

"Robert failed in his mission"

A strong servant stated in sorrow, Robert was a very important assistan, he was King Edward's left arm. Everybody in the palace respect him.

"What did exactly happen to him?"

King Edward spoke in anger, he did not risk with his men usually, he probably did the dirty job by himself, the death of Robert left stigma deep in his soul.

The servant told him it was a trap, Kide was awareness by King Edward animus, He soonly smiled and looked through the large window at the line between the earth and the sky.

"He will lose his kingdom, I'll be sure of making him regret what he did?"

King Edward said crashing the vases, then in a light steps Queen Laliloth (his first wife) stood before him so the servant went out.

He did not have an eye contact with her for two months, when he had a glance at her dark blue eyes and the short black hair, he noticed her pale skin, Laliloth cleared her throat and spoke:

"I want divorce"

Her words hit him till he fell deep down six levels, she was his first maid, he married her without taking benefits as he always did with other women, she was a special to him, he considered her as a lucky amulet.

He won the throne after he married her, but for some problems he was little bit far from her. King Edward sighed and grabbed her by the middle, she was still staring at his eyes with a disappointing look, resisting her tears not to fall.

"Lali I'm not going to divorce you, I did marry you to let go of you"

He uttered pushing the words out, her perfume could not let him focused, she yelled:

"Seven years Edward and you did not fulfill your promise"

He was astonished, actually he did not remember that promise "What promise Lali?"

Her tears fell, it was painful seeing her crying. For he never saw her falling tears except this time.

"Calm down, breath and tell me about it"

He said sitting her on the chair, she shocked her head, that cold expression on her face as if she had not the desire to live for the next second.

"Forget about, it doesn't matter"

She sniffed, a servant told King Edward that his second wife was asking for him.

Laliloth thin smile got bitter, she saw him leaving the room as if she was not there, he was worried about his infant.

"My crime is being his wife"

Laliloth spoke while her heart was begging her to survive, she walked to the room, her head was spining around, she passed out, the servants took her in.

Two hours to awoke, she looked at the chandelier, she hessed: "Where am I?"

she hardly sat straight to find out lots of her servents around her bed.

The healer told them to let her alone, she needed rest.

" Congratulations your highness, you're pregnant "

The healer stated, she was trying to process this information.

Laliloth remembered her first child who had been sacrificed with against her will, so that Edward would enjoy his immortality.

His crying was still stock on her mind, she could not believe how for a father to kill his son this was a such crime, she would not forgive him.

"Please healer don't tell any one about my pregnancy"

She begged him she was about to kneel, finally he accepted to keep his mouth shut, he was surprised by her reaction.

"I'm not going to let my child leave in hell, I won't let them take him away"

She was repeating her words with crazy gazed, the healer gave up on her and left the room.

"The hearsay about her madness was true"

The healer said as he faced his majesty by the door.

"What's wrong with her?"

He yelled with agreat magical aura,it seemed he was out of control, the healer step a side, he could not lie in front of this angry beast.

"Her majesty is pregnant"

He said while he was bowing. Soonly the happiness appeared on his face.

"You had already been graduated, we sent you a letter informing you about this"

Master steve said while he was checking some papers, Oliva's eyes were opened largely.

"You successed on his test, that was enough for us to give you the epithet of super elite student"

He stated as he glanced at her, and continued saying:

" The mission to the Kuns land, you can't go with team"

Oliva heart was about to stop beating.

"Why sir? "

She hoped to hear a very acceptable reason. Master steve raised his eyebrow, he was surprised by her reaction.

"She got married from the most powerful man all over our kingdom and she wanted to work as a training knight" Master steve thought, he stood and walked to the window, he smiled at her.

"You don't need to go, you can start your own magic union if you really have the desire to work under our academy"

He gave her other way to seek of her interest, she bowed and left his office.

"This is a waste of time"

She whispered ignoring all of her surroundings, heading to where Kiderak was.

"So he told you"

Kide laughed at her angrily face, he sat on the chair, and pointed to her to sit on his lap, she cursed him and looked at the other side as if she did not hear him.


He whispered her name with passion full of lust, she swallowed her salvia and Obeyed him.

"Why did not you told me that I successed in your test?"

She asked holding her anger, he smiled unbuttoned her gown, she dropped her jaw.

"Well I forget"

He answered her while his hands shaping her thighs.

Oliva pulled his hands over and got closer to his face, he ribbed, could not help she was so cute.

"I wanted to spend some time with you, just you and me, away from the palace endless works"

He said slowly touching her cheeks, she dropped her jaw he planned for this from early start.

"Damn it"

She cursed herself for being such a cloddish, she thought of the previous latters from her academy which she received. No doubt he messed with them.

"I edited some parts of your academy's latters"

He uttered as if he could read her thoughts.