
chapter 3: The raising and the falling

From that day they became the best of friends and more as time passed. Matthew was happy to help Aimee get up on her feet, he helped her to open up her Saloon. They were happy for 4 years they lived together, He fell in love with her and she fell in love with him but decided to keep her feelings locked away. For she feared they may ruin their friendship. Matthew got promoted and became the manager with this promotion it meant they were now living good they bought a nice house for themselves. Things were now looking good for them

One unfaithful day Matthew lost Goods worth $2000000 in the ocean this made his supervisors Furious. Causing him to get fired this wasn't good for Matthew, since Aimee's Saloon was not producing enough money to keep the both of them alive. So he was left with no choice but to sell their house. They started renting a small twi room apartment. They ate two meals a day or even one when things didn't look good but Matthew stayed with Aimee no matter what happened. One day they were walking home from work. Then out of nowhere some black SUVs surrounded them both men wearing suits came out holding guns Aimee bursted into tears. Matthew then realized these were the people that Aimee told him about all those years ago. She was surprised that they were still after her.