

Warning: Mature content. This story is about a girl named Farah Fareen who belongs to a very conservative Muslim family in Pakistan but still, her parents want her to become a good doctor so they sent her to China to study M. B. B. S. Farah does not believe in love anymore because of her terrifying past which was once her dream to fall in love with her dream boy. On the other hand, Shahid Maqdoomi is America's one of the greatest Mafia Leader. He is very dangerous and the mafia is everything to him. There is no place for love in his life. The most important woman in his life is his mother. He had lots of one-night stands but he dismisses them in the morning except for his assistant Leena, but he has never fallen in love with her. Farah: where am I? The door opens as I wake up and I looked ahead but see nothing but a dark shadow. ???: you must be confused why are you here? He paused and I asked in a terrified state. Farah: yes? Before I could say anything he said. ???: I am Shahid Maqdoomi and before I say anything to you, check the screen. I freeze on the spot when I looked at the screen. Read all story about what happens to her next.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


Farah's pov:

I reached Pakistan international airport. I am so excited to meet my family and friends. Maxx and men are with me. Maxx is a good person and very nice. May be a little bit egoist like Arsalan but very caring and protective towards me.

Farah: Maxx?

Maxx: yes queen.

I chuckled at his answer.

Farah: com on Maxx, call me Farah. Don't treat me as queen, treat me as your friend.

Maxx smiled at me and said softly.

Maxx: how could I not treat you as my queen, when you are our queen.

Farah: com on Maxx.

Maxx: Fine Farah.

He smiled at me. Someone bumped into me and said rudely.

???: are you blind?

What an idiot he bumped into me and he is blaming me. Within a second Maxx starts beating him with punches.

Maxx: you disrespect our queen? You bloody rascal.

Farah: Maxx! Maxx! stop it, please.

I put a hand on his arm and stop him from punching him. Maxx leave him and he fell to the floor with blood oozing from his mouth.

Maxx: consider yourself lucky that she is stopping me otherwise you are dead.

Maxx put the hand in my arm and we move out of the airport. Oh my god, the new member of my overprotective family.

I am afraid if anyone abused me god knows who will protect them.

We reached home and I knocked on the door.

As soon the door opened I felt tears in my eyes. My dad was there.

Without saying anything I hugged him. He hugged me back.

Asad: oh my god... Farah my daughter. You are really here with me in my arms?

I parted from him and I saw his eyes he had tears in his eyes.

Asad: Aisha! Aisha! come here, see who is at the door.

Farah: oh! dad Calm down! I am here now dad.

Mom came and shouted in excitement.

Aisha: oh my god! my baby!

She ran to me and didn't let me say anything and take me in her arms. She cried I cried, and we both cried in each other's arms. Ahlam came running to the door.

Ahlam: o girl.....

She came to me and hugged me and all the other family came to me and hugged me. They were all waiting at my house because they know that I was coming today but don't know when is my flight. I want to give them a surprise.

After 3 weeks, Ahlam told me all my college and other friends wants to meet me. So today I am gonna meet them.

Maxx: so Farah where are you going?

Farah: to meet my all friends. It's some kind of get-together.

Maxx: OK. It's a good thing. Have you told  Boss about the meeting?

Farah: yeah Maxx, I have told him.

Maxx: OK then it's good.

I reached the meeting place. It was a good picnic spot, all my friends were there sitting at the big dining table held at the corner with a beautiful mountain view at back. As I was about to move toward them, I saw a person whom I never want to see again in my life, that is Sahil Shah. What is he doing here? Does Ahlam know about it and still she didn't tell me about it? Maxx saw my tense face.

Maxx: Farah are you alright?

I need to calm down otherwise murder will happen.

Farah: yeah yeah it's just meeting them after a long time.

Maxx: oh! OK. Go ahead and meet them I will stay here. I don't want to intrude. Enjoy your time with them.

Farah: thankyou.

I was in relief I know if he stay with me, he will see my uneasiness and God knows what will happen then.

Farah: hi guys.

Everyone greeted me and at last Sahil said softly.

Sahil: hi Farah how are you?

There is some kind of love in his eyes, but it doesn't affect me now. I hated him but I don't want to create a scene so I said normally.

Farah: hi.

Soon we all talked and one of my Friend  Alia khan said curiously.

Alia: who is that hotty with you?

I smiled at her.

Farah: Shahid's head security and you can say, my bodyguard.

Ahlam: Bodyguard?

Farah: Well, when are you wife of the greatest Mafia and queen of the gang, security is important.

Alia: Yeah. Don't you get afraid of guns and gang?

Farah: well yeah at first I was but then I realized it's my fate so I am not afraid anymore. Besides Shahid loves me.

Sahil: yeah right.. Loves you?

I rolled my eyes, what is it with him by the way. I ignored his comment.

Sahil: why don't you go to the police now you are free, you can contact them.....

I get angry now I didn't let him finish his sentence.

Farah: why should I?

Sahil: what do you mean?

Farah: I said why should I? I love him.

Sahil rolled his eyes and said mockingly.

Sahil: love him? Yeah right.

Before we could start the cold war, Maxx came to me and said seriously.

Maxx: something wrong?

I become tense. Shitt! If he knew there will be murder.

Farah: no no Maxx it's just we were discussing something.

Maxx: but I don't think it was just discussion.

Maxx rolled his eyes towards me and then Sahil.

Farah: really Maxx!

Maxx: OK. By the way, I came here to tell you that I have a surprise for you.

I looked at him confused. What is it with surprise?

Farah: really what?

Maxx put a hand on my shoulder and make me stand. I become really confused now. Before I could say he made me turn and there was him standing with the rest of my family.

God, I miss him, I had tears in my eyes and I ran towards him.