
OGI: The Hunt for Level Three

Kage is a young spirited soul who lives on an earth that has completely been altered thanks to a cataclysmic event. Such events led to the creation of what people in this world call OGI a power source 75% of the population has flowing inside their bodies with such power, they can use what scientists call levels one and two but with the world always evolving it's is discovered there's way more to OGI than we thought originally. Scientists have discovered that level three exists and with that discovery, the world which is split into 4 zones has people from all over trying to discover level three whether it's for a good reason or a bad one. Kage and his best friend Unkown with many other individuals like them make it their goal to discover level three and what makes it so special. Threw this adventure they will have fun times, sad times, and traumatic times they will even face enemies who have their plans set on using level three for reasons unimaginable... art credt @maxemillian

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Tota's past part two

After being forced to become Nubuki's slave, Orion is forced away from his family. Since Sarah is a hostage, she is forced to live in a small home in the western part of Frinstion City. It has been three years since Orion was taken from Sarah, so he never got to witness the birth of his son, Tota. Tota was three years old at the time and was unaware of the situation his family was in. The house the two of them live in is dirty and broken down since it was made of wood. Living in this poor condition wasn't easy, but Sarah tried her best to raise Tota well, but she always felt scared because of the Frinstion gang members constantly surrounding the house, so she couldn't escape. On top of all that, the only supplies they have are what the Frinstion gang gives them.

It was a rainy night, and Sarah had just finished feeding Tota, who had learned how to walk a few months ago. Sarah put Tota down from his highchair so he could walk around freely while she had some personal time. She sat down on her old stool and started muttering depressing words to herself.

"It's been three years, and I still don't even know if Orion is alive. He could be dead already, and they are just keeping us here to torture us."

Sarah remembers some words Orion told her before he was taken away.

"Sarah, I know this looks bad. I promise it will all be okay. I'll just be gone for a little bit. Just take care of our son while I'm gone."

Orion was taken by the Frinstion gang so he could be trained to do their dirty work. Sarah snaps back to reality and looks over to Tota, who is walking to the door of the house.

"Hey, don't go near there; those people outside get upset when the door opens."

Sarah grabs Tota and turns away from the door. Before she could get too far away from the door, the door busted open. Sarah instinctively runs further away from the door and shields Tota.

"Who is it?"

To Sarah's surprise, Nubuki walked into the house. Sarah, seeing his face after three years, becomes angry.

"What the hell do you want?"

"I suggest you watch your tone; my men don't take disrespect lightly."

Hearing those words, Sarah grits her teeth.

"Now the reason I'm here is because my number one slave has been begging for this moment for a long time. Brock, bring him inside."

From behind Nubuki, a light-skinned man with spiky hair walked in. He is also wearing the Frinstion gang outfit.

"Aye, boss, I got him right here."

Brock has a chain in his hand, which he pulls as hard as he can.

"Aye, can you move, damn it? You're the one who wanted to be here!"

After hearing Brock's words, the person on the other side of the chain walks into the house. The person on the other side of the chain is Orion, who is beaten to the point where he can barely walk but seems to have gained a little more muscle mass. Sarah, seeing her husband in such a state, screams, "Orion!"

Orion falls to his knees out of exhaustion. With Tota shielded in her arms, Sarah runs to Orion's side.

"Orion, please speak to me! Why are you so hurt?"

No matter how much she screamed, Orion didn't respond.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

Brock kicked Sarah in the face after she screamed at Nubuki.

"Watch your tone, women. The boss was nice enough to let you see your husband again after hearing him cry, "I want Sarah!" For three years straight, so be grateful. It's not our fault a cat caught its tongue!"

After Brock screams, Tota starts crying at the top of his lungs.

"Of course, the baby has to start crying. Shut it up before I kill it!"

Sarah starts rocking the baby in its arms in an attempt to calm it down.

"Please calm down, Tota. I promise you it will be alright."

After hearing his son cry, Orion whispers a few words.


Orion looks up to see Tota in Sarah's arms. Sarah, seeing this reaction, makes an effort to bring him back to reality.

"Yes, Orion, this is your son! Hold him, please!"

Sarah puts Tota in Orion's arms. Orion feels the warmth of his son, which causes tears to rain down from his eyes like a leaky faucet. Orion brings Tota closer to him.

"It's my son, my beautiful son!"

"Yes, this is your son, Orion! You weren't here to see it, but he learned how to walk, and he called me mommy once."

Sarah started to cry alongside her husband.

"Please, Orion, don't leave me again."

After hearing those words, Orion's face turned to guilt.

"I'm sorry, Sarah."

"Wait, what do you mean, you're sorry? You're staying right!"

Nubuki walks over to the two of them with a facial expression of no emotion.

"You got what you wanted, and now it's time to go."

Sarah hears those words and becomes angry.

"He gets to see his family after three years, and you want to take him away again!"

Nubuki walks past Sarah without even giving her any attention.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Come on, Brock, we need to get back to work."

"Right boss. Aye, you better give that baby back before it has to come with us."

Orion hands Tota back to Sarah and gives her words of inspiration.

