

in a hospital delivery room a child birth was happening

and out side the room a man name richard

was walking back and forth

richard was adventurar that live a happy life with his wife martha

after thier marrige that was without thir family permission he has to live a mediocar life away from eye of his and her wifes family

and after 4 year their marrige he has chance to become a father

then suddenly his wife cry stop

the room door open he run in the room and

sow his wife uncounsiuss figure and two nurse they were carrying achild both

both child were uncounsius

"mister richard pleas giv us a way "

both nurse ran fastly and place both child in

strang glass like structure

"what what happen to them "

"mister richard please exuse the us and pleas wait out side "

"tell me whats haapeen to them "

"mister richard they are in critical condition pleas allow us to give them some time to adjust "

and they both child were placed on strange glass like chamber that started ti illuminate withe multicolour particle

after half an hour a doctar

come in room

"doctar ....sir pleas tell me what happen to my children .tell me the...."

"they.. are safe

mister richard i tell you truth fully .

consider your position i wont beat around the buss

your children are in suspanded animation

they are healthy but they are having dificulty

activating there cogenitive system

there were some cases in past

were children. didint awaken there cogenitive system becouse of abnormality in soul memory or gene memory "

"doctar why are you telling me this

just tell me solution "

"miater richard there is no solution

they will awaken thier cogenative system

after some time"

"when doctor give me a proper ans."

sing" mister richard it can be 1 week month or year

in previos cases shortes case was 7 day

and longest was 5 year "

doctar .

then suddenly a crying sound come from bed

"my baby.....".

this was martha

"honey dont worry .

its ok honey they both will wake up soon "

then richard hug his wife they both stay like that for some time

after 1 day

martha "honey they will wake up soon"

richard" honey yes they will wake up soon ".

aftet 1 week

richard and martha bothe were talking with each other

"honey i think they know about our children .

what should we do richard"

"i think we have to to change the city

the suddenly knock come from door .

knock ..knock .

doctor come from room

"mister richard there are some topics i like to discuss "

"what topic haa"

"about the machine of suspended animation

you alredy know both child will probebly stay like that for some time and if they stay like that for 1 week

you know prossisor if you want you can stay in hospital or can transfer both child in your home "

"its okay doc we want to stay in hospital

tboth chat for little and doctar exuse himself ".

time started to flow

1 month

7 monthe


and then one fate full day

the weather become rainy lightning stargedto rain like water

enire city was in curfey

from 2 day

richard and martha

"honey they are searching for us

yeah martha i think we should change city ."

richard was just talking with martha then suddenly a thunder bolt in black and white colur strick on hospital that directly went toward children

martha and richard both run toward machine they sow bothe children were showing sign if awakning

martha honey honey ithink they are opning there eye

richard yes honey elwe shuld.....

then suddely richard started to have omius feeling

"martha i think we shouuld run "

step step ...

soldier foot step can be heard richard sow a a unit of soldoer running toward hospital

then suddely martha starteded to cry

"honey honey they are opning there eye

both boy open there eye then the flip there head and sow each other and started to cry

honey grab the children we are going home ."

Ricard shaut

martha heard foot step from door

martha understand that situation was not good

richard tap in his brace lat two mask

come from it

he toss a mask to martha

martha" those fucker i wil grill them alive if not for my child" she angrily shout

both children were crying

then martha grab a children and richard also grab other children

two smal cube like structure appear out of nowhwere .

they both place chiledren in them

then boom the door of room bast apart

but martha and richard run toward window they sow soldier runing toward them and then boom two white wings appear from martha she jump from window

and richrad covered entirelly in flame

he also jump from window and then they dissapear from sight