
Oh my ! CEO is jealous !

She, disappointed by her own family, forced to marry a cold CEO. Him, always like a block of ice, not showing any weakness or emotions. Who'll win ? Who'll fall' first ? Author : " If you want to know the answer, then, read it ". XD

Blackshadowfree · Thành thị
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41 Chs

Past years

A ray of sunlight fell on pearly strands, they looked so sparkly under the reflection. A hand gently caressed them, a barely noticeable smile spread on his face, " I wish I could have such a view every morning ... ", a low whisper echoed in the bedroom. Cheng Feng slowly got up and unwillingly left the warmth of the bed, he had some business to do first. The girl was still in deep sleep, as if she seemed to notice the emptiness beside her, she clinged into the huge pillow, hugging it. Her body lazily rolled around trying to find the most comfortable position, but after a few more rolls she frowned. Xue sat up, since she couldn't sleep anymore, it was better to get up. 

" Oh my, this young master is up so early in the morning ? Could you bear to leave the bed ? What a surprise ", a mocking voice greeted him as soon he set foot in the breakfast lounge. Chen Feng stared at the fiery woman, " You're so energetic, did you eat too much ? ", " Heheheh ". Mrs. Yu glared at him, " Nope, I'm always like that, you already know, no ? ", The doc chuckled, she was really active in the morning, poking at people's sore spots. " Is little Xue still asleep ? ". Chen Feng nodded and walked towards the food counter, he asked the waiter to pack up two portions of breakfast. " Ah, so dedicated, just like a perfect husband ", Mrs. Yu kept making fun at the poker faced person, who directly ignored her. " It's their honeymoon, afterall. I think we are the uninvited guests… ", Dr. Jun spoke, while sipping the hot tea. Hearing this, her eyes rolled, honeymoon your head, she betted that he was completely in the dark about the contractual marriage. But she knew a few things about it, such as…. Noisy and draggy feets interrupted her thought, " Oh, why do you guys wake up so early ? It's a waste of precious hours of sleeping ", a guy lazily walked in while yawning. His messy red hair was clearly saying that this person just rolled out of the bed and decided to join the fun. He sat next to the doc, using his shoulders as a support to lean on. Mei Lin furrowed her brows at her twin's behavior, she looked at the victim, moving her mouth, " If he's annoying you, just tell me, I'll beat him up ". Even if Lei Feng didn't know how to read the silent words, he clearly got the meaning, with such a hot temper, it was impossible that she said something gente. He chuckled and ruffled up Ye Huang's hair, then he glanced at the cold faced guy leaving with the tray. 

If he said that he wasn't worried about Xue, it was a lie. He got the chance to know that little girl when he went back to his country to finish his medical studies, the last step was working as an assistant under a senior doctor. And on his first day he saw a fairy-like child crying alone in the ward. He still could recall the scene, her confused watery eyes, while her pale skin had a rosy tint. At that time she was only ten years old, but the sorrow in her eyes was way more than her age. Those eyes stirred something in him, but he didn't quite catch on it. He only knew that the following period he showed interest in her medical records and tried to elaborate a few possible solutions to lighten her current health issues. The tutor was quite delighted that he was fond of the medical knowledge and gave him more pointers. Years passed, and every special day a small gift was left in that yard when the patient wasn't in the room. Lei Feng slipped in everytime Xue had a check up or some exam, he hoped that those small things could cheer her up. But one day the tutor discovered it, he harshly lectured him, saying that a doctor shouldn't develop any emotional attachment to a patient, because the emotions would cause a clouded judgment on the treating phrase. He already saw a lot of cases where they were treating their own families and grew anxious and gave wrong prescriptions or too heavy ones. If the effect of the medication was light, it wouldn't cause much damage. But, there were some cases where it ended up with deaths. He absolutely wanted to stop his student from this disaster, so he forbade him to take things to patients. A few years later he had to leave and finally graduate. What he didn't expect was that he was stuck overseas longer than he supposed. Time flowed and soon, month after month, it was already the new year. When he got back, the ward was already empty. Meeting her again was pure coincidence, Mrs. Yu didn't know that Xue was his patient in the past, she called him over just because he was already ' babysitting ' her twin's health. Also she thought of him as someone reliable, not a casual doctor from the regular hospitals. 

Lei Feng sighed while stirring his tea, his eyes were a bit cloudy. Suddenly a hand tapped on his arm, " Hey, what are you spacing out for ? ", a pair of amber eyes popping in his vision, they were a bit annoyed. He smiled, this brat surely loved to interrupt people, he threw a glance in the cup and finished it. 

Xue was in a hurry to get herself ready, it was close to noon, how did she end up sleeping so long ? Her brain clearly didn't connect the fact that those peculiar days were all thanks to a certain person…. She fixed her shoes and walked towards the door, she pulled the door handle. But it didn't move, her pupils constricted, and she tried again, only to fall forward. There was someone else who was trying to open the door too! She lost her balance when the other side pulled. An arm circled her waist, stabilizing her, " Are you okay ? Sorry, I thought the door was stuck ", Cheng Feng explained, a thin layer of cold sweat was covering behind his neck. He was ready to call someone to get rid of the inconvenience. Xue glanced up and nodded, " I was surprised too ", then she saw the tray on his left arm. He kinda looked funny, with both of his hands busy, especially the left one. He was afraid of spilling the food over her, so the arm was stretched out in an awkward pose. " Right, I brought over breakfast. It's too noisy in the canteen ". If Mrs Yu heard his excuse, she'd probably roll her eyes and expose him without any mercy. 

So, surprise, still alive, and I guess, more depressed.

I think I'll focus on writing more, I need to distract myself from real life. I really need this, I don't know what I'm gonna to do if I don't do this. Going crazy might be an option, and many more.

So if you like the story, enjoy, if not, goodnight.

Sleep, sleep , it's nice to wake up late and cozily.

Yes, I still can yap a lot, so I'm still fine ?

Blackshadowfreecreators' thoughts