





Sunvale high school was really a crowded place, Students trooped into the school, The sun was hot...the weather was really sunny this time, Ice cream stands, lemonade stand and pizza stand were seen with students around there.

Noises filled the air, One can call it noise pollution. That was really the definition of noise pollution around, Several cars were parked around, Numerous girls flocked around rich boys in the school vicinity.

The school was really of the rich, All the students were putting on golden or silver attire, The school compound was really crowded of people around, Fresh breeze flow sending cold chill down the spine of some student.

Two cars drove into the scene, One was a red Lamborghini while the second was a blue BMW, everyone stopped what they were doing as they focus on that rich splendid cars that just drove in.

The cars door opened widely, Felix and Jones emerged from the cars, Felix was driving the Lamborghini while Jones was driving the BMW, gasped filled the air, Shock was written all over the faces of the students present.

" Wait! Is that Felix Brandon? Wasn't he drowned in the ocean? "A girl asked amidst the crowd. Everyone whispered between themselves causing heavy mumure that filled the air, All the boys were furious In seeing Felix and Jones.

" When we thought all the girls belongs to us, Then this two rich bastardy shows up and our girlfriends are all focusing on them alone, Damn this Brandon's " A guy spoke out from the side of rich guys as they all stared daggered at the Brandon's.

" Yeah... They are such a pain in my ass " Another guy said.

" I fvcking hate them, they show themselves because their father is the main billionaire of this sunnydale city... I wish I could squeeze them tight under my grip " Another guys spoke out.

" Dude! We could kill them, We could gang up and kill them... We will dispose their bodies into the bushes "

" Or even the lion's den.. They disgust me "

" Guys are you forgetting that Felix beat up Jude the greatest gangster with his hoodlums together... I wish I could kill them but it isn't going to work "

" We could buy pistols.. Trace them and kill them once and for all, All the girls will be ours, we could bang whosoever we want and date whosoever we choose to date "

" Yes you are right and definitely correct, I will be the one to buy the guns and will we all take them down with our bullets "

" Yessssssss, Anytime and Anyday " The boys said in unison, Little did they know that Felix and Jones been supernaturals could hear all what the guys were saying and they smiled inwardly as they walked briskly into the school.






The fresh breeze blew eerily, The guards were all shocked to have see Felix back, Mr Clark still wasn't present in his house, It was like he was busy or something, Not always at home and not always doing his fatherly work.

The alarm blar repeatedly, Felix jolted out of his bed weakly and he smashed the alarm wickedly, Felix was always a good sleeper. It isn't easy to wake him up except Jones does so, Only Jones has the privilege to wake Jones and don't get beaten up.

Footsteps was heard and the door was banged open, Jones could seen still on his pajamas as he plunged towards the sleepy standing Felix, Smiles beamed on Jones face on seeing the funny sleeping face of his brother, Jones brought out his phone and took some pictures of sleepy Felix.

" Wake up sleepy head.. Time for school " Jones said and he smacked the head of Felix resulting Felix to jump up in shock, His head was smacked during his sleepy dreams, Felix really looks cute while sleeping, He looks like a shining angel.

" Bro! Why did you smack my head? Can't you let me sleep in peace " Felix questioned weakly and Jones plunged towards a glass of water and he took it to the side where Felix was sleeping.

" Thou.. You may be an atlantian... But take this " Jones said and he splashed the water on Felix, After the encounter with the water, Felix jolted out of the bed in his full senses, Thou he may be an atlantian, water do affect sleepy people.

" Wtf... Jones!! Why did you splash water on me? I was only going to sleep for two more minutes and that's all " Felix screamed and Jones was on the floor laughing hysterically as he stared at Felix whose body was wet.

" Two more minutes? Two more minutes Huh? Can you hear yourself and the rubbish that you are saying, Dude.. We are late for school or don't you want to re register because you were cancelled when they heard you fake die " Jones said and Felix childishly frowned at Jones.

" So now you wanna insult me because I love sleeping right? I am not talking to you again " Felix playfully hissed and he walked out of his room and so as Jones who followed him from the back.

" Felix, I said I am sorry... I am sorry, Felix I am sorry " Jones pleaded.

