
Chapter 11_3

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"Sister Fan is so stingy, oh, but I only just..." Qiu Yingying said, her eyes darting between Guan Ju'er and Andy. She finally covered her mouth, keeping herself from saying more.

"Don't worry, we won't fight over Director Bai with you," Guan Ju'er hurriedly declared. Andy simply gave Qiu Yingying a sideways glance, and Yingying immediately dared not say another word. But by now, Guan Ju'er felt somewhat disheartened to tell Qiu Yingying the truth.

On their way home, the three of them, Andy could only rely on memory to find the way home, as the other two were of no help; they kept quiet in the car, so as not to disturb Andy's recollection. Halfway, a call from Qu Xiaojuan came in, and Andy, upon seeing it, handed the phone to Guan Ju'er, asking her to answer it. Guan Ju'er was still searching for the call button when Qiu Yingying snatched it away, quickly finding the button and answering the call. "Qu Xiaojuan, have you finally turned on your phone? Let me ask you, what was the meaning of this morning?"

Qu Xiaojuan was taken aback before bursting into laughter, "Just joking with you. I just got home, and when I knocked on the door, no one was there. I'm so lonely. Where did you go, and when are you coming back?"

Qiu Yingying couldn't help but say harshly, "We are on our way home."

"Good, good, I'll wait for you. We'll talk when we meet," Qu Xiaojuan said before hanging up.

Andy stayed silent, despite feeling dissatisfied. Guan Ju'er also stayed silent, but was speculating what Qu Xiaojuan had just said. Qiu Yingying, as usual, blurted out her thoughts, "When I get back, I'm going to confront Qu Xiaojuan and see what she has to say."

Guan Ju'er hesitated for a long time, finally saying cautiously, "There's something you should know in advance. Last night, Qu Xiaojuan gave a note with her phone number to Director Bai. Then they got in touch. That's what happened."

"Ah, how do you know that?"

"Qu Xiaojuan told me personally."

"Hey, that's too much, why didn't you tell me? No wonder Qu Xiaojuan is so arrogant; it turns out you're all on her side."

"I'm not on her side; I thought Director Bai was in a passionate relationship with you and wouldn't bother with Qu Xiaojuan's petty tricks."

"You can't assume that. You're my good friend, and you should've told me right away so that I could be prepared. Now great, you all know, and I'm the only one in the dark, being made a fool of by Qu Xiaojuan..."

Qiu Yingying ranted angrily for a while, and Guan Ju'er didn't argue, biting her lip in silence, letting Yingying levy her accusations. Andy also stayed silent, keeping out of it.

The three of them finally made it back to the 22nd floor. As they waited for the elevator doors to open, they saw Qu Xiaojuan holding a folding fan, smiling mischievously and pretending to be ancient, while making faces behind the fan. Andy laughed, ready to leave this troublesome place, but Qu Xiaojuan grabbed Andy, showing her the content on the folding fan. Turned out, this clever prankster, Qu Xiaojuan, had written difficult words on the folding fan to memorize anytime, and if she forgot a word during conversation, she could immediately refer to it.

This petty trick originated from Qu Xiaojuan's times of cheating during exams. Andy coughed lightly and smiled, "Xiaoqiu wants to have a word with you, and I trust you to be upfront as you always are." Guan Ju'er also promptly took out her keys to open the door, planning to rush into her bedroom and not come out.

But Qu Xiaojuan moved even faster. "Xiaoqiu, I was just about to talk to you about this. After some testing, Fact one, your Supervisor Bai is a total creep. How do I put it... he's the sort that even when he's being a gentleman opening the car door for a lady, he'd feel the need to cop a feel of the lady's hand as a 'thank you.' That's just the kind of person he is; Fact two, if today I let Supervisor Bai cop a feel, to give him a taste of sweetness, and a sliver of hope to be the son-in-law, I bet from today onward you'll be heartbroken. Report complete."

Qu Xiaojuan was still waving her fan and making faces when Qiu Yingying's face turned ashen with anger, and with a piercing scream, she lunged at Qu Xiaojuan.

