

Diving into the unknown, a boy left to die learns of his true worth.

Ruukasu · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

The Never-ending Void

Standing along many others alike, Shen took a deep breath and jumped. As thousands of thoughts flooded his mind, a tear rolled down his cheek and everything faded into the void.

"Mother, father... I- I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations."

Thinking of all the times he could've turned his life around, Shen scoffed. If only he tried harder, pushed himself to his max - but hey, as if that would actually happen, THEY would just push him back again.

Turning his head, nothing more than other pitiful "failures" like him could be seen, diving into the dimension's cortex, hoping for something - anything. Doing so ensured a certain death, but many people have no other choice, only to delve into this seemingly never-ending void. The surrounding matter that was analogous to swirling, amethystine and vicious enveloping smoke was slowly fading out, leaving nothing more than pitch black darkness.

"It is really over, isn't it?"

Shedding one last tear, Shen closed his eyes, turning everything to a seemingly impossible, even darker pitch black.


"W- what was that noise?"

Shen was truly confused, because nothing should be able to make any sound down here, regardless of its size or distance to and from. Moving his arm to rub his forehead in contemplation, Shen felt something brush against his elbow and came to a realization that he was no longer in the void and simply had his eyes still closed.

Shuttering open, his eyelids revealed a grand forest, with trees as tall as he could see, trunks as wide as 30 men stacked shoulder to shoulder, along with glistening, rich green leaves that could en-trance anyone that came to view them.

*Welcome user, to your microcosm, Planet 437-D*

*Recognizing and logging user, please wait for data entry to fulfill.*

Frozen in disbelief, Shen took to looking around - searching for the source of the sound, until he came to a transparent panel levitating directly behind him, listing his name and title along with a long checklist of captions and single digit numbers, titled "Stats".

"What is this?"

Shen threw his fist into the panel, wondering how it knew his name among other things, like his self-proclaimed title, "Pitiful".

*Do not attempt to disrupt or damage the system, recognized user, Shen*


Firing back a blue and revolving charge, Shen was directly electrocuted by the panel and fell unconscious.

Flickering in and out of vision, Shen could see the Cortex, his family, even his childhood crush along with nearly every major event in his life, including meeting THEM. Alike a ripple in water, with unforeseen consequences, or a magnificent cherry blossom tree with weak roots, bound to fall over, Shen felt happiness - of which to be soon after, was conquered by sorrow and hatred. As a weird numb sensation came over him, he could feel a tug on his shoulder as he slowly regained his consciousness.

"Uh, sir... Are you awake yet?"

First chapter, lets goooo!

Ruukasucreators' thoughts