
Old Sage: Training Disciples

Old Chen appears to be an ordinary man, but in truth, he was once known as Chen Yunlong, a name that struck fear into the hearts of all who heard it. However, his downfall came when he acquired an otherworldly treasure that drew the greed of both men and devils alike. He was crippled and believed to have perished, and his name was soon forgotten while they continued their fight for the treasure. Unbeknownst to them, Old Chen had not only survived but had found an opportunity that would help him reach the pinnacle of cultivation once again. Years later, Old Chen has settled down in obscurity, but the day will come when those who had wronged him will pay the price for their actions.

Shotgun9494 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Bonds of Kinship

Flipping through the pages of the tome, the characters materialized before his gaze, dancing and weaving into concise sentences.

[Stage 2: Cosmic Meridian Refinement]

[Through unyielding refinement, the meridians shall fortify themselves, capable of bearing the weight of star Qi's formidable essence. Their capacity shall expand, imbued with unceasing vigor, enabling the cultivation of greater strength within.]

A smile graced his lips as he scanned the next stage, "In the realm of cultivation, all foundations are crafted with the very same principles. The only difference is the quality in which it's built upon."

Without delay, he directed the translucent golden threads of star Qi into his eyes.

Guiding the Qi into his body, it traversed the intricate network of his meridians, gradually repairing his damaged meridians from the previous battle.

"Tch," a faint grunt escaped his lips, his injured meridians stirring with heightened sensitivity under the ceaseless irritation.

With gritted teeth, the energy continued to travel throughout his system, halting just before his shattered dantian, before the flow reversed as he redirected it back down his weakened pathways once again.

Within his body, his meridian channels shimmered like rivers of radiant light, and the damage was slowly mended under the gentle coaxing of the Qi.

Beads of perspiration formed on Chen Yunlong's forehead as the meticulous process unfolded, akin to delicately mending a tapestry thread by thread.

Quickly, hours passed by and there was still a long way to go before his meridian channels would be repaired.

Just then, a faint calling awoke him from his focus.

"Senior!" a voice called out in concern.

Chen Yunlong's eyes snapped open, and the brilliance of his Cosmic Pupils quickly retracted as his eyes resumed their usual deep grey.

'As long as I'm not actively using my Cosmic Pupils, I'll be able to hide them,' he thought with relief, looking over to the owner of the voice.

He easily recognized that it was Liu Heishan.

"Ah, Heishan," Chen Yunlong said warmly, his hearty laughter lingering in the air. "I know you're the type to refuse repayment over a good deed, so how about the two of us have a little talk?"

Liu Heishan's eyes brightened with curiosity, and he nodded eagerly, "Of course, Senior. I would be honored to have a conversation with you. What would you like to discuss?"

Chen Yunlong gestured for Heishan to join him, and they found a comfortable spot under the shade of a majestic tree. The air was somber and filled with a sense of closeness.

Ever since he heard of Liu Heishan's past from Wang Meili, he couldn't help but think back to a girl that he had met long ago, named Han Xiuyudi.

Chen Yunlong looked up at the sky, watching the clouds drift past the sun, his heart throbbing with sorrow.

"Heishan, my young friend, I heard much about you from Madame Wang. You're a hardworking individual, with a strong willingness to put others before you."

"But I've seen many people like you—all of which, at their very core, suffered the same tragic fate. Deep inside, they carry the wounds of loss and heartache. I once had a friend that was like that, long ago."

Liu Heishan didn't know what to say, remaining quiet as he continued to listen, albeit uneasily.

Lost in a wave of nostalgic emotions, Chen Yunlong's eyes glistened as he delved into memories of the past.

"Han Xiuyudi, though we always called her Xiao Yudi," he began, his voice carrying a mixture of fondness and regret, "she always exuded a gentle and uplifting aura. She had an unwavering enthusiasm to lend a helping hand to those in need. It seemed as though she possessed an endless reservoir of energy, tirelessly aiding others with a smile on her face."

A tinge of sadness crept into his words as he continued, "Perhaps it was because of her selfless nature that no one considered the possibility that she might be struggling herself. No one thought to ask..." he started, choking on his words, "I... I didn't think to ask if she ever needed help. She put herself before everyone, regardless of her own expense, and mentally, she was unable to keep up with her own struggles."

"She carried burdens within her, silently battling her own demons. Despite her unwavering dedication to others, she..." his lips trembled, "I neglected her well-being, both physically and mentally."

