
Supernatural Tower

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

The next day, Meng Chao revealed his application to his teachers and classmates. 

No one was surprised by his choice. 

Agricultural University's canteen was famous for providing an abundance of rich food. Meng Chao could not execute a lot of skills, so if he joined the martial arts course in Agricultural University and trained until he was covered in tough muscles, then put some beast souls in his body, he could use that one skill to rule over the entire world. 

Demon Yan found it a waste because of his gun technique, but he still enthusiastically invited Meng Chao to go for an exchange in the military school. 

The current power layout of the schools of higher learning in Dragon City was this: One great university, and five super universities. 

The great aristocratic university, Dragon City University, stood at the top.