
Omniscient Reader

Only I know the end of this world. One day our MC finds himself stuck in the world of his favorite webnovel. What does he do to survive? It is a world struck by catastrophe and danger all around. His edge? He knows the plot of the story to end. Because he was the sole reader that stuck with it. Read his story to see how he survives!

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551 Chs

Episode 95 - Gaecheon/開天 (4)

After exiting from <Olympus>, we remained silent for a long while. We either ran or walked; we ran, and then ran some more. Only the hollow screams could be heard in the starless emptiness.

Would those screams be recorded as Fables, too? And would someone else listen to them later? Just how many more Fables need to repeat themselves before this world came to an end?

"Kim Dok-Ja."

"I know."

The voice coming from Han Su-Yeong still supporting me helped me to get a grip on myself.

Eventually, the doorway to the cabin I was searching for could be seen in the distance. Even this far, the door looked much smaller and shabbier compared to other cabin's.

The corridor we went past earlier was getting noisier. Constellations from different factions were colliding and making those noises. I didn't hesitate and pushed the door open.

[You have entered 'Prop Storage'.]

"What's this? What's this shabby...."