"If only I had shown her a fraction of the consideration she deserved," Chen Yunlong murmured, his voice heavy with remorse, "perhaps things would have taken a different turn. Now, all I am left with are bittersweet memories, haunting reminders of a life that could've been, but will never come to fruition."

Chen Yunlong's voice grew heavier with grief, his body trembling, as he shared the weight of his realization, staring deeply into Liu Heishan's eyes, "I will not allow such a tragedy to happen once again before my eyes. Tell me, Heishan, how much of your work is to distract you from your pain?"

Liu Heishan's heart skipped a beat, his glistening eyes trembling on the verge of tears.

The pain he harbored, the memories of his parents' deaths from the hands of ruthless bandits when he was just a young boy—those were scars he had concealed deeply, even from those closest to him.

Every single day, he put on a facade, feeling that was the only way he could be reliable and keep others from worrying more than they had to.

Chen Yunlong continued, his voice filled with empathy, "You try so fervently to keep your pain locked inside of you, fearing that revealing your vulnerability would burden others or make you appear weak. But my young friend, let me tell you this: true strength lies not in hiding our wounds but in finding the courage to heal them."

A flicker of emotion passed through Heishan's eyes, a mixture of gratitude and relief. It was as if a dam had been breached, allowing the suppressed emotions to surge forth. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he fought to steady his trembling voice.

"Senior, you... you understand," Heishan whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

"The pain... the loss I carry, it has haunted me for so long. I have always strived to be strong, to protect those dear to me. But the weight of my past, it sometimes feels unbearable. But what can I do?"

"I feel more than just sorrow—I feel hatred! I want to be good, I want to protect people. But... I want to make others pay for their wrongdoings," he clenched his fists as his eyes twisted between emotions, shivering while tears streamed down his face.

His gaze hollow, he weakly cried, "There's people I so desperately want to kill, all for the sake of revenge, in hopes that my pain will just go away afterwards! But I... I don't want to become a monster! And I don't want to hurt those dear to me!"

Chen Yunlong reached out a hand, placing it gently on Heishan's shoulder.

"Heishan, I've thought the same before, and there are many times where I walked down a dark path, knowing that just behind me was the light. These obsessions, they took from me my reasoning, and I did things... horrible things... that I never thought myself capable of."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing, "I would be a hypocrite if I said revenge was meaningless, but it's important not to sacrifice what you have now for something you can never truly reclaim."

Chen Yunlong's words held a wisdom that only came from experience. He knew the emptiness of being without family or kin, relying solely on the friendships forged during his journey.

Even more so, he knew just how much one could lose if they embarked upon a journey of revenge. What was gone would never come back, so one should hold dear what they have.

"I have no family, no kin. Besides the friends I've met on my journey, I've been on my own. If you're willing, I offer you my guidance and my friendship, as a mentor and as a figure akin to a grandfather. You don't have to face these struggles alone. Together, we can find a way to navigate the darkness and preserve the goodness within us."

With genuine sincerity, he extended his hand in friendship and mentorship, offering his guidance and support.

Heishan's tears flowed freely now, mingling with a bittersweet smile.

In that moment, the burden he had carried for so long felt lighter, shared between him and the wise elder who had appeared in his life.

"Thank you, Senior," Heishan choked out, his voice trembling with gratitude. "I... I would be honored to have you as a grandfather figure. To have someone who understands, who can offer me sincere guidance, it means more than words can express."

Chen Yunlong's smile widened, his eyes shimmering with compassion, "Then let it be so, my young friend. Together, we shall embark on a journey of growth, not only in strength but also in healing. Your pain will become a catalyst for transformation, and you will emerge even stronger, with a heart that is not only resilient but also filled with compassion."

As the sun cast its warm rays upon the two figures beneath the majestic tree, a profound bond formed, one that transcended age and circumstance.

In that tranquil moment, Chen Yunlong and Liu Heishan found solace and kinship, united by the shared understanding of their pasts and the unwavering support they promised each other for the future

I haven't put an author's note in prior chapters, but will start leaving english name meanings in the future if requested.

Name Meanings:

Chen Yunlong -> Chen "Cloud" "Dragon"

Liu Heishan -> Liu "Black" "Mountain"

Wang Xiaolan -> Wang "Dawn" "Orchid"

Wang Meili -> Wang "Lovely"

Han Xiuyudi -> Han "Graceful" "Raindrop"

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