






The transparent glass was seen vividly, They were transparent but were heavily strong and magic built, Footsteps echoed as it revealed Sam walking around, Smiles beamed on his face while he was in deep thought.

Fishes were seen behind the glass, The glass was revealing the ocean wonders down there but it was stopped from entering the underground base, All the glasses were spiritually and physically protected.

" Look at the seas, The fishes around... Been born as an atlantian is pretty cool, I am not a vampire nor werewolf, I am myself, Sam pearl the last breed of the sacred atlantians, If I should unleash my powers, I will be traced " Sam muttered silently while facing the transparent glass showing the fishes around.

" Well you have someone to protect your assistance dude " A voice rang out from behind and Sam turned back to see blue portal before him and Felix with Jones emerged from the portal which closed up immediately.

" What the hell! Why will you bring your brother? If anyone finds out about this, I will be dead by that time, We gotta be careful and bringing him here is in a great risk right now " Sam yelled angrily on seeing the smiling Jones.

" Sam you don't get it do you? Jones isn't an ordinary guy around here and we are not alone " Felix said and Sam widened his eyes.

" What do you mean by you are not alone? Only the two of you came.. " Sam stopped immediately he saw Jack turning back to be visible, He was dumbstruck on seeing his class mate present under his Base.

" I don't understand what is going on, You brought your bro and now your friend, How the hell was he able to turn invisible in my eyes, I am a strong supernatural and I could see something both invisible " Sam said and Jones raised his hands up causing his ring to glow.

" Wait! Is that the.. "

" The ocean ring.. Yep, I am the fvcking Wielder of the ring, I am a half supernatural with the ring in my hand, So what the hell will you be saying those shit that you just vomited " Jones half yelled angrily at Sam.

" Felix! They are lots of explanation that you are to start, I want to know how Jones became a half supernatural and Jack becoming a supernatural freaks me out, What the hell is going on around here? "Sam asked angrily.

" Sam you need to calm down and focus... We will explain everything later but we need the weapons of light right now, I have a feeling that something is about to happen, I can't predict because I can't see the future but it is not good at all " Felix said and Sam nodded.

" OK follow me " Sam ordered and he advanced towards the glass door which he kept the weapons, The rest followed from behind in hurry, Sam did a thumb scan and the door opened which the rest entered with him.

" Wow.. What the hell is all those sharp weapons, Look at that sword " Jack mouses pointing to a blue glowing sword on a desk, Felix frowned at them all as they behaved childish.

" Look at that dagger "

" No you look at those rings, They look powerful, Should we try them Sam? " Jones asked with a pleading look on his face, Jones handsome baby face always calm all the big people that thinks they could bully.

" No!! Those weapons are very dangerous but you could try all the rings and see if it will be good for you to use as the ring only helps you to be alive " Sam retorted and that made Jones to shout happily and he advanced towards the rings.

" What is this ring? " Jones asked solemnly and Sam sighed.

" That ring is a vampire ring, That blue ring is a werewolf ring and they are very powerful to use " Sam answered and that left Jones, Felix and Jack in awe.

" You mean if I put on those rings in my fingers, I will become a vampire and a werewolf at this same time... Isn't that great? " Jones jumped up in excitement as he took the two rings and he dipped it into his fingers.

" Awwwn, I am an ancient beast, Sam and Felix are atlantians but different types and now, Jones will be depending on rings to become a supernatural, Can't we make him a supernatural like an atlantian or a vampire " Jack spoke out and they all faced him.

" Yep Jack is right, Though honestly body is rejecting the powers of an atlantian in him, I don't understand that kind of powers in him but if he is to be a supernatural, His body will be rejecting a pure supernatural " Felix said.

" What are you trying to say Felix? "Sam asked.

" Felix you are really confusing me right now, I don't understand, what is the difference between vampire, werewolf and Atlantians, They are all supernaturals right? "Jones confusily asked.

