
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

OMCW Chapter 5 - Trap is a life

After returning home Ju went straight to the sleeping bed he set up in one of the room's floor. There he laid motionless.

'Her reaction... it makes a lot of sense now.'

In Ju's family all males looked alike. Ju was identical to his fathet and his father was identical to his father.

'Maybe back on their planet my grandfather also had a indentical father.' Ju amused himself.

Indeed. Ju's father was a terrible man. Not only had he given up on his family he had also taken from them their dear grandson for the sake oftraining him into a loyal confidant in this feral and brutal business world. Also someone inherit his riches once he died.

He looked at his palm.

It was old looking. It had uneaven wrinkless all over jt that divided space with younger looking skin.

The same was the case across his entire body. Age advancement syndrome. It was an extremelly rare ocurrance and only affected over the years a bit over 500 people.

Ju's father, sister and grandfather developed the disease. His grandfather was already on the end of his years as he purposelly lowered his lifespan to that of a human's so the disease wasn't so cruel on him. He actually ended diyng because of sadness from Ju's departure over 20 years ago. His grandmothef got sick with a severe cold and died because of a lack of money to go to a decent hospital. They tried to contact Ju multiple times but his father cut them off.

He was a greedy man and wanted his son to be completely focused on learning how to run the company. Not for Ju's good though.

Ju was just short of 42 years of age. His birthday would coincidentally be the month after the month he calculated he would die in.

'When i was younger i hoped i could be done with my job before i was 25. I would spend the rest of my life playing around like a fool.'

'But the paperwork just kept on pilling up. In this life i ever only got into bed with two woman. But i very harely had any relarions with them, ibwas always tired and stressed. The free time i had was spent with alchool, i never had a kid and never planned to.'

Ju would not be able to sleep for the time being. So he got up to drink some water.

Ju went back to his living room and sat to look at his small world that was moving 40years/hour

'Life isn't a blessing. It's a trap. A sexually transmited disease that only a even more severe disease can end. It's a downright slide that only money can bring up.'


"Sometimes not even that..."

This was Ju and his way of viewing the world.

A man screwed with by fate. Maybe if he wasn't enticed by the fairy history of a countryside boy becoming a big shot in the big city.

Maybe if had ignored his friends and father's temptations and sweet talk.

Maybe he wouldn't have wasted his life in things that wouldn't follow him to the afterlife. Maybe he woulf have dated a pretty girl here where he was raised and had a long life. The only thing this life he lived had taugh him and was the only thing he didn't regret were his anti-natalist thoughts. "Unless the world is made for you. Your life will be full if suffering."

"Suffering" was Ju's key thought. Avoiding the creation of pain was more important than the creation of life.

This might sound hipocritical from him as he had just created a world and planned on making several thousands of insects suffer for his own entertainment. But it was different. Insects were not like humans. They didn't feel like humans did. Cientists have have several proofs that insects don't see pain as suffering but one of several signals on the brain this one maning it's body suffered damage. Even if it goes around trashing and even making a fuss. Even if it could scream.

It's a insect. They do what they are told by their instincts.

A way to say it. If a human had a insect's soul. If you killed it's lover and it cried in pain over the corpse and screamed like his chest was crushed, inside it would instead be making the simple connection. "Mating companion was lost" and release chemicals and hormones to punish it and to not let the partner be killed the next time.

Insects were cold. And their goal was simple. Ju himself manually imput the goal of the insects inside the planet. Himself.

Be born, eat, grow, mate, reproduce.

These one would be beetle's goals for eternity.

Ju sat there looking as Adam who was still alive after over 200 years had passed for it ate a hundred odd Cricket-like evolved beetles.

He opened his great mouth filled with teeth and with one crunch they were all gone, dead and ingested.

The planet was still a dangerous place filled to the brim with dangers and fog. Most first generation cells had died long ago a few decades after Ju had left.

These first generations evolved as their life progressed so the ones who managed to reproduce left a few thousands of equaly well adapted offspring to populate the world. Ju watched this util he accidentally slipped into sleep. While im his sleep adam's time on the planet was slowly coming to it's end. When Ju waked up 800 years later he would no longer be able to see the ginourmous black titan.

--Dark Plains year 692--

The dark king of grave lands. Titan Adam was sitting in the inside of a cave staring at a underground lake. The lake was a mixture of the several toxic paints oil and fat along with extremelly salted water Ju had brought to the world.

Adam the king of the Dark plains. He standing in the middle of his continent pointed his antenna up into the air.

He stayed like that for several days util he received a response.

After even more time had passed, several other titans came from the horizon. Either crawling or flying.

Those we're his fellow sons of god. The governants of the ancient times and the lords of the 5 continents.

After them all had arrived Adam allowed the centipede looking one to get closer. The centipede was many times bigger than Adam. While adam was half the size of a earthling hino beetle. This centipede was the same size of a earthling giant centipede. Which was kilometers long in this tiny world. After it got close with it's head low adam opened his mouth and from it a hair glistening with blue came out. He used a pincer to cut a piece out and gave it to the centipede to eat.

"Thou shall eat and have a taste of the lord's might, eternal life and wisdom. Thou shall receive the know of your own existance."

After eating the piece of hair the centipede felt something change inside of itself and for the first time in it's life it showed emotion. It was confusion.

After confirming the evolution had registered Adam sent the mountain range sized titan lay on th toxic pool behind himself.

Adam would then do the same to all other titans and kill the one who rejected Adam's ascension.

"How dare such a being dare to oppose become closer to god."

Adam throwed the scorpion's corpse aside and stared at the crowd of insects followed him.

He stared at one of the scorpion's offspring and sent a signal. "You now own the soft land." He threw the Former lord's remains down from the hight platform that was that continent towards the basin below.

He sent another signal.

"Eat." So the scorpion ate.

Adam stared back to the toxic sea behind him. This may be toxic to creatures outside the Dark Lands. But for beings born in this world this was a nutritional bath that could make any of the thousands of insects have an instant brackthrough. A simple peon could own his island 5 hours inside.

But none dared. This was a lake Adam has been working on for several years now. Any who even considered would be dead before giving another breath.

"Before i am gone grom this land you must create a powerful court and make spread his wisdom."

Adam stared back at the insects behind him and sent a signal.

From that moment forward all but the strongest soldiers would be banished to the forgotten continent and were to carve a new home inside the earth. They were to bring no more than their own belonggings. He also ordered the Soft land Lord to leave one third of his land to the underworld as a punishment for his antecessor's missconduct.

Adam looked at the scorpion that finished eating it's ancestor. It had also eaten the hair that was inside the Previous Lord's stomach so it had also gained a limited level of cognition.

"After you have done your duty you will also be allowed to bath on my lake." So he said and turned back to his lake.

The scorpion down the basin was clearly exited and used several cluncky signals to represent a feeling it learned from eating God's Gift. "Gratefulness" it wanted to say.

So, right unded Ju's nose. Not only had his insects earned cognition.

They had also added a new goal into their instinct's goal. Be born, grow, reproduce, give birth, act human.