

Warning: Mature content. This story is about a girl named Farah Fareen who belongs to a very conservative Muslim family in Pakistan but still, her parents want her to become a good doctor so they sent her to China to study M. B. B. S. Farah does not believe in love anymore because of her terrifying past which was once her dream to fall in love with her dream boy. On the other hand, Shahid Maqdoomi is America's one of the greatest Mafia Leader. He is very dangerous and the mafia is everything to him. There is no place for love in his life. The most important woman in his life is his mother. He had lots of one-night stands but he dismisses them in the morning except for his assistant Leena, but he has never fallen in love with her. Farah: where am I? The door opens as I wake up and I looked ahead but see nothing but a dark shadow. ???: you must be confused why are you here? He paused and I asked in a terrified state. Farah: yes? Before I could say anything he said. ???: I am Shahid Maqdoomi and before I say anything to you, check the screen. I freeze on the spot when I looked at the screen. Read all story about what happens to her next.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


Farah's pov:

It has been six months now... Everything is fine. I want to complete my internship because it was my parent's dream to become a good doctor. So after so much courage, I entered his office and there he was sitting near his desk doing his work... Looking handsome hunk..... Stop it Farah remember what are you going to do? He looked at me and a big smile appear on his face.

Shahid: baby what are you doing here? Come here.

I went to him and sit on his lap and he kissed me passionately.

Shahid: God I miss you.

I cares his face and try to be the subtitle. Farah com on get your courage.

Farah: shahid you know my parents want me to become a good doctor. I...

Shahid hmmed me and start kissing my Jaws. Farah Com on get straight to the point.

Farah: I want to complete my M. B. B. S.

Shahid stopped at my statement and looked at me.

Shahid: you want to complete your M. B. B. S.?

Farah: yes. Please baby it's my dream and mom dad's dream.

Shahid was silent for a minute.

Farah: Shahid?....

Shahid cut me before I can say anything.

Shahid: OK you want to complete your internship. You will complete it here in America. I will make arrangements for that.

Farah: but I took a break for 1 and half year. Will be it a problem...

He put his finger on my lips and start again kissing my Jaws.

Shahid: don't worry about that... It will be all arranged.

Farah: Really!

I become very excited and hugged him.

Farah: I love you.

He chuckled.

Shahid: I love you too.

1 year later...

I completed my internship and passed the exam and now I am a full doctor. I was on the call with my university friends on the zoom app.

Ahlam: congratulation girl!

Ahlo said excitedly.

I have been in touch with all my friends since the day shahid gave me a new phone. I have told shahid everything about my college friends and school friends but guess what he knows everything about me. It's crazy how he got all information about me but what was I expecting... Of course, he knows everything as he is a Mafia leader. All my friends soon accept my marriage. Except for Ayan obviously, he is still in love with me and always criticizes my marriage and Shahid but I always warned him. I am afraid if he doesn't change his attitude, shahid will kill him. I am not in any relationship or single anymore... I am bloody married now and not only married but the wife of the greatest Mafia leader of America. I always talk to my college friends and especially when Ayan is in on group calls separately in my room when no one is around, particular my family because they are overprotective towards me, even Bella and Maria as well. They will cut Ayan's balls for criticizing my husband and his flirtatious behavior.

Ayan: congratulation sweetheart. Finally, your kidnapper did something good.

Ahlam: that's it Ayan. Stop it. You are not going to speak anything bad about my brother-in-law and stop flirting with my Faro( Ahlam calls me as a nickname).

Ahlam said annoyed.

Ayan: Whatever!

Ayan said more annoyed.

Ahlam: forget about it, Farah. Tell me when you are going to meet us. I mean when are going to come to Pakistan? Both uncle and aunt and Fahad miss you a lot.

Farah: I don't know? I have not asked Shahid yet. I am afraid he will not let me go too far from him.

Ahlam: oh Com on Farah. You never expected that he will let you become a doctor but he accepted. You know what you have to do to make him agree.

Ahlo winked at me. I chuckled. I saw anger raising in Ayan. But I don't care.

Farah: I will.

We were all sitting in the living room. I took off today to spend time with my family.

Abrar: finally I could talk to my lovely doctor sister.

I chuckled at his comment. He always make me happy from the day 1st I saw him.

Arsalan: hey, I have a suggestion for you. Why don't you join the gang? I mean the hospital arranged for the gang, you know because of the police.

Shahid put me in his lap and said softly.

Shahid: yes baby. I was also going to ask you that. It will be more secure for you than the local hospital. But still, it's your choice. I don't want to impose things on you.

I smiled at him, even though he is a leader still he never imposed anything on me. He loves me wholly. He always treats me with care and respect. I love him. I sometimes don't listen to him still he didn't shout at me. I know how difficult is for him as the leader to listen no sometime.

Farah: actually baby I love to join the gang but before that I want.....

What if he didn't agree. What if he got angry...

Shahid: What is it, baby? You know you can say anything to me.

Farah: I want to meet my family.

Shahid becomes tense, and he becomes silent. I cares his face and said softly.

Farah: just a few days... My family really misses me. They want to know that I am happy and see me with their own eyes. And you can also come with me. It's not like I will run away or anyone can take me from you.

Before I say further, he said.

Shahid: no bloody he'll can take you away from me. I am not afraid of anyone. Ok, you can meet your family but Maxx will go with you and my few men for your protection. Don't worry it's not that I don't trust you. It's just for your protection as you are the queen of Black Panthers.

Farah: thank you, baby... I love you..... But baby why Maxx? I mean if he will come with me then what about our villa. Who will protect it? And why are you not coming with me?

Shahid smiled at me.

Shahid: don't worry baby. I have lots of people. I don't need Maxx and more important is your protection for me. That's why I want to protect you at any cost. And for not accompanying you. It's just I will not feel comfortable with your parents. I know you told me they accepted me but still, it's just I kidnapped their daughter and threaten them. Please, baby.

Farah: I love you... Ok, I understand.

I called immediately my parents and my Ahlo... They were very happy. I was going for 1 month.