" The thing is that supernaturals are different phrase and types, Atlantians, fairies and elves are the definition of Pure supernaturals, Pure supernaturals are warriors that have pure bloods in them, They are not brutal or they don't loose control at all " Sam explained.

" What are vampires and werewolves, Are they pure supernaturals or? I am really confused right now " Jones half yelled.

" Let me explain everything to you, Vampires lust for blood, Werewolves loose control on full moon and they are so destructive to mortals, Dragons are vicious warriors that burns mortals anytime they wishes, They are the definition of impure bloods " Felix said.

" They are abominations that supernaturals should never try by all means "

" Jack what are the abominations? " Jones asked and they all sighed deeply with their gaze fixed on Jones.

" The abomination is that No pure supernatural should mate with an impure supernatural because the result will be a demon with all the powers in him, It is a taboo and that is why vampires and werewolves are considered enemies to pure supernaturals... Wait a minute, I got a call " Felix said as his watch glowed and he tapped it.

" Who is calling you Felix? "Sam asked as he watched a blue small plasma screen appeared on the watch and it revealed prince Silas looking at Felix with smiles, Felix reciprocated the smiles back to Silas.

" Hi Silas, Why are you calling? We are pretty busy right now " Felix asked.

" Well I want you all to be down in Atlantis, There is something you guys need to know, I can feel something strong and destructive " Silas said.

" OK we will be there In an hour from now, Gotta go "

" Wait, wait I Am not done.. " Silas couldn't finish his words as Felix disconnected the watch call and he faced the direction of Jones, Jack and Sam.

" That's Silas "

" We know!! " They replied Felix chorusly.

" Let's forget about that, We will be In Atlantis in an hour time, Anything prince Silas wants to say, He gotta be serious, As for what I was saying before the call interrupted, Jones I think I know a way to make you a supernatural " Felix said.

" Whoahhh, So what is the way, I am so happy right now, Fvck that energy in me, I need to become so powerful and destructive that will stop and villain, Jude needs to be taught a lesson " Jones said happily.

" But you have me, Jude won't dare near you when I am there " Felix said and Jones frowned slightly at Felix.

" What if you are not present or around, I need to become a strong supernatural that will be like you guys, I need to be stronger than others, How are you going to make me a supernatural?? " Jones asked in excitement and Felix smiled.

" Sam said that Only impure bloods can make you be a supernatural, We don't need a vampire or a werewolf to make you one, You said that you want to be strong like me and Jack, We have that two rings and we need Breca to activate it " Felix uttered.

" Felix! I don't really understand you, Why do we need Breca for? We have the ring present with us and that's all that is needed, You are really putting us into deep confusion right now, Can you please enlighten us better " Jack pleaded and Felix sighed.

" Fine, I will explain everything... First of all we need Breca to activate it, second step is the rings in Jones hands and the last one is to unleash the fury... For Jones to become like us and powerful like us, He have to become an hybrid and that is what is about to happen " Felix explained and they all gasp except Jones who shouted in happiness.





Lightning flashed through the sky, The sky thundered heavily as the dark auras thickened the more, A dark cave was spotted in the dark filled forest or woods, Dark auras crept into the forest resulting to several lightening.

Inside the cave was filled with glowing runes placed on the wall, Candles flickered everywhere, In the middle of the cave, Seven figures could be seen on the floor besides a dark glowing altar and they were all tied together with green symbol glowing on their heads.

" I can't believe that we will all be dead soon " The first figure spoke out while trying to break free from the glowing chains that binded all of them, Their eyes were filled with tears of sadness and pains, The cave was filled with evil around.

" I don't understand why they are doing this to us, We are not evil, we are good people and they want to execute us once and for all, What have we done " The second figure shouted in pains as tears flowed freely from his eyes.

" We were calm boys that loves staying in the lonely side, We didn't do or anger anybody, We were just on our own, No girlfriend, No love or rivals to plot against us... What have we done " The third figure shouted in bitter sadness.

