
Blades and Wolves ~ Reina

I stood on the roof of the building, looking to the alley below. Two wolves were fighting over a body. I'd been too late. Again. The body was already chewed to pieces, an arm under one wolf's feet, it's legs cracked and bent in impossible angle, the chest cavity torn open, both wolves trying to get at the intestines. This killer was sick, and getting on my nerves.

Tugging my hood farther over over my face and ears, I crouched down. By the looks of it, I would be here for a while. The wolves had just started, the blood sprayed on their bodies was still wet, not cracked and dry. My nostrils burned with the metallic scent of it from all the way up here. This kill was fresh.

Besides, I had time. Rhinse didn't expect me back until morning and the crescent moon was straight above. I truly wished I could go down there and tear those wolves to pieces. If only I was allowed to. But no, Rhinse had to ban me from interfering.

" It is too little of a matter for you to concern yourself with," he told me... as if. It had been going on for months. And happened practically every night. Each time I was too late. The human had drawn its last breath too soon, and I was a damn second too late.

So far the only thing I had to go on was that it was only ever a girl - a human one. She had been alive, but barely before the wolves attacked. Once, I had been able to stop the wolves before they devoured the corpse. It was the second time I had found the scene while the murder was in action. I could still see the bloodied blonde hair, blue eyes open in terror. But what stuck out were the bruises and cuts that riddled her body. They were not from the wolves - too old, too clean for a fresh kill. Add the fact that I never heard her screams, only the wolves fighting.

That was how I knew it wasn't a coincidence. Something was going on.

Below, the two wolves were backing away, snarling. The body was just a bloody mess now. They circled one another, growled and snarled some more, sizing one another up, seeing who could win the remains. They soon decided it wasn't worth it, leaving one after another.

I stood and leaped to the ledge below, following the line of footholds to the ground. I looked at the remains. Everything was red, unidentifiable...except a skull with long hair. Black.

My heart stopped for a beat, mourning the loss of innocent life, one not caused by my hand. I removed my hood, letting my red hair cascade down over my pointed ears. Lifting my face, I gazed at the moon and the stars, holding the tears in my eyes. Damn this king and his men. And damn whoever thinks they can get away with this. I will find them.


Music and laughter was the first to be heard upon entering the halls of the castle. I passed the floating immortals in all their finery, sipping on wine and eating goddess knows what. It was all I could do to not turn on my heel and storm out in disgust. I could admire finery, but not such people as this in their jewels and cloth.

I spotted a human darting out of the servant's corridor to refill platters, and my hearted smiled in sorrow. I could only hope few would die tonight.

"Aah! Fair assassin! You're back, and grace us with your presence."

I didn't even look. The exaggerated voice belonged to only one person - Maul. He was on the King's Council, being a member of one of the oldest families in the Dracon court. Other than that, I couldn't think of any other possible reason that Rhinse would keep him about. If it wasn't for that fact that he owned a third of Cierre's land, Rhinse would have no part in the man's holier-than-thou attitude and selfish ambitions. As if Rhinse was any better, I thought. They were perfect for each other.

"Maul, please, I have a matter with the King, I said, passing by. But nevertheless, he didn't give up. Grabbing my arm, he swiveled me about to face him. His long black hair was slicked back, with a green sheen of dust highlighting it. Could it get any worse? His green eyes were glinting with mischief as he smirked at me. His hands were like icicles when he touched my cheek. I so badly wanted to slit his throat.

I didn't dare flinch. Nothing about this man was intimidating, regardless of how horrendous. He was a grimy, disgusting, selfish coward, with a horrible sense of fashion to boot.

"He is...occupied at the moment. I, on the other hand-" he crooned.

Breaking out of his grasp, I shoved his other hand away from my face, telling him as kindly as I could manage, "Nice try my lord, but I am hence engaged." I then left him and continued on.

People like Maul are the reason why I'm so disgusted by being here. The immortals of the Deacon Court all see themselves as untouchable, and that anyone would be honored to even look at them. I have fought the ranking structure for far too long. The fae were always at the top.

I risked everything by enlisting in the guard, and fought for a long time to get where I am at. I fought to the teeth to be the Court Assassin. I have risked too much while playing this ridiculous game. No Fae was going to knock me out this far in.