" I can't hear you bla bla bla bla bla bla "

" Bro Fine, I will buy you three pack of blue oat, I will also buy ps5 for you with all the games in it " Jones said and Felix halted which he swiftly faced Jones in shock.

" Promise!! "

" Promise "

" Pinky swear!! "

" Pinky swear "

Seconds later everyone was done, Felix and Jones had already taken their bath, Felix was putting on Blue Jeans and golden top with his golden Rolex in his right wrist, Their bodies smelt glorious, what do you have to say... They are billionaires.

" It's time to go out and show the world I am not dead as people say " Felix said in joy.

" Yh baby boy... You really made me cry when I first thought you were dead, It was the most painful thing that I had ever passed through, Felix you are already a part of me. Losing you is like losing half of me, You are my brother " Jones said and he pulled Felix into a deep warm hug.

" So how are we gonna do this, Remember that you are a supernatural because of the ocean ring and I am a pure atlantian... Feels good to be an atlantian that could stay underneath the vase ocean " Felix retorted.

" I know but Felix, why don't you make me a full atlantian, If the ocean ring was stolen from me... I will then be a normal human right... I really need to be a supernatural Felix, any kind of supernatural be it werewolves, vampires or even dragons " Jones said smiling.

" You don't get it.. I tried to make you an atlantian but there is a strong force or power in you that is trapped, Jones I believe that you are a supernatural but it is deeply locked in you, your energy when using the ring is strong and I believe that the ring is drawing power from you " Felix said.

" What do you mean by that? That is the word of several supernaturals telling me that I have a strong force in me... Well even if I have, I want it to activate.. I wanna become a supernatural on my own " Jones replied.

" Well that I don't know how but I will try... By the way I will be taking you to Sam underground base... You will pick a weapon that will aid you with your ring in possession, I need you to be save, as a supernatural it is cool but as a human, it is lame "

" Wow Sam pearl, the most strongest atlantian, I will like to meet him and his underground base, He is really strong, I can't believe he is the last sacred atlantian and that is why he is in hiding because he have strong feelings that someone is against him "

" Who ever that bastard is... I will make sure that I slit and chop of his head... But should start heading to school before it is late... You know we need to be early for my registration " Felix said and Jones nodded.

By this time, they were outside of the mansion, all the guards bowed to them in respect, Felix entered his garage and he took his car likewise Jones did so and they drove of to school with happiness.





Felix and Jones were already inside the building, All eyes were on them for so long that Jones had to activate the ring to hear what they were saying, Atlantians could hear from far and wide when they are activated.

" Felix! Did you hear what those guys were saying? Can you imagine they want to kill us with pistols.. Thank my stars that I am a supernatural or else.. I will have been a dead rat by now " Jones said and Felix smiled at him.

" They are welcome to try, But I won't hesitate to kill all of them if they tried such " Felix said Angrily and Jones stared at him in a funny way and he mocked him abruptly causing Felix to slight frown at Jones.

" Look who wanna kill, Felix of all people won't kill at all, You aren't ruthless or merciless, You are just a normal dude always... Felix stand up and be a man, Jack kills and he is rogue, be rogue and wicked to had guys " Jones mocked.

" Like it is so easy, Kill is not easy as you think... I may beat you up but I can't kill you except you are like lord Gaap that wants to eradicate a race, That isn't funny to do... I am cool and gently but I am also rogue when it comes to some part " Felix retorted with smiles.

" What kind of part are you rogue always? " Jones asked smiling.

" Well I may be rogue when it comes to my family, Friends like Jack and Breca.. Other innocent souls that are pure.. I am not a fan or innocent killing "

" Some time Felix, you will have to kill the innocent ones to save your friends.. Just talking "

" Any how bro, when it comes to that, I will know what to do but I am not a fan of innocent killing at all, People kill always but I am not them, I won't kill for killing sake, If I am to kill then I will kill All the evil doers like... "

" Felix!!!! Jones!!!! Wait up, wait for me " Jack voice cut's in from the back as he ran towards them in his human speed, He can't really use his ancient speed, it will spoil show and will endangered his type of supernaturals.

" Hey dude, I am about going to the principal office then " Felix said.

" Them let's go together as bros from different mothers " Jack said and the laughed.

" OK let's get going then "









Silences reigned, Everywhere was deserted even the place was sunny, Five figure could be seen laughing together as they walked in the lonely and god forsaken street, Almost everything was dried up because of the sun.

