

Emir cautiously navigated through the dimly lit maze, his senses heightened and alert for any signs of danger.

He kept a close eye on his surroundings, scanning for potential traps or obstacles that might hinder his progress.

And soon, after crossing several traps he arrived at a closed door, obstructing his path to the next stage of the maze.

A small piece of parchment dangled from the ceiling, its surface covered in intricate symbols that appeared to hold some kind of significance.

Grabbing it, he skimmed through the symbols that seemed to be a weird mixture of English combined with seemingly random lettering.

He couldn't make any sense of it at first, but as he studied it closer, he realized that it was a riddle, the words themselves were simple to understand, as the ones with the different lettering simply needed to be discarded and the rest would form the riddle.

The riddle read:

"I crave eternal sustenance, ceaseless in demand,

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