
OmegaA goes to Fantasy World

A vyoutuber dies because of Truck Kun and goes to another world filled with adventure and fantasy with his character of Omega Aplha.

YellowTzyy · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2. In a world of Fantasies

I feel my body or Astral body have been absord by a black hole that God been doing.

Not long along I open my eyes slowly blured have been seek and slowing restoring my vision to make it clearly. Once, I openly my eyes my surroundings have been cleared looking around and feel pain in my head that cannot describe. I touch it by using my left hand but... My left had a mettalic arm? What is the meaning of this? Looking again my area and feeling bit colder and warry about it.

Omega getting up by his body have been down there with a cold Floor " ughh.. What happen to me? So I been wake up in cave ha? My left arms feels numb. Metal arm? Waiittttt..!! I bean Omega this time... Let's see I want to find a lake here or a pound to my reflection.

So thus OmegaA walking around the cave a looking a lake or a pound.

Around a minutes have benn walking finally OmegaA have found it. So Omega goes to where about it to see what see is it in.


Omega has an androgynous and futuristic appearance and is dominated by a color palette of white and holographic shimmering rainbow-color effect. They appear to float through the air, and their face tends to wear a neutral expression.

Omega has long silver hair with a holographic sheen that changes color as the light hits it. The hair floats and moves of its own voilition, and four strands end in triangular buckles. They have deep red eyes with holographic color and narrow pupils, and have small fangs. They have a triangular halo above their head in holographic rainbow-like colors.

They wear a white jumpsuit covered with a holographic cloak lined with holographic color. Omega's left arm is mechanical and colored white and gold, and the upper arm in particular appears to be hollow and covered in a fine metalwork of lotus flowers and flowing water, almost resembling a tattoo; the black "bone" is visible underneath. They wear a gold ring on the index finger of their mechanical arm. They possess a long katana with triangular motifs.

OmegaA seeing it. Feels likes and cannot describe how happiness is it.

OmegaA " fufufufu.. I like it. My appearance is kinda a girl sometimes or a boy sometimes. Hmmm like Rimuru.

my sword is so cool.

" I have a haki's skill too. Well I'm gonna practice this firstly before I make my own adventure life in this world of fantasy."

Omega smile wildy and the excitement for this. Ever since he was a child he like the anime and manga, light novel. This is his 2nd chance.

" Wait for me world I, OmegaA will be the greatest Supreme Being. Now I will my life fullest and a bliss"

We will find out how Omega practices his haki's and more power awaits there for him in the future.