
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs


It's been 2 weeks since the incident where Asuna lost her hand. During this time, I have been with her as much as I could, and observed her behaviour.

And it seems the Gamer's Mind skill was working properly. She wasn't scared of the mobs more than necessary, and didn't flinch back just at the mention of death. She also stopped smiling like a maniac.

But now instead of a maniac smile, she has a smirk on her face everytime she kills the mobs. The smirk turns to a big smile when she kills bosses. Her smirk and smile are kinda attractive, unlike the disturbing manic smile before. Since Gamer's Mind didn't suppress her smirk and smile, it's not a bod thing, right?

I don't honestly know if this is good or not. I am not a psychiatrist, so I don't know what kind of behaviour is normal for a victim of multiple deaths. Even psychiatrist also wouldn't know about such things. Dying multiple times isn't normal afterall. And seeing your mangled corpse is even worse.

I myself saw her old dead bodies during the last week, and it was a horrifying sight. I almost vomitted, when I accidentally found her dead bodies while roaming around the forest nearby. She apparently dragged her own dead bodies to that place, so that she wouldn't have to see them all the time. I did what felt right, and cremated them with my fire. Then I went out to find her other dead bodies that were inside the caves and burned them all.

For now, I will just keep an eye on her behaviour to see if she behaves weirdly. If there are any problems, I could search for some solution on the OTC

Anyways, the shop didn't get a single customer since the time I visited Code Geass. Though Lelouch and CC both visited multiple times. Lelouch came to deliver a few Knightmares. 2 Glassgow, 3 Gloucester, 3 Sutherland, and 2 Burai. His grand journey is getting started, and soon he will have enough power to make me rich.

The Sakuradite material, that allowed that world to create mechs is decently expensive. I just need to make a deal with him for that material, and my bank balance would increase a ton. Especially if instead of just selling it to the OTC, I sell it to other worlds, and get even more money in exchange.

But what kind of deals should I make? I already sold him all of Code Geass season 1 and 2 episodes. I didn't want to keep them for long, because butterfly effect would change the future drastically and would make them way less useful.

Deal for an Upgrade to his Geass? No need for Eye cantact, Can use multiple times on people, Can cancel an order. These are all amazing deals he would want. Especially after he sees the death of Euphemia, his second favourite sister.

But if for some reason he doesn't want to make anymore deals, I can just go to his world and steal anything I like. Who would stop me? Most of their weapons can't go through my Mana shield, which has increased in strength by a ton during the last few weeks. Their Strongest weapons also would become obsolete against me in just a few weeks.

Well except for Nukes. The F.L.E.I.J.A. thing they created is just too op. It wiped out a whole city with 35 million people in it in an instant. In the aftermath, in place of a City, only a big hole was left.

Becoming strong enough to survive that attack would take some time. But if I have enough time, I can not only survive that with my mana shield, I could even survive it with my bare body. Cultivation is op.

Anyways, I put all the Knightmares on display in the new Mecha Hall I created. The door is on the right wall, and it is guarded by two Mechs. It looks pretty cool. Though to keep two Mechs Beside the Door, I had to expand the shop size. Now it's twice the size of before.

CC also came to visit, just to have some conversation. She also visited the Terraria world, and had some fun killing mobs alongside us. Though she had to use a Knightmare, as she doesn't have any superpowers now. She gets along well with Asuna, which isn't much of a suprise, seeing how similar their fate is.

Also now I can cultivate while doing things that need concentration. I had it activated all the time, during battle, during sleep, and talking to others. It has become kind of like a passive skill. I also can now use Two powers even while cultivating. This has increased my training speed tremendously.

My Pyromancy, Cryomancy, and Telekinesis has also gotten stronger from non stop practice. Now instead of just throwing weak fireballs, I can create a flood of Fire at will. A new move I created was {Flamethrower}, which is just my hands throwing fire at enemies like a flamethrower.

I also recreated a famous move, Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation or Majestic Destroyer Flame.

It was a little hard to create, as releasing an attack from the mouth was way harder than just releasing it from my hands. But it was worth it. Seeing the trail of Destruction it leaves behind in its path fills my heart with satisfaction.

