

{RED-DESERT} Humanity, chosen to take action and travel in space to find other planets where they can live, they found now known as Tera-2 or Earth 2. They started forming and empire where they became the strongest of the universe know to man. Mostly on other planets, they where surprised to find other human like being. 1000 years later the first born child of the las emperor Adrian, emperor Lucius wanted to make a peaceful agreement between planet Kamoe or 45-76Kamoe to be left alone by the empire, the empire is assassinated before signing the agreement and the empire puts down the humans on Kamoe to work for them as slaves. Now Cosius, a slave wants to free his people and start a revolution against the empire, to avenge his family, friends and himself!

Denis_rtx · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Damaged stars. Part two.

In the medical cap, he was not alone, there was the guard that took him in and a doctor, a woman that name was written on a card, Cosius woke up, saying the words "The stars forgive" he coughed "People don't" those two didn't understand any of it the doctor came to examine him "Let's start the examination Zero-98" he doesn't do anything the doctor doesn't know how to react. Cosius gets of the bed but it's stopped by the guard. "You'll listen to her Zero-98!" his expression turned from a blank one to a sad one "My name ain't Zero whatever, I'm Cosius! " he shouted looking in the guards eyes, "I know but that's the procedure and you know it" he sat on the bed, looking at the doctor, she was terrified "Why are you scared? If I'd do something to you I'll be killed in a second. I'm the one that needs to be scared, terrified, you people enslaved us, I seen my brother's body and now I got beat up for no reason... I won't do anything..." his word where sincere, the woman was a bit calmer and a bit confused "Okay, Zer— I mean Cosius, let's start the examination" Cosius nods silently, the doctor starts to examine him, she seen his bruises and possible wounds, "What has he done, Michael?" she shouted to the man now known Michael, "Lady A. asked us to scare him badly" Cosius realized something was wrong, why an Imperial bastard want with him, then he connected slowly the dots, why Ahira wasn't working? He said in his mind, why she got better food than us? Why the guards listen to her? He closed his eyes look at them "Why don't call her Ahira, if that's her real name..." The both where shocked, didn't knew how to react to that sentence, "Are we done?" Cosius asked looking to the guard known as Michael. he gets of the bed, and leave medical bay, his plan wasn't to leave, for now at least, it was to revenge everyone. He goes back and grabs a cristal, a sharp one, one that can't be easily seen with the naked eye, if it was under the clothing. The mine slowly closed, and the slaves where sent back. Back again in the slave room, eating bred Cosius seen his old friend now enemy eating like a queen and not give any to the slaves not even to the children. He goes in front of her, "You're no Kamonian, empire scum!" everyone looked at him but Ahira was terrified, she backed up a little bit "You don't know that I found out, little snake?" everyone was shocked excluding Ahira who was terrified, the look on her face changed drastically "Please don't kill me!" she screams "I won't..." Cosius said getting his improvised weapon ready, he jumped on her and pierced her eyes, one my one, like the empire did to his brother, "I'll leave you to the red desert's fate, may the stars not guide you forth, as you're vision had been flooded with envy, pain and suffering, se will it end" this was a religious saying at the end of someone's life he gets into his corner slowly, sits facing the others "You can kill her if you must, grab her food and share it like family, now we should be not deceived by the empire anymore, let the stars guide us forward" he shouted, the slaves come closer and closer to her, she heard them but couldn't see them, they started beating her, children included, they beat her to death, her last words have been "Hope you'll die Cosius, die!" that was her last breath. "Attention Kamonians! The guards will come here in any minute ash their asset is dead, be ready to fight!" He shouted knowing his plan of escaping starts tonight!