
chapter 2: The test

Matthew fell to earth in a bowl of flames. he fell into the ocean he drifted for 5 days until a cargo ship found him and pick him up. The ship was headed to New York which means that is where he was going also because he didn't have much of a choice. he got a job as one of the people who load the cargo up onto the ship.

Soon two years had passed him, he had made a good name for himself. He was making enough money to keep him alive, he was renting a nice Apartments downtown. One day when he was walking back home from his night shift he encounters a girl who was standing up on a bridge attempting to jump. He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her and asked her what she was doing. She refused to talk to him and insisted to jump. He stood beside her and told her "l can't let you jump it's not right so if you jump I jump"

They both came down and she started crying in his arms. She told him that her father had taken a loan from a loanshark and failed to pay it back. which lead to him being killed the same loan shark was now coming after her so she didn't know what to do.

Her name was Aimee she had recently turned 22, she was born in Queens but then she came to New York for her father moved there for business reasons. Matthew didn't want to scare her off, so he told her that he was born in New New York he got a job at the shipping department. he had recently turned 28, he didn't tell her that he was disowned. Aimee told him she does not have anywhere to go so Matthew took her under his shoulder.