
Odyssey Apocalypse

A chained Witch that causes Multiple apocalypses that destroyed Humanity and worlds over and over again. In order to save the humanity again,Andrea and Sonnet Have to travel through different worlds and prevent the apocalypse from happening.

Quixoth · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

[A New Life A New Journey]

After Caelum Agreed to join with Us.He requested one thing.

He wanted To pack thing up before he leaves.

He said he won't fall asleep unless he have his favorite waifu figure in his hand.

"Well don't know what a waifu figure is but I guess it will probably like teddy bear.At least I hope so"

Finally reached the apartment and Caelum seem to be very excited to show his room and his teddy bear named waifu.

Caelum Gently Open The Door

"So this is a new world huh!I am excited how people will live!" Andrea's last words...

As soon as the door open there's no light coming out of the room.It's like watching a psychopath horror movie with 3d glasses.

"Let me in first!"Andrea was so excited that he didn't even thought what would happen to him after that.

He saw The Real Apocalypse.

He saw The Ultimate Gaming Room .No sane person would want to spend their time in this room of filth and degeneracy. The walls are plastered with images of vulgarity and gore, creating an atmosphere of chaos and discomfort.

The only thing more repulsive than the walls is the state of the furniture, covered in a thick layer of grime and dust. The bed is stained and unwashed, the floor is covered in crumbs and scraps of food, and the air is thick with the nauseating odor of body.

Andrea immediately passed out.

"Ahaha!Found it!My waifu figure!"

"oh my god"

That's the only thought running through Sonnet head as she see this sight. That thing is covered in disgusting things, and she can't even believe this is happening. She feel like she need to wash her eyes with bleach and then call the authorities. Her stomach is starting to churn, and she might throw up."What the ffffffffffffffffffff."

R.I.P Sonnet and Andrea

(The END)

"Hold up, Let's just pretend like that didn't happened.Let's restart from the beginning"

Finally reached the apartment and Caelum seem to be very excited to show his room and his teddy bear named waifu.

Caelum Gently Open The Door

"So this is a new world huh!I am excited how people will live!" Andrea's not last words.....

As he expected

Andrea is in shock as he walk into the room.

"It's like walking into a different dimension. It's full of everything I'd want in my life and even more. Everything is exactly where it should be, and there's a sense of warmth and comfort that's making me feel relaxed and at ease. I feel like I've just stepped into a utopia, and I want to stay here forever. The environment is perfect and exactly what I want in my life. It's the kind of thing that dreams are made of."

As Sonnet walk into the room, her eyes are instantly drawn to the bear. It's a cute, cuddly Teddy bear, sitting on the bed surrounded by pillows and plush toys.

Its face is covered in soft, fluffy fur, and its arms are spread wide, inviting me to come closer. But there's something strange about the bear. Its name is written in bold letters on its chest--WAIFU

"Who the hell would name their Teddy bear WAIFU!?I thought it was a joke or something"

Sonnet called out for Caelum and give him the teddy bear that he have been searching for.

"So You got everything you needed.let's go"

Caelum is blushing and wanted to say something to sonnet but he couldn't because he thought sonnet would punch him in the face.

"Ye....Yea! Everything!I got everything! Let's go!"

And then they started going to the direction according to the compass that sonnet and Andrea Brought.

"Hey sonnet I am kinda hungry.Just a little bit though.I won't eat that much"said by the Andrea with innocent eyes.(he learned it from Caelum)

"Alright alright fine.Just a little okay?"

At The Restaurant

"You Know What Caelum.I am really glad I got to meet a person like you.I am just lucky enough to meet with you"

Caelum stay silent for some reason.

Finally we finished eating and Called the waiter.

Ma'am it's 40$.

"Caelum... You're the guy from this world so you have the currency right? please pay for me.I will give it back.i promise"Sonnet said it while smiling.

"So umm... about that...uhhh"

"I-I actually don't have any money right now..."

"I was about to say it but I thought you would punch me in the face so I keep it a secret with Andrea hehe....."

Sonnet's smile cracked

"D-don't worry! We can pay it back while washing dishes!"Caelum said it while looking at the waiter.

"And your next line is..... Nuh Uh!"said by Andrea.

"Nuh Uh!"said by waiter.

They eventually continue their journey normally.

Expect Caelum, He's naked now due to trading his clothes with the bill.

"I knew that you were such a good person since the first time we met Caelum hehehe"Sonnet said it while whistling

This Novel is kind of a novel that can read when you have nothing to do and I make the conversations short to be less boring and can read it fast.If Something wrong with the story or character lines, Please mark my mistakes.I will gladly read the comments and try to fix them as I can.Thanks For reading Guys:)

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