

congratulations! you're finally did it. you've managed to piss off your employer very much. there's no use. wondering why they be mad at you. it's pretty obvious you're blatantly staring at your phone during work hours right in front of your manager. now now we all know the unspoken rule of the workplace managers don't expect their employees to give 100% of their attention but blatantly looking at your phone in the middle of the workplace, what could you be thinking? there's only one reason and it's frankly obvious you got their number. of course, let us take that lash back after standing them up to play mission impossible and committing several crimes, all of which can be traced back to you if they look hard enough. but who cares about that right now. you took the opportunity to offer a repentance date, but of course you're offer had to be rejected for. they didn't know if they would be available or when you would be planning to go. so as a consolidation prize they gave you their number to follow up with you because they're good people because why you like them so much as you bask in the moment of your victory. you're hearing annoying voice in the background it's that guy again. the one who's always pestering you at work. you call him. Kevin, why you don't really know as an actual name and for some reason every time when you hear his voice the word that comes to mind is Kevin. you never question what that's about. the thing about Kevin is you've been working with him for a long time now. you both hate each other. Kevin resents you because unlike him you have a liquor license and can work the bar. he always insists that one day he's going to become supervisor and when he does he intends to fire you. of course you shrug it off because you think of him as that guy that's always screaming at the top of the lungs. one day they will rule the world or something like that after thinking a little bit more on the subject you realize that today is going to suck. not only can you not spend time connecting with your new future friend, but you have to spend the rest of the day with Kevin. why? because of all the employees who work at this fine establishment, there are only five who have liquor license and they're only eight employees in total and of those eight employees. only three employees actually bother to show up for work every time. that would be you, Kevin and that guy with the mustache that you almost think is a janitor but might be a server you're not quite sure you put it away your phone because you're supervisor is glaring has now evolved to hostile. if you don't put your phone away, I'm going to put you on toilet duty for the rest of the week and everyone hates toilet duty despite how you feel about your co-workers, you actually like working at the pub convenient hours. Great tips and the only thing that sucks is the night shift which is like running a daycare for very inebriated adults. we realize that this is a good opportunity, though you won't be able to ride the bus with your future friend and you just got their phone number. you can send them a text but of course you're very hesitated about that because if you just send a text after you just got the phone number it makes you seem desperate to me. might send them away. you don't want to look desperate? they might use it against you later whenever you try to hang out. but you really don't have time to be picky. your manager is slowly getting closer and he is definitely not happy that you keep messing with your phone when you're not supposed to. you quickly type the first thing that hits your mind out and send it. you then look at what you said which was working till dawn won't be able to ride home with you and now you are panicking for you. just made in assumptive text but before you can rush to clean up your mess, your manager takes your phone from you and gives you a complaint and I'll kill you vibe. he then works off with your phone to head to his office to stow it away for the rest of the evening. things seem to suck you're well working the night shift. you are able to earn way better tips but the thing is you work in a pub that is centralized in a business area. not that big nor popular. you have only regulars, which means that it's the same people that drive you crazy at the tables. it's the usual suspects. the old guy complaining that times aren't the way they used to be the other guy who's clearly embezzling funds from his company and is drinking away his guilt. another guy who might be from the same company who's complaining that he has to let someone go tomorrow has his company is running short on funds and of course the people station near you at the bar there's that guy that everyone has to keep an eye on because the last time people overlooked him. he almost tried to hang himself with his belt in the bathroom and the manager got mad because he would have to fill out the paperwork for that. then there's the office lady who comes to this place to drink because her co-workers don't know about it and the supervisor, clearly doesn't know he's an alcoholic. since you're always invited, you're mostly just keeping the alcoholic away from the female worker. I think that annoys you the most though, is that Kevin does the floors and he always steps by the bar to give you a snag remark. no one you can't do anything because if you flip them off during your callers it makes you look bad. you can get you an even more trouble with your boss typically speaking despite Kevin's existence winning the bar isn't that bad. keeping people separated from each other monitoring the customers alcohol intake we didn't call this job difficult. you would just call it demanding. The thing you keep most about these ships is the end of the day cleanup. typically speaking, the bathrooms have already been cleaned throughout the day so they just need to be looked at or closing. the main one shoe is you got him at the floor before locking up and usually you and Kevin are at odds about who should do it this time you have a plan. haven't gotten your phone back from the boss your strategy was simple. I need to see if maybe you can trick him into doing it I can't really for the day backpack and jacking on and all the good stuff of course. Kevin tries to stop you because he sucks and that's what he does. so you casually like that you heard the supervisor thinking about giving him a promotion? but you want to play it off cuz you know your lying you then casually mention how you heard the boss saying he likes employees who do the most you think casually say and that you've already checked on the bathroom so all he has to do is go to the floor and since cleaning all the floor is the most the blast will love him for it Kevin's face reviews that he doesn't completely believe you, but he wants it to be true. bad enough that is almost feeling a try. so before you give him the opportunity to return, you leave out the door for the day. congratulations! you've pushed on gold most responsibility into the co-worker you hate the most