
Obsidian Firebird: Soliel Book 2

After Phoenix disappears, Onyx is tasked with finding her and bringing her back to the Ironshade gang so that she can be killed. However, that isn’t why Onyx is searching for her: he wants something else. Meanwhile, Phoenix begins killing off Ironshade members, starting with Xinth, the archer who would have killed her if another hadn’t stepped in. But her plans change when Advandth comes to her for help of her own: save Anthrax, Onyx’s father. Phoenix soon learns why Onyx did what he did, and Onyx soon learns just how deeply he hurt the only one who gave his life any kind of fun. And both are brought together by Anthrax’s rescue. Will Phoenix do as she promised and kill Onyx on sight, or will she give him another chance? Will Onyx put aside his overwhelming rage and give Phoenix the chance she deserves, knowing his leader set him up?

Patricia_Levy · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

*Doubts and Clarity*

Phoenix had barely slept the night before due to her killing spree. She managed to get five Ironshades down before they started to get smart. She hadn't seen Onyx or his tiny group of friends, but that was fine. She wanted to save Onyx for last…after Neclord himself.

She went to Ethereal Archipelago and found Getnee's home near the center.

Before her escape from Onyx, she hadn't been home in five years. But she needed a place to hide, somewhere safe and with someone she trusted not to reveal her location. Getnee, a wonderful mother figure and friend, had hid Phoenix for fifteen years. If not for her, Phoenix would have probably been dead long ago.

Now, she entered the Nephilim's house and sat at the kitchen table, taking out a dagger and cleaning it with a cloth.

"How many?" asked a voice from the rocker just in the other room.


"And the boy?"

Phoenix told Getnee what occurred while she was away, and so knew about Onyx. "No idea."

"Phoenix, you can't keep living with anger in your heart."

"He betrayed me. To his little band of cowards!"

"He was surviving the only way he knew how," Getnee soothed. "Just like you."

"I would have helped him, Nee. I would have given my life to get him out and help save his father."

Getnee sighed, set down her knitting and walked over. "Killing the Ironshades isn't going to help what you've lost."

"No," Phoenix shrugged. "But it will make me feel better!"

Elliot was in his room in the basement of Phoenix's home when he heard the door to the house slam shut. Just by the shudder the action caused, he knew who it was.

Getting up, he ran upstairs to the main level and stared at Onyx's huge form in the sitting room. "What happened?"

"She's killing," was all the other man said before slumping in a chair. "She is going after the members of the Ironshades."

Elliot raised a brow. "How is this bad?"

Onyx shook his head, sighing a long breath. "Where is the girl?"

Elliot found his own chair to sit in and said, "She is doing her own kind of search. What it entails is beyond me."

"I thought I told you to keep her here?"

"You did, but she's as bossy as her sister and just as violent."

It was Onyx's turn to raise a brow. "She's in a dress."

"So? She has nails and teeth!"

Onyx chuckled but sighed. "Ever go to her home in Ethereal?"

Elliot just stared at Onyx like he had three heads. He had never heard of Phoenix having another home. Ever since he knew her, she lived in this wonderful house with just a hint of wealth.

It must have been his slack jawed expression that gave away his confusion and surprise because Onyx shook his head. "Didn't think so. Phoenix didn't seem to share much with others."

Elliot knew this, but he was surprised to see the other man so sad about the fact. Which is weird because Onyx wasn't one who let emotions play on his face. Maybe that's why Phoenix liked him?

"Where's Tarek?"

"The dog hasn't shown up since last week."

Onyx sat straight, giving Elliot a narrowed eyes look. "What do you mean? You were supposed to be watching him!"


Before he could finish, the door to the house opened and closed, and in floated a girl who looked just like Phoenix. It was the same hair and eyes, the same grace, but used to more ladylike hobbies like wearing dresses.

"Aurora, you were supposed to stay here!" Onyx growled.

She smiled. "I'm not going to sit about waiting for you men to do all the work of finding my sister. She could be scared and lost!"

Both men snorted at the idea of Phoenix being scared and helpless. Onyx said, "You are setting yourself up for disaster by going around asking for her. She's-"

"Don't say it again!" she hissed. "I won't tolerate you believing she's a killer and cruel! I won't have it!"

"Aurora," Elliot said in a soft voice, "Phoenix isn't the same as when you knew her years ago. She's a grown woman who's had to look after herself."

"But she wouldn't kill!" she screeched. "She isn't like that!"

Onyx shook his head and stood. "Don't be shocked when you see her. We have warned you." With that, he left.

Phoenix was on the bridge between Ethereal and Ruthless, staring into the abyss, when a female voice caught her ears. "If this is how you spend your time in between killing off people, I don't see how no one has found you yet."

She turned her head to see a familiar face. "You found me, Advandth."

The brunette woman shrugged, her dark eyes glancing around casually as she went over and sat beside Phoenix. "That could be because I caught you off guard, or because you wanted me to find you."

"And if I don't kill you by the time this chat is over, how do I know you won't go tell your buddies?"

"Because while I owe Onyx for many things, I don't owe him enough to ruin the life of someone who was falsely accused."

Phoenix snapped her eyes to her and saw sincerity there. "How do you know if I was falsely accused or not?"

"Onyx had some of us researching you when he was put to the task of luring you in," Advandth said honestly, folding her hands in her lap. "We didn't get to tell him anything before he struck. He wouldn't listen."

Phoenix gave a harsh laugh. "Does he ever listen?"

Advandth smiled sadly. "Phoenix, what he did was wrong, but it wasn't entirely his fault. He was only trying to protect his father."

"I would have found a way to help him out of Ironshade. I would have helped all of you."

Advandth reached out and took Phoenix's hands with her own. "I'm asking you to still save his father. Not for Onyx. Not for me. But for the man himself."


The bony woman gulped audibly, making Phoenix come to attention. "Every week Onyx doesn't bring you in, doesn't find you, is another week where the man is beaten to near death."

"How do you know?"

"I am sent to see him, give him aid. I haven't told Onyx this because that'll make him reckless, but I can't take it anymore. I need your help."

Phoenix sighed and closed her eyes. "How often does Neclord have guards on Anthrax?"

"All the time. But they're more lax during the day, when they know no one will come looking."

"Let me think, Advandth. I don't want to get anyone killed while doing this."

Advandth gave a shaky, but grateful smile. "Thank you, Phoenix! Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me yet," she whispered.

Onyx sat in the coffee shop, watching the passers by out the window when he felt a wet nose at his leg. He smiled, knowing who it was without having to look. "Hey, Tarek."

The German Shepard whined, nudging Onyx to pet him.

Onyx obliged and sighed. "We'll find her, boy. She can't hide forever."

Just then, Clement approached with a sealed envelope. "This came for you," he said in a shaky voice.

Onyx thanked the boy and looked down at the writing. It wasn't one familiar to him. Opening it up, he read.


I am a friend to Phoenix's and have noticed a difference in the girl. She has told me a little of what has been going on, but I have a feeling there is more.

If you wish to somehow make amends, please meet with me in Ethereal. Near the centaurs. Come alone. Completely alone. I will not tolerate shadows.