
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 9 - "Uneventiful" Day

Ju had spent another week inside Black rock. He also took his time to create a proper researcher outfit to cover his body.

His white coat had many pockets inside and out. He used Ultima's strings to weave a resistant yet light fabric. He then gave a set to all of the staff in the facility. The coat also had been made to stop any chance of infection and attention warding effects for future projects.

Since the begin of his reserch Ju had replaced his staff with members of the Church of Dark and requested for one of them to teach him more about the world. They were quick to accept his requests.

To them it only made sense such a mighty beingh like god wouldn't know anything about them, their history or society so they weren't mad or confused for god's lack of information regarding them, Instead they felt blessed that god was willing to waste time from his eternity to learn abous his subjects.

Meanwhile, Ju got a group of church slaves to continue building his facility by shaping the rocks below.

'Basically the current situation of the Church of Dark is that they have been on a slow decline since the Lords unofficially gave up their positions as High Priests.'

Ju also learned in the meantime how the cultivation of this world works.

In the beggining the insects used food to grow stronger. But after the Lords ate God's Gift and became sentient they have slowly developed a much more effective way of cultivation that does not rely on spending valuable life resources. Instead they used toxins to grow their souls. The way they did it was by circulating the toxins in their bodies and cultivating emotion.

'It's like a Dao of sorts.'

Each insect would use an emotion as a catalyst and purify the toxins.

For Adam and his followers it was Faith. For that reason they feel absolute servitude towards their god, they just stacked power and faith on top of themselves. All their worth as living beings is faith directed at Ju so it's much more likely for them to comit suicide than to betray Ju.

Ju was inside his facility using stairs to climb the floors. The many reserchers behind him were giving him reports on their respective projects, when they were done they gave a deep bow and walked away.

'Nothing too interesting. Sigh for the time being i will check out Mega Structural Fluid Transporter.'

Ju kept climbing util he was at the very top of the facility. There he had a entire square kilometer covered with glass. Inside was a miniature building. The building was complicated with many turns and small entrances. It was covered with vessel-like trails that stuck to the walls climbing in and out, up and down.

The entire kilometer was covered with many colored veins. Some were covered with carapaces, some werebare pinkish, some had a sickly yellow and some had yellow and brown. Besides them it was filled with small creatures the size of a thumb. They were walking around collecting blocks of gray blocks and carrying them to keep on building inside the onservation chamber. Manwhile Ju stared at them from a distance and saw how their time moved. They were moving many times a insect's walking speed.

'To think sometime ago this world's creatures were all this size...'

Since Ju entered Black Rock two weeks ago he accidentally activated the planet again and it started to consume his Sundust to start growing again. This time however as the creatures bound to it were also greatly benefited and grew in size. Before Ju who before was big enough to shape mountains was now reduced to be many times smaller than even his own avatar. Coincidentally the items Ju placed on the planet were also affected as for them they have been around for thousands of years and were also bonded to the planet.

'Sigh. Thankfully i will be able to srink it back in the future in case i need to. I also should give up on making this planet like earth for the time being.'

Ju originally planted resouces and wanted each continent to have it's own especiality but as time went by the insects travelled all around so the species were mixed together and as they scavated the resourcess too soon and were too dumb to know how to use them properly they eventually evolved more useful carapaces and bodies. The metals he planted are only used as currency though they are very unpopular.

Back to the observation chamber. Ju had decided that creating massive creatures in a space the size of a planet was too uneffective. He instead gave each resesercher a small control over the flow of time and control of life inside a small area and told them what kind of creature he was looking for. He had been bored after creating the insects.

This world was supposed to be his sandbox for him to play with before he dies after all. And right now he felt the urge to play one of the civillizarion strategy games he liked ahen he was younger. A hyper realistic one at that!

His goal for the time being was to create animals and other creatures the ones present at earth. This was something that took a long time effort and space to do. And to be one hundred percent sure he could get the most of his reserchers and helpers he planned to make the facility a closed and sustentable enviroment. No staff would ever feel the need or want to get out of the giant structure.

The Mega Structural Fluid Transporter. Mega SFT for short was a essential part of it all. Even though it's name had "Fluid Transporter" in it it's actuall goal was for a multipurpose biological machine that parasitises the facility.