I normally just used {Flamethrower} to kills enemies, but against Bosses, I use Great Fire Annihilation, and it does an amazing job. The Bosses can only scream in agony as my majestic flames burns them to ashes.

For Cryomancy, I created {Ice Spear}, {Ice Bullet} and {Frozen World}. {Ice Spear} are just small spears of Ice thrown at fast speed at the enemy. {Ice Bullet} is a small ball of Ice thrown at my enemies at the maximum speed I can. It's actually as fast as an actual bullet.

Then there is {Frozen world}, which isn't as cool as it sounds at the time. In this move, I use a lot of my power to release Ice everywhere around me, freezing Everything in place. For now it freezes things in only a 20 meter radius, but I want to someday be strong enough to actually Freeze a Whole world in an instance. Only then would the name be justified.

Finally for Telekinesis, it just got stronger. Now I can lift heavier stuff, and crush things at higher power. I also leart how to float using Telekinesis. I am trying to fly using it, but it has been a slow process. It's difficult to control myself with my own power.

I even broke my arms twice and my Legs once. It was extremely painful, but I Regenerated from it quickly. This also helped me discover that I can burn down more money for faster Regeneration. I don't know If I should be happy about that or cry about it. Everything needs money and I don't have much of it.

I also Ranked up and now am C+ rank. The distance between C+ and B- is pretty big, and will take another two weeks to reach. Then it will take even longer to reach B, and even longer for B+.

I want to become atleast A+ as soon as possible. That is a pretty high rank, and would make me a powerhouse in most worlds. Though at this rate it will take more than a year to reach that rank.

Buying the second part of the cultivation technique would speed up the process, but it's out of my reach. I have barely 200k left and the price of the second part costs 1.5 million. If I don't get any new rich customers, I might just go and steal from Code Geass.

I have not done that already is because it's more convenient to let Lelouch do all the work, while I practice my skills to get stronger. But I might just go there afterall.

I could also buy the Random World Connection Upgrade, which might take me to a Pretty Good world, but it might also take me to a shitty world. I might end up in the One piece World, on top of the Treasure of One Piece, or maybe I would end up in front of sone Mad Overpowered Dude of Warhammer 40k world, and get insta killed.

I don't know much about Warhammer world, except for the fact that apparantly it is more dangerous than DC and Marvel. And in those 2 worlds, you can find a planet Buster in every city. So I don't have a wish to visit Warhammer anytime soon.

Then there's the DxD world. I don't even want to think about going to that world. That is a World where every mythological thing is real. Well most of it atleast. There's soo many world destroying beings and things in the various mythologies, but DxD world only has 3 World Ending Beings, two of whom aren't interested in destroying the world, and the last one is sealed.

But the thing is, even though that world doesn't have as many World Busters as the Mythologies, it still has way too many people that can kill me in an instant. Ophis, one of the 3 World Busters of DxD was an S Class Being. And from what I know of the Power ranking of that World, Just below her are the Christian God, and the Hindu Gods Trimurti, who should be S-

Then below them should be the top 10 beings of that world at A+ Rank, Sirzechs Lucifer, Thor, Indra, Hades, etc. At A and A- Should be the Leaders of the Biggest Factions and Organisations, like Serafall, Michael, Odin, Dragon Kings, etc.

Then B+ and B should be the ranks of the Elite of Big factions, and leaders of Mid and Low class factions.

So Rias Should be around B- or C+, which isn't a very good thing if it's true. I would definitely get forced to become someone's slave in that world, if I am weaker than Rias.

Devils have a System, where they can put a chess piece in someone's chest and turn them into their slaves. It also changes the race of the slave into a Devil. They call it the Peerage system. The slave has to listen to the masters command or they will lose their minds and turn into hideous monster that kills everything in sight.

Once I become strong enough, I will beat the shit out of the creator of this slavery system, Azuka Beelzebub. He apparantly created it to increase the dwindling devil population. But if his wish was to only increase the population, he shouldn't have made it so that the one who got turned into a devil has to listen to every word of the master. That bastard created a slavery system, knowing what would happen. He won't get any mercy from me.

