
Odyssey Apocalypse

A chained Witch that causes Multiple apocalypses that destroyed Humanity and worlds over and over again. In order to save the humanity again,Andrea and Sonnet Have to travel through different worlds and prevent the apocalypse from happening.

Quixoth · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

[First Awakening]



"Damn you Andrea!Why did u you grab me like that.I could've fallen into the spacetime you idiot!"

"Whoa whoa chill!At least we made it safely!" Andrea said it like he has done something marvelous.

"Whatever!So the first thing I want to discuss is why is he not in the right timeline.We calculated the time that he would be the most powerful.Is my calculator broke or something"

All of sudden Andrea stood up and acting like he is an genius.

"I have an idea"he said it with a a proud face

"What if,He didn't even live that long in the first place"

Sonnet surprised at Andrea saying things like that for the first time."holy moly!That kinda Makes sense.You are a genius!"

"That's mean he should be alive in this year.all we have to do is scan the whole city and find..."sonnet haven't even finished the line yet and she heard a scream from nearby forest.

The scream of fear.

[30minutes earlier]-

"Hey Caelum!The girls from our class said she likes you!She even told me to give a letter to you!here read it"

"Huh?the letter said meet me in the forest at 7:00pm...I mean I would believe the fact that she likes me but this letter.... seem odd.This handwriting is like a male handwriting.It's like you guys handwriting!"

"Caelum... listen up buddy.What if it's a real girl and she's really waiting for you." He looked at caelum with innocent eyes like kitten.

"Ugh but what if she's not!"Caelum answered curiously.

"Nuh uh Buddy,What if she IS!?"he looked at caelum with innocent eyes again.

"Dude there's no use!You have muscle and yet looking at me with those eyes like a girl"

He keeps looking at caelum with innocent eyes....

"Alright fine..."Caelum sighted and look away because he would have vomit if he keeps staring at those eyes for 2 more second.

"Ahahaha that's my buddy"Now he's back to normal again because he got what he wanted

"But..If there's no girl in the forest, There's no more AV CD for you"

"Holy crab dude! that's too far... anyways good luck buddy"he waved Caelum back with a girly smile

"That dude really want to prank me huh?"

[15 minutes later]-

"It's already been 15 minutes and there's no girl,so I guess I will just go back.damnit"Caelum is actually sobbing because he actually expected a girl to show up.

The atmosphere suddenly changed and suddenly it's starting to get so cold.

"Even if this is a forest.It shouldn't be this cold righ....."Caelum haven't finished the line and yet feel something abnormal.He looked down to check and there's a spear in his chest.

"Is the girl finally show up?Ugh finally!To die in a girl hand.This must be a dream." He couldn't even move his fingers anymore.He's almost about to pass out.

"Variant Number.36812 elimination Haven't confirmed"said by the monster that stabbed Caelum.The monster slowly walk into him menacingly.And then He grabbed Caelum head and throw him into the nearest tree.

His head hit the tree and Caelum slowly regained consciousness but not in a good way.The monster grap his head again and slam his head against the tree multiple time.

"Variant Number.36812 eliminated"after he has done his mission he opened his wings and preparing to take off.

"Lowly creature,Who allowed you to run away from such battle.That's not quite delightful as it seems you know"

The monster keep hearing the voice but don't know where it came from.But when he looked at the Caelum corpse.It's no longer there.The monster started panicking with fears and worries.

"Do You Think I Would be Staying In The Same High As A Lower Class?Look At The Sky"

The monster looked up and he saw Caelum Folding his hands and Looking down at Him.

"You Have Seen Enough.Now,I Leo Will Finish You Off With These Fists." He mainly concentrate mana on his fist and form a Flaming Fist.

"Now Here's The Real Show Begin"He speed up toward monster by developing flames on his feets and kicking the atmosphere.

"Ha!!!! 15000 degree Flaming Fist!!!!"The monster couldn't do anything expect scream.Those were his last words.Caelum already make a hole through his chest by Flaming Fist attack.

"Where.... Am....I...." By the time he woke up, He's already on the ground.

"Whatever happened today,I will just leave the problem to tomorrow me ughhh... I am tired"

Caelum Fall asleep.

This is my Very First Time writing a novel.This Novel is kind of a novel that can read when you have nothing to do and I make the conversations short to be less boring and can read it fast.If Something wrong with the story or character lines, Please mark my mistakes.I will gladly read the comments and try to fix them as I can.Thanks For reading Guys:).

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