
Chapter 12

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But after lying in bed reading until her eyes blurred with sleepiness, Singularity still hadn't appeared online, so she reluctantly shut down her computer and went to sleep.

Fan Shengmei met up with an old classmate for coffee after dinner. The classmate, surnamed Wang, was Wang Baichuan. The result of their night-long conversation was that Wang Baichuan was unmarried, had made modest achievements in his career, and was currently planning to develop his business in Hai City, hoping to keep in frequent contact with his old classmate. However, Fan Shengmei sensitively picked up on that familiar look in Wang Baichuan's eyes from their high school days. As a result, Fan Shengmei felt especially good that night, elated by the happy event, and was even more witty and charming in her conversation.

After finishing their coffee, the night had grown deep, and Fan Shengmei politely suggested it was time to say goodbye. Wang Baichuan stood up to send her off, mentioning that he had driven there. Of course, Wang Baichuan quickly added, "It's not as nice as your friend's car, so please don't look down on it."

"How could I? I'm not the one with the nice car; I can't even drive, couldn't learn."

"They say you can tell a person's true colors by looking at their closest friends. Fan Shengmei, you've been doing remarkably well in Hai City, I'm impressed."

"Ha-ha, my friend likes cars. The one you saw is her latest favorite. Just a few days ago, she favored a sports car from the same brand, white and even more flashy."

"Oh, a rich girl?"

"No, she's entirely self-made, a returnee from overseas. Not the kind forced back by the financial crisis, but someone who was asked back with great ceremony. She's brilliant, though directionally challenged, but by memorizing maps, she's managed to never get lost."

"You're the same, you're outstanding too. It's hard to believe it's been ten years; you look even better than I imagined."

Fan Shengmei smiled faintly, neither denying nor confirming, keeping her composure. She and Wang Baichuan walked out of the elevator together and arrived at Wang Baichuan's car. It was a BMW, a brand Fan Shengmei recognized. "Wang Baichuan, you're being modest, driving a BMW."

"It's a 3 series, entry-level, nothing to boast about. Only after the 3 series BMW was manufactured locally did we poor folks get a chance to own one. The price is just a tenth of your friend's car," Wang Baichuan humbly insisted, graciously opening the door for Fan Shengmei to get in. At that moment, Fan Shengmei felt more comfortable sitting in this car than in Andy's. She watched her old classmate, holding down the hem of his suit as he turned the car around, and felt a strange sensation in her heart.

Of course, she used the lateness of the hour as an excuse to firmly decline her old classmate's offer to drive her into the Ode to Joy Residential Area. He reluctantly told Fan Shengmei at the gate that his visit this time was just to scout the area and make contact with peers, and he was feeling good about the progress so far. It was an unexpected pleasure to run into Fan Shengmei, he noted with regret, as he had urgent matters to attend to back home the next day. He hoped to receive Fan Shengmei's help when he came to develop his business in Hai City in the future. Naturally, Fan Shengmei heartily gave him three words, "Consider it done." Then, under her old classmate's watchful gaze, she gracefully walked into the residential area in her high heels. When she turned the corner and looked back, his car was still there. Fan Shengmei waved her shawl in her hand, feeling quite pleased and happy. Even with the chilly night air, she didn't feel cold at all, the shawl was unnecessary.

The room 2202 was unusually lively on Monday morning. First, Guan Ju'er sleepily went out for a jog. Just after Guan Ju'er had left, Qiu Yingying clattered around as she got up, fuming with anger from thinking about the previous night's events, feeling like a pancake on a hot pan. She delayed getting up only after hearing noise from Guan Ju'er next door; she didn't want to see Guan Ju'er since she couldn't forgive her for deceiving her along with Qu Xiaojuan, yet she didn't want to start a quarrel so early in the morning and so staggered their wakeup times. In contrast, the usually early riser Fan Shengmei was the last to get out of bed.

Fan Shengmei was in a very good mood, radiant as the noon sun. Seeing Qiu Yingying, she shouted, "Xiaoqiu, good morning. I came back very late last night, I didn't disturb you guys, did I?"

"No disturbance, but I was awake and heard you come in."

Only then did Fan Shengmei notice Qiu Yingying's slightly swollen eyelids. "What happened, did you guys have a fight when you got back? Talk to Fan Shengmei, I'm here for you."

Qiu Yingying puffed up her cheeks, hesitating to speak. Fan Shengmei encouraged her, "It's just us two, talk to me and you'll feel better sharing the burden."

Qiu Yingying sighed, ready to speak, but then she remembered that two nights before Fan Shengmei was with Guan Ju'er. It was impossible that Qu Xiaojuan would tell Guan Ju'er and not Fan Shengmei; knowing Qu Xiaojuan, the more people who knew, the happier she was. That meant Fan Shengmei was also a member of the deception. Qiu Yingying's words reached the tip of her tongue but she swallowed them, uttering only, "There are no good people in Hongtong County," before coldly walking away.