

I walk into school with my head down, AirPods in, and backpack clutched. I look around discreetly, watching everyone interact and form groups with their friends. Apparently, I'm a "watcher." So says my mother. She says that I am so distant from everyone else that I watch and observe everyone from afar.

I like to think of myself as "aware" because not only am I aware of others, I'd like to believe I'm aware of myself. I hit something—or someone, I should say—hard, pulling me from my train of thought. Looking up to see none other than Blake Chapman, I immediately look back down and try to side step quickly enough to pass him by.My wrist is caught by a rough, long, and calloused hand.

As I struggle to pull my wrist from his grasp, Blake pulls me to his chest, leaning down to whisper in my ear, "Did you miss me, Cali?" "No, I did not." "Do you remember what I told you the day that I left Cali?" My nickname dripped from his lips like honey. "No, and quite frankly, I don't care much for anything you have to say to me, so please leave me alone." You don't mess with me, and I won't mess with you.

"I told you I'd come back for you, and I'm back, Calista." You also said we were best friends while you spouted "every one." You could have come back for anyone but me out of our entire class's secrets, who are now all students at this school.I look at my watch to see there are only fifteen minutes left until the first class starts. I tighten my grip on my bag as I walk on, having said my piece and being done with both him and the ongoing conversation, heading towards the quad.

I'm grabbed by my hips and pulled back into his large body, landing with an "oomph." I latch onto Blake's hands in an attempt to release myself from his tightening grasp; he turns me around, dragging me to the supply closet and slamming the door shut. Breathing heavily, ready to scream, my face turns red with rage. "What are you doing?" Let me out. I huff as he blocks the door. "Listen to me," he states with a rougher voice than I recall. "Why?" I ask, "You and your friends put me through hell; some of them still do." Did you think you'd leave "promising" to come back for me and just return with me waiting for you?

I scoff, 'Did you think I'd just forgive you? I'd miss you so much that I'd just forget what you did. You were supposed to be my best friend, Blake. I wipe my tears, hating that I was crying in the first place. "I'm sorry, Cali. When we were kids, I was more worried about being cool than being your friend. I can't say that I didn't mean to hurt you, because that's not entirely true. I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to make you love me again. "I am sorry, Cali; I swear I'll spend the rest of my time proving it."

"I don't believe you," I said, and I didn't think he could just be doing this to mess with my head. "I know," he whispered in a downcast tone, "goodbye Blake."

I walk from the closet, feeling a train wreck of emotions hit me as I run from the school and towards my dad's old cabin in the woods by the lake.