
Wait Here

"Jessica," Olive had to go to the police station for a while, and then she had to write and cut films on the station. She really didn't have time to talk to her. "I just want to live my own life."


"I didn't go back to South Star for anyone. It’s not because of you that I didn’t go home."

Olive said softly, "Whatever I do, I only do it for myself."


Olive looked at the time, "I was really in a hurry, so I will go."

Jessica moved her lips but said nothing.

Without waiting for her to respond, Olive turned to look at the sign and walked in the direction of the department of neurology.

Olive found the attending doctor of the man.

She didn't want to delay the doctor's visit and didn't take up too much time. She asked a few questions according to the situation of the male stall owner, thanked her, and left.

Before leaving the hospital, Olive went to the toilet.

Olive stooped to turn on the faucet and unconsciously shrank when she touched the ice water.