

Daymen was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17 just a year before turning into adult and inherit his multi billion family business. And before death he had to spend 10 years of his life in the hospital. He was admitted to hospital at age of 18 due to his worsening health. He died at the age 28 on the hospital bed. He opened his to found himself floating into pitch black domain. He was given second life to be reborn with the strongest system in the creation. [Hello host! You are going to be reborn, please choose your path you want walk to.] "I want become a sect master and start my own sect." [ System wishes you lead a happy life and create strongest sect in the omniverse.] [You have to become the strongest of all in all of creation.] Contains explicit scenes (R-18), after 20 chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note -- The is going to be overpowered from the start. Overpowered means he is going strongest no one will be defeat. And yes this does contain harem. But trust me you are going to love it if you are in overpowered main character.

Damokles_seleucus · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs


[That's enough now I am going to create your physical body. Please give me a description for the type of body you want.]


"I want to be tall atleast 6'2 and possess an absolutely astonishing physical body which will be lean but muscular with 8 abs. And lastly I want my dragon to be atleast 10 inches" Daymen told system the preference he wanted.

He told system all tha qualities he didn't had in his past life. His dragon was less than 10 inch and his heights was less than 6 feet so he wanted these quality to be part of him in this life.

He was astonishing handsome in his past life as well but he wanted what he didn't have he left the rest to system yo design his body.


[Initiating to create a body for the host ]

[1%.... ]

[34%... ]

[67%... ]

[100%.. ]

[Completed creating body for the host.]

Suddenly a massive black hole appeared where Daymen was standing. And it started to suck everything around it. It had so much power that even the empty void of the system started to tremble.

Appearing it may collapse any second and get sucked into it. The size of the of the black hole was more than thousand times of observable universe from his past life. So did it's power.

The power was so great that even Daymen's soul which had limitless power of creation and destruction was helpless against it.

It had no choice but to flow towards it and get inside it. Daymen was completely helpless at this moment and was not even able to process what happened because of how fast all of this happened.

It happened in less than billionth fraction of a second. He may have been able process this if he was able to fully utilize the power of his soul.

But he had no control on it and was not familiar with it. But one thing was clear that even if he would have been able to fully utilize his power he still would have been helpless and would get sucked inside without even being able to resist.

The black hole than started to absorb the primordial Qi inside the system space.

Primordial Qi is the most pure energy in the existence far surpassing normal Qi. And even Divine power possessed by the Gods.

{N/A:- For more information about power levels and things please check out Auxiliary Volumes. They will be updated soon. }

The space inside system was infinite and it had limitless primordial Qi inside. Even if all the Qi was depleted it wouldn't take even a second to refill the whole system space with primordial Qi.

Every milli second the black hole absorbed Qi enough to create a Teraverse of highest potential.

It kept absorbing Qi for weeks until the process slowly started to slow down. And gradually stopped.

It has been now over 3 weeks since it appeared it has finally stopped.

It started to shrink and got smaller and after sometime cracks started to appear on its surface and finally like a glass it shattered and disappeared into nothingness.

From the centre of it a beam of light appeared and which shinning thousands of times more than stars. If looked clearly we can see the source of the light.

It was a humanoid figure which was floating in the system space. The beam of light was coming from it. He slowly opened his golden eyes.

The man was nothing but an undefined gorgeous. The beauty it excluded was something that can put even gods and goddesses in shame. It was like comparing a donkey with a unicorn.

He was extremely handsome with otherworldly charm. That can even make people question there sexuality.

The beauty of a man with long golden hair that cascades to his shoulders, fading to white at the tips, is a striking testament to the blend of raw strength and refined elegance. His hair, flowing like molten gold with a subtle gradient into cool white, mirrors the harmony between nature's warmth and the touch of ethereal light. It's a mane that seems to catch the sun, reflecting an array of hues that suggest both vitality and wisdom.

Below this vibrant hair, his eyebrows arch with confident curvature, lending intensity to his gaze. Those golden eyes, flecked with hints of blue and white, are pools of mystery and magnetism, drawing you in with their enigmatic depths. Each glance from those eyes is a story waiting to be told, a silent narrative filled with passion and intrigue.

His physique, defined by chiseled eight-pack abs, speaks to a life of discipline and dedication, each muscle a testament to his commitment to strength and health. The contours of his body are as if carved from stone, emphasizing both power and grace. The light and shadows play along his form, accentuating the sharp lines and smooth transitions that embody a perfect balance of robustness and delicacy.

Together, his hair, eyes, and physique create a symphony of visual elements that capture the essence of beauty in a man. It is a beauty that does not merely rely on surface-level aesthetics, but on the deeper resonance of a soul .

This combination of traits—ethereal yet grounded, strong yet gentle—embodies a beauty that captivates and inspires.

Daymen's POV -:

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to find my self floating in empty black space which appeared to be infinite but somehow I felt that i can reach the end with a single thought without even moving my body.

I slowly remembered that what happened before I passed out.

An extremely massive black hole appeared out of nowhere started to pull everything inside it. The power of that thing was so strong that i didn't even get the time to process what happened. Even though my intelligence and processing power has been enhanced billions of times. I was still helpless against that thing.

Even with that power of my soul I was completely helpless against it.

But most importantly I have body now. And i have to say it system did a great like everything is perfect from nose to eyebrows to abs , eyes everything is so-so perfect.

You all must be wondering how did I saw my body. Well it's because of my soul even without anything I can see everything with my soul power which gives me an deep understanding of everything around me without even trying.

It can be said that i can see myself more clearly, compared to how I would see things with my eyes.

Now it's time to talk to system.


Daymen's POV end :-

An majestic transparent screen appeared in front of him.

[Yes, host.]

"What type of physique do i have?" Daymen asked.

[The Body you possess is one and only physique in the entire EXISTENCE.]

[No body in the past nor anymore in future had or will have this physique]

"So it is a most Unique one? "

[You could say that.]

"What is it called?"

[The system has given a name to it as it's character and power. It is known as "BODY OF TRUE ORIGIN"]

" BODY OF TRUE ORIGIN!!? It sounds pretty good, tell me about it system." Daymen said calmly while a slight smile on his face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Damokles_seleucuscreators' thoughts