
Chapter 10

“Ladies, Gentlemen, and Queens, welcome to our annual All Hallows Eve extravaganza!”

Cheers went up from the crowd. I drank in the sight of Lucius, now Lucille, dressed in a dark purple, floor-length gown, accentuated by chandelier earrings and a matching purple necklace. He wore a brown, shoulder-length wig, and his makeup was over the top and awesome.

I moved toward the stage, drawn to him as if pulled by a string. He hadn’t spotted me yet, intent as he was on announcing the prizes for best costume and the upcoming acts for the evening. Once he introduced the first performer, Lucille left the stage.

I followed him until we met at the bar. “Your scheme worked,” I said in greeting.

He did a double take on seeing me next to him. “You’re here!” He moved as if to hug me, but stopped himself. “Why are you here, exactly?” That hint of doubt in his voice was unnerving.

“Believe it or not, I had a run in with Maddox earlier this evening.”