
Oh my ! CEO is jealous !

She, disappointed by her own family, forced to marry a cold CEO. Him, always like a block of ice, not showing any weakness or emotions. Who'll win ? Who'll fall' first ? Author : " If you want to know the answer, then, read it ". XD

Blackshadowfree · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Lifelike wildflowers

" Oh, you're here, Lei Lei, come here . Can I have my medical reports, before my sis starts to nag again ? Thanks ", Dr. Jun chuckled, this duo, " A moment ", he sat down, and pulled out his laptop, he quickly found the files and sent them to Mrs. Yu. " Mn, thank you Lei . I'm feeling a bit relieved since you are with this brat. ". " You just called your own brother a brat, then what are you, dear sis, mn ? ", Mei Lin just narrowed her eyes. Better stop talking to this human being or she might start a fight right now. Since this wasn't really the ideal place and time to do this, her brain was already planning it. Ye Huang saw a creepy smile on her, his back felt chills. He shook his shoulders, getting rid of that sensation. He got up, while waving his left hand, " Bye, I'm out ". Lei could only follow him, since the latter was probably going in his car's direction. " I'll go back to work, Lin. I'm sure we'll meet again soon ", " Sure. I'm just sorry for you, that brat that is literally glued to you, so irritating. If he dares to ask outrageous requests, just call me. I'll knock some sense into his empty head ". He chuckled, " Lin, if some outsiders heard your words, they may think that you are talking about a criminal ". He paused, then added, " It's good to see you two talking to each other again ". She was still ticked off, but hearing the last part, her eyes darken. " I know ".

In the following week, Cheng Feng visited Xue regularly, he dropped by after her lunchtime ended. It seemed like he wanted to make sure she was recovering steadily. On the latter, Dr. Jun checked her condition day by day. Xue was quite happy to see him again, afterall he took care of her for almost 10 years. She was relieved that her check ups weren't done by some unknown person. At least she could successfully avoid the hospitals, those places really stinked of strong smells.

Also stylist Yu was always bickering with her twin, since he decided to tag along, though he was completely unrelated to the whole situation.

In the midst of many things to do, time flew and finally the day arrived. A young woman stood in front of a huge mirror, another one was busying herself behind her, fixing a stunning pearly dress. It was fishtail shaped, it was adorned by countless tear sized crystals. " How are you feeling, my dear muse ? It's your first marriage ", Xue was at a loss for words. She didn't know if she looked forward to her divorce or she being married off a second time. How many times should she get married ??. " Mrs. Yu, you really don't like the young master Zhang ". A snort answered her, " If you're uncomfortable at his home, just come over. We're not in the ancient time, where the bride had to stay and live in her groom's house. So feel free to come here, okay ? ". Xue laughed, " Ok, now please help me to put the veil on. I'm afraid to ruin the hairstyle ". A glass like tiara was gently placed on head, completing her dressing.

" Master, Miss Xue, It's time ", the butler's voice echoed from the hallway. Those words made her a bit nervous, she glanced at the mirror, a delicate face was hidden under the veil, adding a trace of mysteriousness. A pair of red eyes could be seen through, still. "Ready ? ", a light tap on her shoulders pulled her back from her contemplation. Xue took a deep breath, " Yes ".

A man was fixing his bow tie, one of his brows arched, as if something was bothering him, " Young master, it's time ". He nodded and walked out with big strides, " Is the security squad on the site ? ", " Yes, everything is in his right place ", " Good ".

A certain building of the city was full of excited voices and the mechanic sound of flash. Soon a car arrived, Chenf Feng walked out, with his usual cold face, followed by his assistant. His steps were light but steady on the gilded carpet that took to the town hall. On the isles a bunch of flowers were arranged to compose a blooming arch, petals were falling down slowly, giving a dreamy feeling.

He walked in, straight to the altar and stood with his hand behind his back. He only had to wait for his bride to start the ceremony. He completely ignored the people on the seats who were glancing at him from time to time. Maybe they wanted to catch a glimpse of an expression different from his deadpan appearance.

A few minutes later, the noises outside intensified, she arrived, he thought. He raised his gaze quickly, just in time to catch her getting off. For a moment his heart seemed to forget how to beat, the figure walked gracefully towards him. The golden embroidery shone under the sunlight, making the stitched wildflower come alive. Soft strands were fluttering freely under the veil. The latter was covering her face, making it difficult to read her emotions. Beside her, the Fiery stylist was walking her to the altar, her dress was strangely not eye-catching as her regulars. It was dull gray with a few silver flowers, simple and elegant.

As she set foot in the hall, applause started, her body went stiff for a second, but she regained her posture immediately, she stood beside him, facing the officiator.

" Today we're here to celebrate a happy occasion….. ", Xue was so nervous that she only listened to the first part, then she was lost in thoughts. She reconsidered if her decision was right, maybe she had still a chance to change, or the uncertain future made her resolution waver.

A hand gently lifted the veil, she jolted as she was completely unprepared. But the groom didn't give her the time to collect herself. An arm wrapped around her waist as her body was pulled against him, she raised her head instinctively. Her gaze collided in the lone dark blue eye, she felt breathless all of sudden, her stomach churned. A pair of cold lips covered hers, at this moment her brain refused to work, it went blank.