
The little Things...

Sometimes it is the little things that move or motivate us to make the steps we ultimately take. It could be the low moan of the lonely cricket outside the building at work when you are doing the lock check that triggers a train of thought or it could be a fly.

The fly stood there purched on the trashcan staring transfixed while wiping it's legs. The shiny exterior of the fly shone a bright bottleneck green in contrast to it's bright cherry red eyes. It continues to wiggle itself over the lip of the neutral colored trashcan. What if in life we are like flies just waiting for the opportunite moment to discover a tasty snack or to rest after a travel along the by roads? Perhaps that is what it means to live...to be able to enjoy life in the little things. And if the fly weren't careful, then there later would be a risk of being caught in a spiderweb. If the fly were to be observant, then it would be capable of avoiding the danger of the web and fly a long distance and enjoy the delicacies of life.