would fight even to protect someone important to him.

"Hey, stop messing with Peter! He hasn't done anything to you!" Gwen shouted trying to protect Peter from getting harmed again and she knows that the reason no one messes with her is because her father is a Captain in the NYPD. She was grateful for it but felt it was unfair when Peter always got treated badly simply because of his appearance and demeanor. If anything it's part of his charm where even though his weak has the strongest heart among them.

"D-Don't you dare touch my friend!" Ned amazingly tries to defend him despite being afraid doesn't back down when his friend is in trouble.

"Yeah, don't want me to kick your balls again." Ava joined in trying to help Peter and being great helped worried that Peter was going to get another injury and the school turning a blind eye from it.

"Y-Yeah, why do you always mess with Peter?!" Jessica bravely joined in, a bit flustered that she was actually helping Peter. On the other hand, Mary Jane couldn't help him, afraid that she would lose her friendship with the popular kids.

"Tch….can't believe you three defending him." Liz finds them rather annoying that they would lump himself with a loser like Peter but can't deny that he did improve in the looks department.

"Stop what you're doing, Flash." Felicia said hoping that Peter won't get hurt but Flash laughed at them finding that a loser was being protected by a woman.

"Alright, you're lucky that four chick is saving your ass." Flash said while Peter unfazed by his taunt and simply grateful that despite him getting bullied had great friends. His facepalm gave a deep sigh, surprising Flash from the reaction.

"Saving my ass? Ffffftttahahah as if, I think I've grown sick and tired of you." Peter spoke in a deep tone that none had experienced before as everyone noticed that he looked fed up with everything and Flash even stepped back when he saw his expression.

"Come on, if you are going to hit then go ahead but remember once you take your shot then expect it to be your last." He said stepping forward and Flash couldn't accept that the loser Peter started to scare him. This causes him to violently attack him but Peter simply uses his Spider sense to avoid his attack, shocking everyone even Ava noticing that Peter exudes an Alpha male and becomes more attracted to him.

'When did Peter get that manly and handsome….wait what was I thinking.' Ava blush watching the fight and can't deny that he was a lot more charming than before.

'Look at him go, it's like he's toying with Flash.' Felicia thought to herself and licked her lips seeing that Peter became better than ever before. Even before his power was able to get multiple women fawning over him.

'Did Peter somehow get powers!? How is dodging all Flashes attacks!?' Ned thought amazed seeing his friend messing with Flash evading every incoming attack while giving a mocking smile.

"Dammit! Can't you stay still!" Flash shouted as his previous prey was now simply playing with him and angry seeing his smirk. Peter then trips him causing the bully to slam into the ground as he receives a stomp into the head knocking Flash out.

"Hey! That's too much!" Harry shouted seeing his friend getting what he deserved and Peter clicked his tongue at him.

"Hypocrite. You think I did too much when he always messes with me simply because he can? Well sorry not anymore. I'm fed up with this BS trying to avoid problems but now it ends here." Peter said those words in calm manner yet his intention was clearly glaring at him causing Harry to step back.

"As for you, I once liked you but I've realized everything you offer is that hollow shell of yours." Peter said towards Liz who looked offended and about to shout at him when The coach arrived to see the scene.

"Parker! Come to the principal office now!" The coach checked on Flash who had his face bleeding and had a hard cushion while Peter found The coach to be biased.

"Ha! That's what you get, Loser!" Liz said moving towards Flash trying to scare Peter but he remained calm and proceeded to break Flash's arm by stomping on it.

"That's enough, Parker! Why did you do that!" The coach said in anger then flinched when she noticed Peter gaze looking at him as if staring straight to his soul. He is was the all

"I'm already in trouble, what's the point?" Peter moves away from Flash as Harry helped his friend and Mary Jane unsure what to make of what happened seeing Peter change. She was shook when Peter passed her, not bothering to talk and saw him going towards the other.

"Sorry girls I might be late but I'll see you at the cafeteria." Peter said, giving them charming smiles shocked to see him act more manly and attractive.

"I'm afraid it might ruin your grade, Peter. Why did you do that? We could have handled it ourselves." Gwen said and Ava nodded.

"I agree, it might have made it worse and you might get expelled!" She was afraid that Peter would get permanent expulsion considering Flash is a star player and the damage of his arms would be detrimental.

