
Omnitrix In Young Justice (YJ)

Transmigrated to DC World, more specifically Young Justice Universe with a Object in Wrist Similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 Series. (The introduction is weak, I hope you can like the content)

Rex_Zatch · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 4 Recruit Part 1 + Sparring Part 2

Chapter 4 Recruit Part 1

The night was quiet, and the moon hung low over the city Metro Burg. In the dimly lit room of a small apartment, Kevin White sat on the worn-out couch in the dimly lit room of his house. He was an 18-year-old with unruly golden-blond hair and a pair of striking red eyes, a laptop in front of him. He had been pondering over something for weeks, something that had come as a surprise, something that could change his life forever.

His thoughts drifted to the invitation he had received a few weeks ago, one that had been handed to him by Aqualad. It was an invitation to join the team of young heroes known as one of the heroes. At the time, Kevin had scoffed at the idea. He was no hero, just a kid trying to survive in a world that had little use for orphans like him.

For years, he had been just another forgotten soul in a city that thrived on darkness and chaos until few weeks ago, where his life completely changed from ordinary to extraordinary. The mysterious device on his wrist, which he had come to call the "Omnitrix," had given him incredible abilities. He could transform into various alien beings, each with its unique powers. It was as if he had been given a chance to be more than just another face in the crowd.

Kevin couldn't shake off the feeling that this was his chance to make a real difference, to finally belong somewhere. He looked down at the card with a number Aqualad had given him weeks ago. It had been sitting on his desk, untouched, as he grappled with the decision.

After much contemplation, Kevin decided to take the leap. He couldn't ignore the feeling that this was his chance to make a difference, to become the hero he had always dreamed of being.

After what felt like an eternity, Kevin finally reached for his phone and dialed the number Aqualad had provided. He took a deep breath as the call connected, his heart pounding in his chest.

As the call went through, Kevin's heart raced with anticipation. What would happen next? Would he be accepted into the team of young heroes, or would his dreams crumble before him?

"Hello?" a voice on the other end of the line answered, it had a calm and authoritative voice from the other end.

Kevin cleared his throat, his nerves making his voice shake slightly. "Uh, hi. It's Kevin that Heat blast guy. I.... I'm calling about your offer to join the team."

There was a brief pause on the other end, and then the voice responded, "Kevin White, huh? You took your time, but I'm glad you called. This is Aqualad. We've been waiting for you. Are you ready to join the team?"

A wave of relief washed over Kevin, and a newfound sense of purpose filled his heart. He was no longer just Kevin White, the orphan from MetroBurg City; he was now on the first step of his journey to become a hero.

Kevin swallowed hard, the gravity of his decision sinking in. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Aqualad's voice held a hint of approval. "I'm glad to hear that, Kevin. We could use someone like you on the team. Are you ready to join us?"

Kevin again nodded, though Aqualad couldn't see it. "Yeah, I am. What do I need to do?"

"Good," Aqualad replied. "I'll arrange for your transportation to our base. Pack your things, and we'll be in touch soon."

Kevin sat there, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and fear. He had taken the first step into a world he knew nothing about, a world of heroes, villains, and unimaginable powers.

The call ended, leaving Kevin with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He had just taken the first step toward a new chapter in his life.


[Two days later]

Kevin found himself standing in front of the towering Mount Justice, the high-tech headquarters hidden deep beneath Mount Justice. As he took a deep breath and walked inside, he couldn't help but wonder what awaited him.

He had been picked up by Aqualad, who introduced him to some of the other young heroes. He had never seen anything like it, and the anticipation of what lay ahead left him both nervous and excited.

He had been introduced to the team, a diverse group of young heroes, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. There was Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, and many others.

As Kevin settled into his new life at Mount Justice, he couldn't help but feel like an outsider. These young heroes had known each other for a while, and he was the new guy. But he was determined to prove himself.

Aqualad, the team's leader, addressed them all. "Welcome, Kevin, to The Team. We're a team of young heroes who work together to make the world a safer place. We're glad to have you on board."

Kevin nodded, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the presence of the heroes he had only seen on the news. There was Robin, the batman protégé; Miss Martian, Martian manhunter protégé who was smiling toward him, Superboy, Kid Flash and Artemis, a skilled archer.

Kevin feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He was eager to prove himself and be a part of something greater than himself.