" We shouldn't be shedding tears right now, We should be happy that the ancestors will accept us... They are powerful and they have concluded our deaths already, I am ready to face death and live in the beyond " The first figure spoke out with gnashed teeths.

" What have we done wrong? People call us the pure souls, We are pure and not evil " The fourth figure said in pains and the auras thickened the more.

" And that is why you are needed for the ritual, We need the pure souls to seal the ocean lord powers and we must use you all " A dark voice ranged out from the cave entrance, The seven figures faces that direction and their eyes collided with seven sorcerers staring at them with venom in their eyes.




Loud splash of water was heard in the ocean and a figure swam deep into the ocean, The cold water became warm in his skin, The person was like an atlantian but he wasn't an atlantian, Sharks and dangerous creatures never thought of attacking him at all. the figure was recognized to be BRECA!!.

Breca went deeper into the ocean as he approached Atlantis, The direction of Atlantis was not where He passed a narrow pathway, He was on another Mission that he must fulfil, All atlantians guards bowed before him in respect.

" Feels good that I demanded have the ability to talk and breath under the ocean, Where is that cave of The Supreme, There is something that I need to clarify right now " Breca muttered silently, he scanned the ocean and his eyes came in contact with a deep cave down in the ocean.

" There you are " Breca said and he advanced towards the cave with speed, Breca entered the cave but it was filled with darkness, The cave has been there for ages and no one has ever thought about entering there.

" Wow what a relief darky place this is... Lightesrina " Breca chanted and strong light circulated around the cave, The cave was filled with drawings and diagrams on the wall, Scrolls could be seen around.

" Wow! I can't really believe this, Those atlantians are not wise, Look at this wonderful cave with ancient scrolls around, Well I am not here to admire anything but I need to find the book of the valiant war " Breca said as he approached the table filled with scrolls.

" Hmmmm, I need to star searching, where is v..v...v... V.. V.. "Breca muttered as he continuously search the scrolls to find the scroll of the valiant war, He deeply looking for something or history about something.

" Yes.. Got you, No wonder Atlantians were banned from nearing this place, This isn't a curse place but the place were secrets were hidden, Now that I have got the scroll of the valiant is better I start finding what I need " Breca said and he opened the scroll wide and his eyes popped out.

" What the hell! Ehm Ehm (Breca cleared his throat).. The war was a fierce one, All the warriors and armies of the god of fire where all sealed with their master the same time, Five ancient ones sacrificed themselves to unleash the great ganga to seal the realm, The war was ended and that was when Neptune figures out that his brother wife's which was the keeper of hell alongside the ultimate keeper, Neptune couldn't kill his Nephew, Then he sealed his powers and made him an atlantian " Breca followed what was written the scroll.

" Wow! So The god of fire son wasn't dead as he was claimed to be dead... Hmmmm, During the time when I went to the past, Silas had some connections with the god of fire and that made me to go back to the present, If the scroll says that Neptune sealed his nephew's powers and soon the day of the broken will start, Does that mean that Silas is the son of the god of fire, Hmmmm, This thing is very confusing because his life will be in danger If so " Breca said to himself as he kept the scroll back but stop on seeing a glowing scroll.

" What is this? "Breca asked himself as he took the glowing scroll and he opened it, At first it was blank and Breca used his spiritual eyes and in it was written six things, THE SPIRIT, THE SOUL AND THE BODY... THE SON OF FIRE, THE PHANTOM HYBRID AND THE PURE GOD.

" What the hell is this? "Breca confusily asked himself and he placed the scroll into his pocket to understand better or give it to someone ancient and powerful that will understand what that scroll wrote.




The sorcerers approached the seven weak figures on the floor, The sorcerers grinned evily as the atmosphere reeked with death aura, Darkness was the other of the day and the seven figures could be seen begging the sorcerers.

" It's time, Prepare the ritual, The dark emperor will be waiting and expecting it right now, Sleepyrestiro " The first sorcerer chanted and all the seven figures doze of immediately, Three tigers appeared before the sorcerers as it faced the weak figures.

