"Hurry up ! Somebody call an ambulance hurry !" "We did everything we could but were unable to save Ash. My condolences to you." Hello my name is Ash. I'm 18 years old and I'm dead!! But was given a second chance at life. See Ash's journey from a newborn with something to making new ones and living life as a warrior with a small spark of magic.
I know it's been a long time since i posted here. It's been a ride till now..my life, that is. So I completed my grad and have taken up a diploma of sorts and now have made my entry in the gaming industry. WISH ME LUCK!
I do hope that I can continue posting here and finish what I started. I don't want to leave this story hanging, as this is one dream that I vividly remember. i want to see it in words.
Again if you guys have any qs or comments or anything i appreciate it. Keep them coming people!