
Old Man's Cold World of Insects(on wait)

Warning: SEVERAL typos and there may be later changes to chapters. (Edit: i won't be touching this for a while. My first idea when creating this changes as i wrote every chápter and had more/betternideas and am still trying to figure out better ways to write. Not expecting anyone to care but don't mind to read this all will be deleted in the future.) A old dying man goes to his grandparents house in the countryside to die in piece after working for his entire life. There full of regrets for the greedy life he lived he finds a life creation manual and creates a small world for himself. Sadly all thw lifeforms he manages to create are cold in their core and are creatures who simpky pretend to be human and immitate human emotion. Watch as this old man governs like a god over these beings who are no better than unempathetic insects as he develops a utopia for those who are born with feelings to reight over these inferior beings.

Nojaro_sann · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

OMCO Chapter 1 - Old shed

"Sir... you will die soon. There is no cure to your illment. It's still a new disease too so you don't have too many option to expand your life span."

The tall and muscular doctor told the balding old man.

The old man reaxhed for his balding head and pulled out one of his very few thin hairs.

He stared at them like he didn't hear the doctor just now. He didn't seem to show any reaction to the news he just received.

The medical professional didn't seem too surprised by this either.

It wasn't uncommon for someone to not know how to react after learning they contracted a deadly disease. Expecially someone of this calliber and standing.

The balding man finally spoke still calm.

"There is no need to bother." He spoke letting go of the few thin and white strands.

"I will be on my way. There is no need for you to bother with setting any medical staff. Just tell my relatives and people i'm close to that i fell on a come and died" the man stood up and walked in the direction of the door.

He opened the creaking wooden door and behind the loud noise he muttered with a bit of a shameful feeling inside like he forced these words out before it was too late. "I deeply apologise for our conturbed past"

The man walked past the door and it closed behind him. The doctor didn't manage to hear the apology and instead thought it was simply a bitterful remark the dying old man told himself.

At the ground level of thw grand hospitalar building the man walked out.

Gia Medical was a massive international brand in the medical business that was advertised as the number 1 brand among the whealty.

All and only young masters and ladies also their full pocketed parents would use Gia Medical even to treat a simple cold.

For that reason Gia had the most expensive treatments on planet earth. It was a very uncommon and unlikely sight to see such a unhealty looking man using tattered clothes coming out of such a building. The old man was very eye catching with his simple yellowing white shirt and black pants.

Yet still more eye catching because even with his sickly aura his stance stood tall and straight. Soon the man walked into the distance.

'I don't need any of that. I knew it was a matter of time util this got me too. It's a genetic disease that also got both my father and elder sister. Instead of dying like those money hungru buffons i will spend my last years in peace l.'

'I never liked the constant calls and the paper sighning anyway. This is the perfect excuse i needed to finally retire Guss will take care of the reparture of my liquidity and state.'

The old man used to be a multibillionaire that spent most of his life following his father's teachings to "always make more" 'That man was as greedy as he was dumb. In the end he died alone in his hospital bed. After he sent me and elder sister on a business trip'

His elder sister also followed her father years later for the stupidity of following his way of thinking.

The man walked half a kilometer from the Gia building and took a bus to the countryside.

'My Grandparent's house...' the old man coughed violently thrice and sighed heavily.

It'll be good to die where most of my good memories lie.

A day later the man went around his many houses appartments and took some of his most confortable clothes. The dollar store pieces and used clothes he could sneak into his wardrobe back when he was small. He left all his thousands of dollars worth of clothes behing and planned a trip to the country-side.

He didn't worry about leaving traces behind, he said he wanted people to think he was dead so of couse there are people who would do their job of hiding evidence.

The day later he reached the house. He got off a travel buss a bit over 1 kilometer away from the house and carried a heavy suitcase with difficulty. He was old and sick after all.

After arriving and opening the front door he walked in and opened the house. It was a very big wooden building with a old style. Though years of being forgotten made it fall from it's previous grace and the entire place was rotting. He already ordered building materials so the place won't stay like this for long.

"Now to start i guess i will check my grandmother's shed..."

'Heh. She always had so many interesting things. Now that i think about it i never really entered the shed have i?'

The man was getting amotional remembering the many years he spent inside the house with his only maternal and paternal figures.

Looking around the shed on the back of the house he saw many of the toys he played with when he was a kid. Sadly it was so long ago that he could barely figure out if those were really the originals and the order of his favourites. He remembers he had a very strict hierarchy for them. He spent months thinking of powers, names and in which rank of the hierarchy they would best fit. In his imaginative mind he could create numerouns battes between them to figure out who was the stronger.

He remembered how fun it was. But none of the epic battles lasted in his brain.

He searched around a bit more util he found a sealed box. This was not the first he didn't know the contents of over 80% of the boxes inside this place. He pulled the box and coincidently the nails in it were very loose so he quickly pulled them out and opened it.

"What. Are these?" From inside the box the man pulled a small object smaller than a toenail.

It was too small and the shed was dark. He looked around for a magnifier and also turned on the lights. He took a better look and found out this small object was a ant sized human red chestplate decorated with gold.

"What even is this-"



Before the man could ready his thoughts the sound of a doorbell came from the front door.s