Right now he has been breeding the base function creatures. The veins covering the miniature are the best results from reserch being done in the floors below. Ther are all each connected to a "Souce" that feeds them with basic nutrients in liquid form and boiling to be equally distributed along the entirety of the animal's circumference. The thumb sized beings were NPCs also results of reserch being done below.

They were easily programmable using simple voice commands and would follow exactly what they were told.

Right now Ju had programmed them with the instincts to "Gather, Build, Eat, Reproduce" of couse they were eating the contents inside the Veins using special "Feeding stations".

Ontop of that Ju had multiplied the time inside the observation chamber by 10.000 units. This was done in a limited space and in a planet already under the effects of time multiplication on top of that so the cost was 200 times less than it would be in usually. Just 200 essence everyday. The other reserchers also used just about the same but many times faster in smaller chambers.

'After i am done here i should also send this back down and go back to have a rest.'

Ju gave the beings in the observation chamber anothe loor before closing hia eyes and pulling back his soul.

Back in earth Ju sat on his chair with eyes closed and crossed arms when he suddenly felt himself falling and jolted awake.

He stared at the World's Orb and commented inwardly.

'Yeah. It really is best to keep the speed how it is right now. I don't think the me of right now can handle much more.' Ju slowly felt his own soul and confirmed that indeed his soul was suffering a deviation and was affected by a slight disassociation from his body.

'If i deviate too much it means my mind is understanding i'm actually from that world and when i come back i won't be able to co trol my body. It might seem like staying in a world where i'm god is a good thi g but in actuallity i'm only god because i'm not from there.'

Indeed. The reason Ju is so powerful inside of Black Rock is because of his control over his dead cells and bacteria that held absurd ammounts of essence hard fused with them over the years. If his soul deviated from his body into Black Rock he won't be the owner of his cells wich means his body is simply made of Dark element and is immune to toxins.

He will also lose control over the flow of time inside Black Rock.

Ju pondered for a minute and shifted his attention to the window besides him. He could see the sun was just about to set. Turning up the TV he saw the same date as when he left.

'Over Two weeks in less than a day... Heh, sadly i can't stay much longer inside.' Ju's soul's deviarion speed would become exponencially quicker as time went on beyiond the two weeks mark. Sadly it takes many years to become proficient enough to extend how long one can stay in a world.


Ju heard the doorbell ring and walked to the front door.

Opening it he saw no one, he only noticed in the small wall besides the front gate a object wrapped on a nice piece of cloth. The contents of wich smelled great.

'Now that i think about it it has been two weeks since i smelled anything.

Ju walked to the good smelling item and opened it as he assumed it was for him, and if it wasn't he could simply apologise.

'Heh. It's not likd they will hit a balding old man right?'

Ju opened the item an foud inside was a nice plastic bowl with pasta and meatballs.

On top ok it was a small paper note.

""I apoligise for earlyer. Next time i invite you to come eat in my home" right?"

Ju was wondering who could have written this when he suddenly remembered the unconfortable situation from over two weeks ago.

"Hahah. Pasta is also not a dinner food but it can't be too bad can it?" On the verse of the note Ju could read Mistia's address and a warning to leave the bowl back where he found it.

Ju brought back the bowl and happily ate it's contents while watching TV.

On the news Ju could see more of the same. Util the program was cut midway the host's sentence and quickly came back.

"Attention. This is emergency report."

Ju could feel like something bad was about to happen.

Suddenly on the screen the image of two very well known fellows showed up. The two wore military uniforms with hundreds of oversized medals hanging from them. The one on the left suddenly declared with a strong voice.

"Stars Country is officially declares war against Rivers Country!"

"Our nation cannot accept the absolute sacrilege Rivers is imposing to out collected history! As two nations who were once one and the same we have for a long time considered you as our brothers! But this is no longer an option! You have taken in members of lower blood from our common enemy even though we have warned you many times to refrain from doing so!"

"Our great nation can no longer endure such disrespect! You have 30 days to hand over all refugees and pay a fine of 200 billion otherwise you will all regret this dearly!" The transmition suddenly cut off again.

Ju was stunned and agape. When hsle heard a loud sound of explosions going off in the distance and many woman screaming.
