
New home

I was in secondary level of my studies when we shifted to an old big home in Cantonment Area of Multan and we lived there for 22 years.

early days of shifting, everything was fine n lovely. Big Lawn with Rose bunches. Mangoes trees, Lush green grass and many rooms.

after 2 months of living in that house, strange things started happening.

My family has 7 family members. 5 Siblings, Mom and Dad.

we all noticed strange sounds and displacement of things in home. things were at once lost and then reappear in very confusing way.

knocking at Doors, feeling of somebody is following us step by step, more even sometimes we clearly heard sound of whistling from empty rooms.

sometimes voice resembles with our own voices...

If you are alone in that home..you will be scared.

One chilled evening of January, I was sitting in Lawn.

I heard crying voices of my Dobi. Dobi was a Doberman pinscher Dog. Brave and very alert breed of dogs.

I rushed towards my dog voices at back side of the house.

I saw my Dog was staring at some invincible thing in dark and was making crying voices.

something strange in dark and for sure it was terrifying.

Dog seems very scared, I called him by his name and tried to acknowledge him that I'm here and no need to scared but the Dog didn't paid attention to my voice.