
Omega rebirth

Su Ha-eun is a girl that wants to find love and as she's reading a novel she starts feeling sorry for a boy whose name is Sang Tae-won. without thinking she think about wanting to be him and then as she falls asleep she feels different, as a girl she was dying of an illness and now she's the boy she felt sorry for out of nowhere, will she find happiness in this new world?

Dinaliya · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs

5. Chapter 3: Drugged and meeting his Alpha


Tae-hyun is hurt so bad that he wants to cry but can't seens he has to look strong and not weak before his bitch for a sister. his sister walks away and he sighs as he tells his employee's that he's off from work, also that they can get off too if they did like then as soon as he's home thirty minutes later, he falls asleep on his bed after changing and brushing his teeth.



Tae-hyun wakes up and gets ready for work, eating his breakfast and drinking some sweet coffee drink before getting into his car.

"I hope I will never see my sister again..."

he thinks about the party he got an invitation to and sighs because if he's right then his sister will be there as well. he hopes he's wrong but knows deep within his heart, she will be there. he drives to his company and what awaits him there is his ex-fiance, his father, his mother and his sister. he looks at them and says.

"why are you here?" *cold*

(Tang So-ri) "I'm worried about you as your mother, you can't handle things well and may destroy this company"

(Su Tae-hyun/Tang Tae-won) "worried? all you want is my money so you can spoil my 'dear' sister more" *cold*

(Tang Kwang-seok) "watch your tone boy, we are still your parents!" *shouts*

as Tae-hyun feels his father that's not even a Dominant Alpha, releasing his pheromones, he releases his own pheromones and his father has a hard time breathing since, one, his son Tae-hyun is a Dominant Omega and that's quite rare in itself, also he's male which is even rarer as an Omega, and two, he's releasing pent up anger Into his pheromones so it's tough for anyone that's not Dominant to not react to.

"now get out of here or I will have you thrown out!" *Ice cold voice that's a little louder than normally*

as Su Tae-hyun says those words, his family and ex-fiance runs away. yes he had a fiance once but well that Alpha got taken by his sister like everything else.

'why am I still suffering from this?'

he looks at the Invitation he has and sighs as he gets home after hours of work, showering, drying and getting dressed in a nice suit in a dark pink colour, the tie being dark pink as well as the shirt is light pink.

"I look good and this suits me the best"

he gets into his car and drives over to a big mansion where the party will be at, shows his Invitation to the guard as he's using a dark pink mask to hide half his face since it's a masquerade ball and not a normal party. the guard nods at him to go in and he does just so.

"so beautiful here, sadly I didn't come to check on how this mansion is built and more like just to mingle and get partners for my company"

he mumbles the words and then looks around, seeing alot of handsome men but he hides his own Omega scent which by now only those Dominant Alphas would be able to smell. he sighs and hopes there are no Dominant Alphas there but knows there may be atleast one or two there. he walks into the big masquerade Hall and smiles as his eyes sees how beautifully done everything is.

'I should be careful here'

Tae-hyun walks closer to where everyone is gathering but stops halfway when he senses the pheromones of a Dominant Alpha, he turns away and sits down far away from him and ofcourse a waiter shows up with a glass that has a sweet drink that's alcoholic in it but also a drug that works as a heat inducer without Tae-hyun knowing it. he drinks it and after a while he starts feeling hot as his pheromones starts to leak out, he gets up and runs away to get to a room he can lock himself up inside but well before he even gets there the pheromones of a Dominant Alpha overwelms him and he staggers. looking up, he says.

"s-stay away"

but as soon as his own green eyes meets blue eyes, he freezes up and blushes alot as he bites his own lower lip.

"so you are the one that smells so sweet and intoxicating?"

the man's voice is horse and sexy in a deep and manly way that makes Tae-hyun's legs want to give in and let him fall but he ignores that as he says.

"I'm drugged with heat inducer, stay away please and let me find a room to stay in alone..."

the man smirks sexily and moves closer to Tae-hyun then whispers.

"why should I leave you alone when you are my fated mate?"

to those words I have no answer and he picks me up, blushing as I'm shivering a little in pleasure just by his touch, trying not to moan.

"it's hot..."

we gets to a room which seems to be his and he kisses me passionately as he pulls me as close to himself as possible.


and cut for now, next chapter is Mature and well our dear MC will panic afterward and run away but they will meet again 😉😉

stay tuned 🥰🥰