" What is keeping you waiting, Dark emperor want you all to perform it, Their souls are needed to trap the powers of the ocean lord because he is the only one that can stop the dark emperor if he is unleashed " A tiger spoke out and the sorcerers smirked.

" We are ready, Would you mind leaving our side, The ritual is about to start and we need to concentrate on it " The second sorcerer said and the tigers smirked and they moved away to the back.

" If not that you are the blood sorcerers, I would have killed you all for your insults on us, You can get on with the sacrifice, The pure souls are there " Another tiger said facing the seven figures.

" We know what we are doing, And you don't have the right to threaten our lives, you are also servants of chaos " The third sorcerer said and the rest nodded.

" By the way, Let's get on with the ritual to avoid the rot of the dark emperor himself "

All the Sorcerers appeared on the altar, Each of them placed their hands on the head of each figures, They are seven figures and they are seven sorcerers, One for one, The auras thickened the more as the tubes glowed indecently and the candles flickered violently.

" We give thee their souls, Seal the powers of the ocean lord, Make him weak before our Lord, Weaken him for we are giving you the pure souls, Let the ritual be completed by your doing, Arax risterios belgane " They chanted with dark glowing eyes.

Heavy wind blew scattering everything around, The seven figures shook vigorously, Their bodies emitted black smoke as a white circular glowing something came out from their bodies and it was sucked up by a dark portal and it closed up, The bodies fell down with a heavy thud as they was no soul in them.

" Good, it's time we return to the dark emperor and deliver the news to him " A tiger spoke out and they all disappeared immediately causing the sorcerers to deviously smile feeling satisfied.




Felix and co could be seen in heated argument or conversation, How you guys call it sha.. Cold breeze blew sending cold chill down the spines of the people present, Fishes was seen from the glass especially the tiger, bull sharks.

" Like I was saying, We need to locate Breca right now, He is the greatest enchantor that I ever Knew, He would make Jones and hybrid and that would make him to be powerful like before " Felix said as they all faced him.

" Wait, How are you going to make Jones and hybrid? There is no vampire or hybrid, There is no one to make him angry hybrid for crying out loud " Sam half yelled and Felix smiled at him.

" The ring has vampire and werewolf powers, Breca been an enchantor can channel the powers from the ring into Jones while he is putting it on, When the wolf powers and the Vampire powers mixed in him "

" It will make him and hybrid " Jack completed it and smiles beamed from his face as Jones rushed and hug Felix who embraced him the more.

" Thanks bro.. You will make me happy, I can't wait to be an hybrid " Jones screamed in excitement.

" Yeah bro.. You know... You know.. You know what, Oh gosh.. You know... Ahhhhhhhhhhh "Felix screamed out as he fall down on his knees, Red veins spread out on his body including his face, Everyone was worried on seeing Felix shouting all of a sudden.

" Felixxxxxx, Are you OK? "Jones worriedly asked as he was shaking in fear on what will happen to Felix, Fear gripped everyone present in the base, No one was understanding anything anymore.

" Yes I am fine Jones... I am OK " Felix said by that time, The veins were all gone, Felix was up to his feet but he noticed something in him.

" Thank The stars that you are OK Felix.. It really scared me " Jones said, his countenance changed on seeing tears in Felix eyes, Felix was examine his body all through, everyone was shocked to see Felix crying like a baby.

" Felix what is going on? You are confusing me right now " Jack asked.

" I don't know, After that pain and the veins had all died down, I feel useless and powers... I feel worthless, like I am back to my formal self " Felix cried out.

" I am deeply confused right now Felix... Please tell us what is happening to you " Sam requested and Felix faced him.

" Sam, Jack, Jones... I can no longer feel my powers anymore, I am powerless " Felix spoke out and gasp filled the air and Felix crashed heavily on the floor resulting to a blackout.