Kevin nervousness soon came to halt when kid flash came to talk to him. "Dude, like you are that Heatblast guy. It was Cool, I mean Hot, Hehe. So how do you do it?".

Soon Miss Martian also came to greet and talk to him. She was also wondering if he was also a shapeshifting alien was like her.

So, clench her curiosity he told them little about himself and ever little about Omnitrix. Like how It help him transform and stuff and how me found it while meteor gazing.

Soon Artemis also came to greet him and told she was also new few days ago here and if he needs her help, he can ask for it. She was giving him advice on what to do and don't in mission that will be his first.

Speaking about it, His first mission alongside the team's came sooner than he expected. The briefing room was filled with holographic screens displaying various pieces of information. Aqualad stood at the front, his solemn expression hinting at the seriousness of the mission.

Aqualad gathered them all and briefed them on the situation. Kent Nelson, also known as Doctor Fate, had gone missing.

Chapter 4 Sparring Part 2

[Mount Justice]

[August 19, 18:00]

The sun hung high in the sky above Mount Justice, casting a warm and inviting glow over the training grounds. The Young Justice team had gathered for a practice session, and today's focus was on pure physical combat—no superpowers, no gadgets, just raw strength, and skill.

In the Cave, Superboy and Kaldur engage in sparring practice. While Megan and Artemis watch and talk about themselves. Kevin also watches in awe as the young heroes sparring match. Soon Superboy defeats Kaldur in a training session.

"Hey, Kevin wanna join in." Aqualad asked after getting up.

"Ah, Sure. Let me change." Kevin turns the dial on his watch and after few second, he selected the alien he wanted to transform, and it was Four Arms.

Seeing him transform into a hulking giant they also got interested to see the spar. Mostly Robin, as he acting as the referee, stood to the side with a stopwatch in hand. "Alright, gentlemen, you know the rules. Pure physical combat. No powers. First one to yield or get pinned loses."

Superboy, the Kryptonian clone, stood on one side of the sparring mat. His muscles rippled beneath his black T-shirt, a testament to his Kryptonian heritage.

On the opposite side, Four Arms, courtesy of Kevin White's Omnitrix, cracked his knuckles with a confident grin.

Aqualad, the team's leader, stood ready with a calm and composed expression.

"Alright, let's keep this clean and fair," Robin announced, taking on the role of the referee very seriously.

Superboy flexed his fists, a determined glint in his blue eyes. "I've been looking forward to this, Kevin."

Four Arms laughed heartily, his massive frame giving him an intimidating presence. "Don't hold back, Superboy. I can take it."

Superboy smirked. "Let's see who's the strongest."

Four Arms flexed his colossal arms, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Oh, this is gonna be good."

Aqualad nodded, his aqua-blue eyes gleaming with anticipation showing his demeanor focused. "May the best man win."

With a signal from Robin, the match began. Superboy surged forward with incredible speed, his fists aimed at Four Arms. He unleashed a flurry of punches, each one a demonstration of his Kryptonian strength.

Four Arms, his four powerful arms a blur of motion, deftly blocked and parried Superboy's strikes. He countered with a well-placed kick, aiming to throw Superboy off balance. The Kryptonian, however, used his superhuman agility to dodge the attack, landing gracefully on his feet.

Superboy changing this target lunged forward, his speed and power unmatched. Aqualad met his charge with remarkable agility, dodging Superboy's initial attacks with fluid grace. Superboy swung a powerful punch, but Aqualad sidestepped and countered with a swift kick to Superboy's midsection.

Superboy staggered back, impressed by Aqualad's agility and combat skills. "Not bad, Aqualad."

Aqualad's lips curved into a confident smile. "I've been practicing."

Four Arms saw his opening and charged at Superboy, his massive fists swinging like battering rams. Superboy, recovering quickly, blocked, and parried Four Arms' blows with well-timed counters. The force of their collision sent shockwaves through the training ground.

Aqualad watched the exchange, studying their movements with keen eyes. He knew that in a battle of pure physicality, his strategy had to be precise.

Superboy made another aggressive move, his fists swinging like hammers. Four Arms met each blow with calculated precision, his muscular arms acting as both shield and weapon.

The three of them were locked in a heated battle, their blows echoing through the air as they exchanged punches and kicks. Each combatant showcased their unique fighting styles—Superboy with his Kryptonian brawling, Aqualad with his martial arts infused with Atlantean grace, and Four Arms with his brute strength and brawler's instincts.

