
An Apology

Thursday, continued ...

"Thank you Supervisor An," responded Anna on being handed the information.

Anna re-set up her laptop and pretended to use the log-in information for the legal department intranet to recommence working, but she logged in with the information for the CEO's network Assistant Wang provided earlier. As soon as she logged in, she received a message from Hou Yi

'Are you back safe and sound?'

'I am. I am ninety-nine percent sure that no one saw me leaving when I was surrounded by the bodyguards and caught a taxi back as if I had been released by the immigration department.'


'Just one thing, if we are going to do the setups like today, we better make sure that I have a second set of clothes with me, a flirty set, like a new bride visiting her CEO husband at lunch time. It will lessen the risk of someone potentially putting things together, especially when I am here working.'

'Not a problem. How about the set up being in the future, you leave the legal department on the basis you are coming to a meeting before 12pm with documents, you walk up and hand over a set of 'blank' pages to Assistant Wang, go downstairs and leave via taxi before returning as my wife. You then leave around 1:50pm and we reverse the process for you to return as Anna Jones, the lawyer.'

Before Anna could reply, there was a knock on the door. She immediately clicked on the video and audio surveillance in the room, and responded "Come In."

At the same time, she typed to Hou Yi 'Lawyer Mei is coming in. I have put the cameras on if you are interested.'

Lawyer Mei, walked in and took a seat across the desk from Anna "Lawyer Jones"

"Yes," Anna answered somewhat abruptly.

"I have to apologise to you," Lawyer Mei responded quietly. "Please do not hate me. After you were introduced to us, I undertook a quick internet search. This confirmed that you were a Lawyer in Australia, but I doubted that you were married or had the right permits to work, so I called immigration and reported you to them. Given your return it appears they have satisfied themselves as to your ability to work here. I can only apologise for reporting you to them."

"Thank you for your apology. I can only guess that you were concerned about the company and did not want any trouble to happen. Please, however do not call me Lawyer Jones, my name is Anna, or if that it too hard call me Miss Jones."

At the same time Anna messaged to Hou Yi with 'Yi, she admitted she called immigration and apologised. Will message you soon'

"All I can do is apologise, Miss Anna for what I did. I have to admit that I have never liked the name my parents gave me, so I always introduce myself as Amanda," Responded Lawyer Mei

"Amanda there is no need to apologise. I can see that you meant no harm."

"Miss Anna, do you mind telling me a little how you came to be here?"

With that a message from Hou Yi popped up 'Be careful, I still do not trust her motives here, despite knowing her and her apology for calling immigration'

Anna responded 'Will do'

"Amanda, I am married to a businessman, who wants to protect his privacy. We met in Australia and agreed to get married in City T, his hometown. We obtained our marriage certificate a couple of days ago, intending to have our honeymoon before returning to Australia to allow me to finalise my life there before returning here permanently due to his business needs."

Anna took a breath and continued, "My employers ANX Lawyers in Australia contacted me yesterday afternoon about a serious issue for the Australia Subsidiary, and as I was here arrangements were made for me to come in and deal with the matter and send documents back to Australia. Look I would love to talk more, but I really need get into the work I need to do, as the quicker it is done the sooner, I can go on my honeymoon with my husband."

"Not a problem," replied Amanda Mei, and she left the room. Once the door was closed, Anna switched off the surveillance system again.

'I see you told her the absolute truth but admitted nothing. Clever.'

'Well, a simple story here in your office is what we need, and it falls exactly in line with what we are telling everyone else'


'Yi, I need to deal with the next batch of documents. I will let you know when I am ready to come up to deal with them. Bye.'

At least someone was honest and admitted their mistakes.

[Bonus chapter information removed]

Edited 14 April 2019

klmorgancreators' thoughts