"Still, can't believe you would act that way~" Felicia flirted, noticing that Peter had more lean and developed muscle than before hidden by his clothes.

"Thanks for defending me especially you Ned." Peter said appreciating his friend's bravery and this made Ned feel proud.

"Don't worry, you're my friend, Peter and that's what friends are for." Ned said receive a pat in the shoulder by Peter.

"Are you sure you'll be alright, Peter?" Jessica worriedly asked and he simply smiled then nodded.

"Yeah, nothing could get worse as it is and at this point I've gotten tired of all this crap and decided to man up for once. Well, I have to go, I'll be back in a few minutes." Peter said as he began to leave, waving goodbye giving his friends time to think.

"....do you girls have any idea what happened to our cute genius?" Felicia asked her friends who was as surprised as she was.

"I'm not too sure about myself…." Gwen said still looking at the door where Peter went out thinking what is the reason for his change.

"Whatever may be the cause, I don't think he completely changed. I do like that he started to defend himself and I still can't believe he is able to evade all of Flashes' attacks." Ava is said to have better perception than a normal person thanks to her powers and experience noticing that Peter wasn't simply evading but he was able to predict where the incoming attack was before he did it.

"... True he does look more handsome than before." Jessica muttered then blush when the other girls looked at her and agreed with her words.

'....Hope you're not dense anymore Peter….you literally have Harem of your own!' Ned thought to himself shaking his head hoping that his friend good luck.

"Well, I'll take my leave and hope you girls good luck with Peter." Ned left them not wanting to be in between woman quarrels since it would be a death wish for any man to be in.

"Right, we already agreed to confess at the same?" Felicia said not minding if Peter took them all since she's bisexual but won't ever think of betraying him simply because of preference and would only do it when he's around since it's more fun.

"Yeah…no hard feelings if he chooses one of us over that other and remains friends cause Peter would feel hurt if we did." Gwen said knowing Peter and how he reacts to things.

"True knowing Peter, he would be devastated if we distance ourselves but….it's a lot harder than said." Ava feels anxious thinking of being rejected.

'If by chance Peter picks me I'll make sure to convince him to take them too. I like them being my friend and I don't want Peter to be sad.' Jessica thought to herself having been alone and distant until she met Peter and became close friends

"Well, if he picks me I'll try to convince our good ol' Petty to take you as well. I don't think any man would reject the chance to have harem." Felicia boldly said thinking ways to do things in bed while Ava and Gwen frowned.

"As if he chooses a cow like you over us." Ava said, mocking Felicia who got scoffed.

"As if you're any better? These jugs can't be beaten unlike you two." Felicia showcased her chest that was larger than the rest of them with Jessica with the smallest.

"Our is perfect the way it is while yours is just a lump of fat." Gwen chimed in while the three began bickering and Jessica wryly smiled at her group of friends that never have a dull moment. Meanwhile, Peter walked towards the principal's office as The coach took him and he sat down in front of him as The coach told the principal everything.

He was leaning in his chair not paying attention to their rant as the principal unsure what to do since Peter has the highest grade and performance among all the students but his action could cost a lot of damage in their school.

"That's why we should expel someone like him who doesn't contribute as much as Flash who is the star player of our school." The coach acted like Chinese boot locker cannon fodder that Peter found annoying.

"I think we're taking this too harshly. Peter, do you understand what you've done?" Principal said hoping to fix the problem.

"Yeah, having the justice that I deserve that none of you tried to do anything." Peter glared at them causing the two to flinch.

"But we could have resolved it a lot better if you talk to u—" Before the principal could finish his sentence began to tense up while Peter released an intimidating aura around him.

"And only give a slap on the wrist and move on? Are you blind or simply stupid? He had been messing with me all the time and all The teachers were always by Flash's side rather than mine, who is the victim." He was mad at them for trying to be hypocritical, acting as if they are being nice but simply hiding like cowards.

"You! How dare you speak to us like that!? That's it we'll call your guardian this instanc—" The coach was interrupted by Peter pulling out a flash drive.

"Do you think I would have done all that without a plan? How cute…" Peter played with the flash drive with his fingers as the coach and principals wondered what it was.

"You're curious what's in this drive? Well, it just contains all data within this school including information about your personal computers and gotta say….blackmailing female students and treating male students unfairly is something else. An oh principal, gotta say cheating behind your wife's back is really cruel you know." He showed them a monstrous grin and the two adults were stunned by his words.