Qu Xiaojuan screamed "Help!" and hurriedly ran towards her own door. But fumbling for keys to open the door was not as fast as Qiu Yingying's furious charge, and the two of them quickly grappled with each other. In terms of eloquence, Qu Xiaojuan was not just a notch above; and when it came to fighting... it turned out Qiu Yingying was no match either. Qu Xiaojuan, from a young age, was used to fighting and scrapping, and had plenty of sly and vicious fighting experience. Andy and Guan Ju'er had no choice but to rush over and pull them apart, exerting all their might to separate the two. Andy, holding back Qu Xiaojuan, who was like a wild tigress, couldn't help but jab with sarcasm, "So you're good with both words and fists, huh?" Qu Xiaojuan immediately replied with a giggly, "Fair say, fair say." Andy was a bit torn between laughter and helplessness but looked at Qu Xiaojuan with newfound respect. "Listen to me, go home, don't come out again, and don't provoke Xiaoqiu anymore."

"I was helping her, but she's like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, not knowing a good heart when she sees one."

Andy didn't argue but simply pushed Qu Xiaojuan into 2203. Turning around, she rushed over to help Guan Ju'er hold back Qiu Yingying, who was refusing to give up. Qiu Yingying was at a significant disadvantage and cried in frustration, "Everyone is bullying me, everyone is bullying me." Andy and Guan Ju'er pulled Qiu Yingying into 2202, and Andy took the opportunity to check the door of 2203, indeed, Qu Xiaojuan couldn't resist sticking her head out again to watch the scene in the corridor.

With Fan Shengmei absent, Guan Ju'er already dared not provoke Qiu Yingying any further, and Andy had cut herself off from emotions, so the two could only listen to Qiu Yingying's wailing and cursing, unable to get a word in edgewise. But since they couldn't leave, all Andy could do was listen to Qiu Yingying's complaints. After a while though, her strong logical mind just couldn't handle Qiu Yingying's complete lack of logic anymore.

"Xiaoqiu, let me analyze this for you. Xiaoqu was wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, she was just a catalyst. The more to blame is Supervisor Bai, he's the kind who has his spoon in the bowl while eyeing the pot, and that's why he was easily hit by Xiaoqu's strike. From Xiaoqu's account, Supervisor Bai is unreliable, and the facts proved that this man can be fickle at any moment. You need to be mentally prepared for that after experiencing this incident."

"No, he loves me, he loves only me. He's already apologized to me. He thought Qu Xiaojuan was my friend, so he put in the effort to help, thinking of giving me a surprise afterward. I believe him; I don't believe that bitch Qu Xiaojuan. Everything, everything is because that bitch Qu Xiaojuan is jealous of me, trying to destroy my relationship with him."

"Uh, this I don't understand, wait until Little Sister Fan comes back, then you can talk it over. But first, before figuring out what's going on, please don't act impulsively, okay?"

"I'm not acting impulsively. I've already figured out what happened, everything is crystal clear. Qu Xiaojuan and I are irreconcilable."

Andy and Guan Ju'er exchanged bewildered looks, realizing they truly had no solid evidence to refute her claims. After a while, once they saw Qiu Yingying had calmed down, Andy took her leave.

On QQ, there was a message from Singularity, "Calling Andy, where have you gone? Come out to eat." Andy stared at the screen for a long time, pondering Qu Xiaojuan's playful attitude, then considering Qiu Yingying's serious demeanor sighing inwardly, sighing, it's just getting to know someone, why be so earnest about it? Perhaps, relaxing a bit, just getting to know a friend... might be better.

But even with that thought, she hesitated for quite a while before typing, "Been busy all day, more tired than a day at work. Free tomorrow noon? Let's have lunch together. I'll be on a business trip tomorrow night, won't be back for three days. I only know three restaurants; pick any one you like." Then, Andy listed the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the three restaurants, all stored in her head, all close to her place of work.

Andy didn't shut down her computer and, after brushing her teeth, came back to see if there were any updates. After her shower, she checked one more time.

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