
Oh my ! CEO is jealous !

She, disappointed by her own family, forced to marry a cold CEO. Him, always like a block of ice, not showing any weakness or emotions. Who'll win ? Who'll fall' first ? Author : " If you want to know the answer, then, read it ". XD

Blackshadowfree · Thành thị
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35 Chs


A figure was standing in a shower while holding his fists against the wall. His knuckles were completely whitened. A heavy drizzling poured on his body, no wisps of mist could be seen. The eyes were completely shut, only a few taut muscles on his neck were showing his current state of mind. Then he suddenly laughed, " So, you were so anxious that you wanted to kill at first sight ? ", a few cold chuckles followed, echoing in the dark room. Chen Feng grabbed a bathrobe and walked out, he strode towards the balcony. Chilly puff of wind played with droplets of water that fell off from his wet hair. One of his eyes was covered by a few strands, leaving out a deep sea-blue pupil. He gazed at the city, it was surely lively, even during nighttime, the alleys were still bustling with people.

A few hours ago, when Xue left. Mrs. Yu anxiously glanced at her pale appearance, while making sure she was covered by the blanket. They needed a doctor, immediately. She picked up a wet towel, wiping off droplets of sweat. " That guy, tsk really irresponsible, leaving my muse like that ". She felt so annoyed yet worried, she glared at the poor driver, " Go faster or this month's salary will be gone ". He shivered and cried inside, he had only to drive, but why was it so hard with this crazy Fiery stylist ? Nevertheless he stepped on the gas pedal, praying for his pay.

A ruby car stopped in front of a huge villa surrounded by a forest, a woman hurriedly stepped out while carrying a thin figure wrapped in blankets. Servants were everywhere, as they saw the master, they all hastily welcomed her and helped her out. Mei Lin kicked the door open and gently laid down the sick person, she grabbed the doc and literally dragged him near the bed. " Check her conditions, now ", her eyes were blazing, she was really furious. The medic kept his composure during her actions, he wiped his glasses and put them on. He checked the patient's body temperature, the heartbeat rate and eyes. Then he stood up, looking at the red haired woman, " There's nothing life-threatening, the cause of those effects is an aphrodisiac ". She glared at him, " Give her something to cooldown ". She thought for a moment, " … And a few painkillers too…. ". She exhaled, feeling relieved, at least it wasn't poisoning or who knows what. She quickly arranged a cold bath and a few warm clothes.

Xue gasped, she felt so hot, too hot. Even the air she breathed in was scorching, she tried to run away from the heat, but it was impossible, it was stuck on her, wherever she went it followed. Suddenly she felt an icy feeling which was refreshing and cooling, she mumbled a few sounds, feeling a bit better. As time went by, she felt drowsy, her consciousness slowly drifted in dreamlands.

She dreamed a strange dream, it looked like her actual world, but there was only one creepy thing. All the people she met were exactly like her, pale skin, white hair and crimson pupils. She ran away, disgust was reflected in their gazes. Droplets started to fall from the sky, as it turned grim. Her legs kept moving until she tripped and fell. She saw her reflection from a small puddle. She froze. There was a girl who had inky hair and a pair of bright green eyes. A feeling of horror gripped her heart, it clawed on it, chewing it without any mercy. She tried to scream, but no sound came out from her throat.

A girl was moving, looking a bit restless in the huge bed. A woman wiped off the sweat from her forehead, " Gosh, what kind of nightmares are haunting you ? ", Mrs. Yu sighed. She could only wait for her to wake up. As she finished her thoughts, the girl abruptly sat up and her hand clasped the empty air in front of her. Her eyes were completely dull, seeing that she couldn't grab anything she pulled the blanket. Bluish vein popped on her pale hand as they tried to tear up the cloth. " Miss Zhao, wake up, wake up !! ". The stylist held her shoulders and shook them, she needed to regain focus. " Call the doctor, now !!! ". Hurried footsteps filled the bedroom.

A stinging light was poking at her eyesight, it was really annoying. She groaned, opening her eyes. A curious sight greeted her, an unfamiliar room and a lot of strangers who looked at her. " Hello ? ", a hug surrounded her immediately, leaving her stunned. " You finally regained your consciousness !!! I thought you'd be stuck in that state forever !! ". " Mrs. Yu ? Could you let me go ? I'm out of breath ". The red haired woman let her go, while laughing and apologizing. " Where am I ? ", she asked, glancing around. Mrs. Yu patiently explained all the happenings after the party. When she finished, Xue rubbed her head, a bit troubled. She thought that she could live peacefully till her deal ended, but it seemed that it wasn't the case. She thought about the drink then realized something. " Wait, he emptied mine ?! ". A pair of eyes were looking at each other with different expressions.

Here's another chapter, see ya !

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