But right now I am a total weakling, so I can't do much about it. If my calculations are correct, I am barely as strong as Rias, which is weak as fuck. Hopefully my calculations are wrong. So it's a no go place for now.

Though I want to go there very much, as that world is a treasure trove. So many legendary weapons, Artifacts know as sacred gears that give different kinds of powers, the 13 strongest Sacred Weapons known as Longinus that are strong enough to kill Gods, Various magical Creatures that will give various kinds of expensive materials, and maybe even pets, Mystical Ores, etc. There's just so much to loot from that world.

But since I can't go there now, I decided to just buy the Random World Connection upgrade for the Shop. After watching my money drain once again, painfully, I went towards the Door, trying to open it to form a connection to a random World, only for the door to open suddenly and hit my face.

I walked back two steps, extremely suprised. Was it Lelouch, coming to deliver new Knightmares, or CC coming to have a chat? I enjoyed talking to her and Asuna absolutely loved having a new friend like her.

It was infact not both of them. It was a new Customer. A new customer that can definitely pay a lot. This new customer of mine has connections in high places.

A beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes. She has beautiful Crimson Hair that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face.

She's wearing a school uniform, which consists of a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt, with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks.

Rias Gremory in the flesh appeared before me, just a few seconds after I decided I can't go to DxD world myself. I even spent a 100k for the random World upgrade, only for ger to appear a moment later.

Fuck my luck. If she appeared a few seconds before, I wouldn't have spent that much money on the upgrade. But whatever, it's not like I can't use the Random World Connection. I will use it some other day.

Rias looked around in suprise, like everyone else, wondering where she was. "Where am I? How did I get here? I didn't sense Teleportation magic being used ."

Came the same repeating question of Where am I? I was already over explaining about the Multiverse Concept and my shop after just 3 times, so I had prepared just for this moment.

"This is a Shop connected to multiple worlds, and here you can buy anything. To understand more about the shop, please touch this Glass Ball." I said pointing towards the Glass Ball sitting on top of the counter. It looked like the Magic ball that Witches used to scry the future.

But instead of telling the future, my one transferred information about the Shop directly to the brain of anyone who touches it. Perfect for a lazy guy like me who doesn't even want to explain something multiple times.

Rias looked at me and then the Glass ball sceptically before touching it. Then her mouth opened wide in wonder, "Wow! A multiversal Shop. That's so cool!" Rias screamed in excitement.

Oh yeah, she's a weeb. She would have understood about this situation without even a long explanation.

"Then is every anime character real? Is Foku from Drag-So Ball real? Is Sailer Moonlight real? Am I an anime character as well?" She asked excitedly.

Hearing her questions almost made me vomit blood like a Cultivation novel Character. Foku from Drag-So Ball? Sailer Moonlight? What's up with these shitty fake names? I mean, Sailor Moonlight doesn't sound bad, but Foku? More like Fuck you, whoever thought of that name. Froku would have been better.

"Yeah they are real. Though I haven't heard about them. Though I know some people similar to them. Goku from Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon from Sailer Moon." I told her which made her even more exited. Was she always like this? She seemed more mature in the anime. Her personality was Mature and Boobs.

So it's an Alternate Universe. Hopefully this world also has the powerful expensive items that existed in the original.

"And yeah, you were a part of an anime in my World. It was called DxD, which means Deus X Dragon. Atleast that's what I believe. I have seen many other full forms in the internet. But since your world has so many Dragons and Gods, and the strongest beings in your world are Dragon Gods, I choose to believe Deus X Dragon as the true full form." I explained to her.

"WOW! That sounds soo cool. I lke Deus X Dragon as the name of an Anime. How was the anime? Was it good? Was I the main character? Was it popular? What genre was it?" Rias threw tons of questions in my direction non stop, overwhelming me slightly.

"Calm down a little. I will explain everything to you. So your Anime was popular indeed. And you were the main female lead. As for the genre and whether it was good....."