Robin called out instructions. "Superboy, focus on your speed and agility. Four Arms, use your extra limbs to your advantage."

Taking the advice to heart, Superboy increased the tempo of his attacks, his movements becoming a blur. He aimed for Four Arms' midsection, attempting to wear down his opponent's defenses.

Four Arms grinned, his red skin glistening with sweat. "You're fast, but I've got endurance."

As Superboy continued his assault, Aqualad seized the opportunity to make his move. He dashed forward with surprising speed, his lean but muscular frame a testament to his water-based training. With a swift motion, he delivered a sweeping leg kick that knocked Superboy off balance.

Superboy stumbled but quickly regained his footing. He recognized that Aqualad's strategy involved exploiting openings created by the fast-paced exchanges between him and Four Arms.

The battle continued with escalating intensity. Superboy, Four Arms, and Aqualad engaged in a relentless exchange of blows, blocks, and counters. Sweat poured down their faces as they pushed their physical limits.

Robin watched the match with keen eyes, his stopwatch ready to signal the end of each round.

The team members gathered around the sparring trio, cheering and offering encouragement. Miss Martian monitored the match, her telepathic abilities allowing her to sense the intense focus and determination of her friends.

Artemis observed the match with a grin. "This is brutal, but it's also impressive. They're all holding their own."

Miss Martian, her empathic abilities allowing her to sense the determination and effort of her friends, nodded in agreement. "They're giving it their all and smiling, they are enjoying the match."

Artemis leaned over to Kid Flash. "I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of those punches."

Kid Flash grinned. "Yeah, they're not holding back."

As the match continued, Superboy attempted to use his superior strength to overpower his opponents. He launched a series of powerful haymakers at Aqualad, who expertly evaded and countered with precision strikes. Meanwhile, Four Arms tried to exploit any openings, swinging his fists in wide arcs to catch either of his opponents off guard.

Despite the fierce competition, a sense of camaraderie permeated the match. Each of them respected the others' skills and tenacity. They knew that, in the end, it was all about improving as a team, and anything other than that is they are enjoying the match.

Superboy and Four Arms, both showing signs of exhaustion, locked eyes in a moment of mutual respect. They knew that this battle wasn't just a test of physical strength but also a testament to their camaraderie as teammates.

Aqualad, despite the sweat dripping down his brow, remained focused. He recognized an opportunity to turn the tide. Aqualad saw an opportunity when Superboy attempted a high kick. With a swift and fluid movement, Aqualad swept Superboy's leg out from under him, sending the Kryptonian crashing to the four arms. Aqualad followed up with a quick pin, holding Superboy's shoulders down while having four arms under superboy's heavy body restricting his movement.

Robin's stopwatch buzzed. "Aqualad wins round one!"

Kid Flash whistled as he watched. "It's like watching a heavyweight boxing match."

"Dude, you are heavy." Four Arms said while being on the ground.

Superboy chuckled, accepting Aqualad's hand as he helped him up. "Nice move, Aqualad. You've definitely been working on your ground game."

Aqualad nodded, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. "I knew I had to outmaneuver you to win."

Aqualad after taking a break, showing no signs of arrogance. "In physical combat, strategy can be just as crucial as strength."

Four Arms sit up and grinned, clapping Superboy on the back. "We'll get him next time, Superboy."

The team members cheered, impressed by the dynamic teamwork displayed by Aqualad and Superboy. The trio of sparring partners exchanged nods of respect; their faces flushed with exertion.

Superboy clapped Four Arms on the back. "You put up a good fight, Four Arms."

Four Arms grinned, his usual playfulness shining through. "Hey, can't win 'em all, right?"

Aqualad extended a hand to Four Arms. "You're a formidable opponent, Four Arms. I'm impressed."

Four Arms shook Aqualad's hand heartily. "Likewise, Aqua-dude." Four arms Tuned the watch dial and transformed back into his human form, Kevin White.

As the team gathered around, the sense of camaraderie and mutual respect was palpable. They had pushed themselves to their limits, not just to prove their physical prowess but also to reinforce their bonds as a team.

Artemis leaned over to Robin. "Well, that was one way to spend an afternoon."

Robin smirked. "And it's not over yet. We've got more training to do."

Hearing about more training Kid Flash and Artemis booed Robin while amidst the booing red tornado came to the training hall while bearing a news and a possible mission.