
First Boy To Fall.

The first boy to fall was Jeremy. When they were young. Jeremy did not even know he had fallen for Amanda. Buy he felt a certain feeling. For children know not how Love feels like.

When Jeremy fell they were neighbours. And friends. They used to visit each other. At times sleep over at each other's places. Play child games all day and go everywhere together. But Jeremy was so innocent. And he did not know what he felt.

Amanda did not develop feelings that early. She saw Jeremy as a friend. She was so innocent. So young. So nothing happened between them. And childhood crushes are just mere jokes. Trials of love at an unsuccessful age.

So it faded. It faded with the years. When Amanda and her mother moved from Samp Town to Harva City. Fifteen years had drifted by so effortlessly. Amanda was getting even more beautiful. But her mother was slowly getting weak. But she was strong for a few more years.