" I always love lonely place, The street is cool, no disturbance... Just talking and ministering about your life, Can anyone tell us the last time you did something bad " The first figure spoke out and they all laughed.

" Well to be sincere I don't think that I have ever did something bad, I am pure in heart and spirit, What about your's? " Second figure asked the next person and the normal response was nope.

" Wait guys... Do you guys smell anything, I mean that smell, that bad smell? " Fifth figure asked in fear, Everywhere slowly reeked with death auras,They were all laughing at the fifth figure when lightning strucked the ground heavily.

" What the hell just happened? " Third figure asked in fear, The smoke around cleared of revealing three figures putting on black ancient attires, Their eyes were dark as they advanced towards the figures, the figures bounced back in fear as the three beings only muttered on word and that word is.

" Pure souls " They repeatedly muttered as they advanced, The atmosphere was covered with dark auras as darkness crept into the street, the figures could not find any good place to hide away from the dark people.

" Pure souls " One of the dark figure spoke out and the pure ones faced them.

" Who are you guys and what are you talking about... I am confused " First figure found his voice and he spoke out without fear and the dark beings smirked out, their eyes aura alone shook the ground.

" Pure souls! You are needed by the Dark emperor.. Your souls are been called upon, We are the dark sorcerers of the moon.. You are following us right away " the dark beings said in unison and the pure figures began to run backwards in fear.

" Never! Terristeroes fisceroes vel ganicl " The first sorcerer chanted and a strong hand erupted from the ground and it knocked the pure figures to the ground, Blood ozooze from their bodies as they spat.

" We told you that you guys are following us... Your souls are summoned, The sacrifice must be made " Second sorcerer said and he swiftly touched all the figures foreheads, Green symbol glowed and they all varnished immediately.

" Masteroes we have pleas you " The sorcerers bowed and a gigantic mirror appeared showing lord Gaap sitting on his throne, Lord Gaap smirked on seeing the sorcerers and he was pleased.

" Sorcerers of the moon right? You guys did well, good job and their souls have been accepted for the sacrifice, Make sure that you are not traced or seen at all, Come to my palace and receive your reward " Lord Gaap said.

" Thank you master " They said chorusly and the mirror vanished immediately.








Lord Gaap has seen sitting on his throne magestically as he saw what is going on in the human world through a green pool in front of him, Lord Gaap smirked as he sipped from the cup in his hands when the door opened and his guard entered and bowed.

" Speak and don't waste my time " Lord Gaap ordered.

" My lord, Someone requires your presence...i want to seek permission before I.. "

" Send him in " Lord Gaap ordered cutting him shut, The door opened and a figure walked briskly into the throne room, The figure was that of an atlantian, the figure was prince pelvis of Atlantis.

" Well well well, isn't this the strong and vibrant but ruthless prince of Atlantis, Pelvis what brought you here before me, I hate everything about ATLANTIS and I could kill you instantly as I am talking to you " Lord Gaap smirked.

" Lord Gaap, I am also a villain as you are, I was brought up in Atlantis but I hate that kingdom, My mother was killed by Neptune when she cheated and now I want us to partner for the destruction of Atlantis " Pelvis said and lord Gaap smiled.

" Hmmmmm, and what will make me to believe you right now? " Lord Gaap asked.

" Well I will say that you will help me to get my utmost goal and I will give you means in destroying Atlantis as I am a prince as you know it... Just help me and get what I need " Pelvis uttered and lord Gaap smirked.

" Deal and by What do you need? I will do it with my sorcerers under me.. I need means of poisoning Atlantis once and for all " Lord Gaap said and the dark auras thickened the more.

" Silas once said that there was a strong force that breech the golden cave... Only the sacred one can enter the cave and I think there is a sacred one in the human world and I need to get him at once " Pelvis said.

" Just that? My sorcerers will be working on that, Supernaturals always knew you to be a betrayal but not like this, Anyhow you do it but you mustn't fail in giving me means to Atlantis " Lord Gaap warned.

" That's the deal, Find the sacred one that I may kill and absorb his powers and then I will get you means of destroying Atlantis once and for all, They will pay for what they did to my mother " Pelvis said and lord Gaap and him busted into laughter that thicknened the dark auras the more.