"Don't give up, Sarah; we will pull through this. Just take care of our son."

Brock starts walking, and since the chain in his hand is connected to the chain on Orion's neck, Orion follows Brock out of the house. With her all alone with Tota, Sarah starts to cry even more.

"I will, Orion; I will protect our son."

With her hopes higher than they were before Sarah continued caring for Tota. Six years passed and Tota, now nine, could speak pretty well. Nothing has changed since he was three. They still lived in the same house, but with Sarah cleaning it here and there, the house wasn't too bad to live in, but the gang members would occasionally come into the house and thrash the place for a good laugh. Sarah would clean it up every time without complaint.

It was a sunny day out, and Sarah was reading her son a book about a legendary reporter.

"And the reporter discovered the secrets of the hidden temple—the end."

"Oh wow, Mommy, that book was amazing!"

"Yes, this also used to be my favorite book!"

"Mommy, you were a reporter once, right?"

"Yeah, I was a reporter before I met your father."

"Haha, I want to be a reporter just like you!"

"Oh, really, being a reporter isn't easy; you'll have to work hard!"

"I will! I will!"


Just as she was having a good time with her son, Sarah heard the door open.

"Who is it? Did you come to destroy our house again?"

When she looked towards the door, she saw a man with snow-white skin and long black hair. He was also wearing the Frinstion gang uniform.

"What do you want? Wait, I've never seen you before."

"Yeah, that's because this is my first time at this house. My name is Spatina, but today I only came here to give you some information."

"Is this about Orion?"

"Oh great, you're a smart one. That means I can get straight to the point. Your husband is dead."

Sarah paused for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"For fucks sake, maybe you aren't so smart. Your husband is dead, bitch!"

Sarah fell to her knees with tears in her eyes.

"Please no"

"Yep, he died two weeks ago while doing a job for Nubuki. Apparently, he died of exhaustion. Well, that makes sense; we did work that man for days without a break. Don't worry about the funeral; we've already disposed of his body in the sea. Now what was the last thing I needed to tell you?"

"Hey, Mommy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Every noise, including Tota calling out for her, became muffled. Sarah didn't respond to anything until she heard something Spatina said.

"Oh yeah, the boss said it's your turn to become a slave."

After hearing those words, Sarah instantly reacted.


"You heard me, you'll be replacing that man as Nubuki's new work slave."

"But he promised Orion that he'd leave both of us alone!"

"Yeah, and he kept that promise."

"Then what the hell is this?"

"Tch, I can't stand women; you're all so whiny! Use your goddamn brain! The person he made the promise to is dead, which means the promise he made is done. Did you really expect him to keep a promise to a dead man be for real?"

"But my child! I need to take care of him!"

"Oh, about that, Nubuki wants to use your child in the future, so he wants your child to start going to school, but don't worry about that; you won't be there to witness any of that since you'll be a slave."

Hearing Spatina casually talk about the path of her son angers Sarah. All the memories of all the pain and suffering she's been through started flowing through her mind.

"I hate you! You and your damn gang have ruined this ci—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Spatina punched her in the head, which knocked her out.

"Annoying women always crying over some shit!"


Tota starts to cry obnoxiously after seeing his mother get knocked out.

"For fuck sake, not the child too!"

Spatina grabs Sarah by the ankle and drags her out of the house. Spatina calls out to the guards outside.

"Aye, boneheads, come get this fucking brat!"

The guards outside the house walk in and grab Tota before he can get a chance to chase after his mother.

"Mommy no! Bring her back!"

"Will you shut up already?"

The guard chops the back of Tota's neck, knocking him out. After that day, Tota wouldn't see his mother for years.

About a year later, when Tota turned ten, what Spatina said was going to happen came true. Tota was forced to go to a school called Frinstion Public School. The school isn't impressive. It's a school that is full of nothing but level zeros, and today Tota is going to become one of them.

Tota is being escorted into the small school by two Frinstion gang members. As he walks through the school, Tota starts to think to himself.

"Where's mommy? What is this place?"

One of the gang members shoves Tota forward.

"Hey, keep it moving. I got some ladies waiting for me, and I don't want to be late."

After walking to the second floor of the school, Tota entered the room labeled 210. The gang members kicked him into the room.

"Stay here until we come to pick you up, and don't even think about trying to escape! We have guards surrounding this entire area waiting for you to try it."

The guards leave, leaving Tota in a classroom with a class full of people he doesn't know.

Tota looks around and notices that every other child is whispering about him.

"Hey, isn't that the cursed child who's been destined to become the Frinstion gang's slave our parents were talking about?"

"Umm, I don't know, but my mom told me to stay away from anyone who gets brought in by weird men."

"Yeah, she's right; look at his clothes and his face. Eww, I can even smell him from here."

"Haha, he's a stinky monster."

While all the kids were throwing dirt on his name, one of the students who was sitting in the back got up. The student is white with short, spiky red hair and is dressed in blue school clothes.

"Hey, it's not his fault that he's here, so how about all of you shut up!"

Chapter 62 end